I remember when America was normal.

I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
You cannot only blame progressives. The right wing has plenty of bigotry to go around;

promotion of the general welfare,

not so much.
But it took a leftist Democrat, FDR to actually lock up American citizens based solely on their race. Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party and it's largely leftists democrats today who refuse to let racism die.
Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party

SOUTHERN Democrats. They are long gone. They're REPUBLICANS now
You have no proof of that. If so then link it/prove it.
How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
3 links, 0 universities banning white people from anything.

Meanwhile, would you type that a black person's life matters?

Dumb lying cvnt. I documented campuses with "No whites allowed zones."

How's that lunch counter, Klan boi?
Why does it make sense to you that a "safe space" for nonwhites to relax and be themselves would include whites?

What do you think would happen if a group was created exclusively for white students?
I suppose that's a fair question, but my question to you is, why do you care? If they want a safe space, let 'em have it. I don't know why it's any skin off anyone else's nose.

You didn't answer the question. So I'll tell you what I think would happen if a "whites only" group formed on campus (or anywhere else for that matter).

It would be condemned as racist. It would generate lots of negative publicity and attract angry activists who would force it to be disbanded. The people involved would have their reputations dragged through the mud. Livelyhoods ruined, future career prospects destroyed.

When you ask me why I care, well it's because if we don't take a stand now, it's only going to get worse. Groups and trends that just happen to attract a mostly white audience will be subject to the same scrutiny (that's already happening) and as racial demographics in the US continue to change, white people who are the only group that it's socially acceptable to discriminate against will become more and more isolated. It's demeaning and dangerous and your grandchildren will have to shoulder the burden of your cowardice.
Poor employers should struggle. It's called capitalism. If they can't find good workers they are doing something wrong. Basic economics.

See, here's where I'm coming from: poor employees should struggle too, and by that I mean those who don't work hard and don't try much to advance themselves. From what I read, there are a lot of jobs out there going begging cuz too few people have the necessary skills and training to fill them. I.E., truck drivers, Ray from Cleveland is always talking about that. Yes, we have poor employers who are not very good at running a business or managing people, but mostly they wash out (fail) eventually. As it should be.
Wait...you're saying that if you're not rich...you're stupid and lazy?

Are we doing THAT again?
The most attractive jobs attract the best workers. The less attractive ones will struggle to find people as it should be. Unless employers pay more there will be jobs people don't want to do. Can't blame em for that.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress



A time before your every action was tracked, followed and investigated by the internet, your phone, your TV, cameras on buildings, roads, bridges, black boxes in your car and a folder on you by your employer (lest they not even hire you).

You remember a time when taking off on your bike and going to explore the neighborhood and woods for the day having fun was normal and NOT a form of child abuse punishable by having your kids taken away from you!

You remember a time :
  • BEFORE progressivism.
  • BEFORE radical socialism took over the DNC.
  • BEFORE when it was actually patriotic to wonder if there were subversives in your government.
  • BEFORE being a deviant sexual pervert was not only considered normal, but dramatized as popular and casual on TV and movies.
  • BEFORE it was wrong to play cops and robbers and go BANG BANG with your finger (now it can get you kicked out of school).
  • BEFORE the institutionalized abuse of our children's minds and lives was called a "public education."
  • BEFORE being a hairy man drinking a cold beer and winking at a cute girl in a tight skirt could get a "sex assault" charge thrown at you.
  • BEFORE men wore pink ribbons and bows to show support for breast cancer awareness month.
  • BEFORE it was considered acceptable to twist your kid's brain with subversive ideas or even have him arrested for any innocent reason by your school and NOT EVEN NOTIFY THE PARENTS.
  • BEFORE our politicians became freaks and weirdos with foreign accents presenting bills favoring alien "rights" over American taxpayers.
Yes, you remember that beautiful world before progressives took it over and claimed they were "progress" simply because they called it so.
Nothing wrong with supporting breast cancer research....my daughter had a scare...as a white heterosexual married man I proudly wear the ribbons and support the cause.
Nothing more ridiculous than rightists whining about how "terrible" everything is "these days."

They long for an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with, a past far from ideal for women, black Americans, and other minority communities.
The most attractive jobs attract the best workers. The less attractive ones will struggle to find people as it should be. Unless employers pay more there will be jobs people don't want to do. Can't blame em for that.
Doesn't that sound SOOOO fucking clever and smart?

Too bad it's bullshit pablum.

Education is what makes workers "attractive" for good jobs...and lots of CONNECTIONS

But there are lots of NECESSARY jobs that people like you don't want to pay a decent wage for.

For instance a welder is a highly skilled trade.

But I'll bet you think welders are dumbasses that should have gone to college and aren't worth more than $40-$50K a year...right?
Nothing more ridiculous than rightists whining about how "terrible" everything is "these days."

They long for an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with, a past far from ideal for women, black Americans, and other minority communities.

Yeah haven’t those damn righties learned their lesson...take it up the ass with a smile...OR ELSE!
Isn’t that right?
They did that at my son's high school in 2016. Not sure where you live, but you should not project what happens in your little circle to what happens in the rest of the country

In my daughter's (7th grade) AAU hoops league, boys who identified as girls were allowed to play against biological girls. Thanks Leftists for bringing your insanity to youth sports.
Were you a little bitch about it?

in Azog's defense, that shit should not be going on. Sports teams should be based on the plumbing, not what someone feels like that day.

have you seen many stories about girls who think they are boys getting to play in boys leagues?
There was a girl on my little league and travel teams until High School. And she could have kept going had she wanted to. Ask me how often I or my parents were assholes about it.

did she think she was a boy or was she just a very talented girl?
She knew she was a boy
Boys who identify as girls in your daughter's AAU league. Are you dense?

does it matter?

Yes. I believe that he is lying, for starters. I wanted to see if he'd keep lying.

Now, since you piped in, I'll go against my better judgement and engage you on what you've said here.
These young people are not simply "deciding that they want to be girls today". Nor are they trying to game the system
so they can play a sport with girls because they aren't good enough to play with boys.

Try...if you can....to have empathy. Imagine that your son is an athlete and he has come to you and told
you that he is transgendered and wants to live his life as a female. Consider how she would get treated in a boys locker room.
Consider how she would feel knowing that she was unable to be who she is. That is what we are talking about.

You are, likely purposefully, taking an ignorant and short-sighted approach to the issue. I believe that you do so because
it beefs up your "I'm an independent" online persona using an issue that doesn't personally affect you. I believe that you are
intelligent enough to work through this issue with more thought and less stupid.

This is a complicated issue that has no simple solution. Each organization will go through the process of deciding how
transgendered people will be treated within the law and with an eye toward fairness and sportsmanship.

youth sports are not the place for social engineering. My solution is simple and fair to everyone as everyone has the same rules.

Of course. Simple. Simple is always the best approach to complicated issues. Build the wall!!!!!

There is a place and time for complicated issues to be dealt with, youth sports is not that place.

Yes. My daughter asked what she should do and I said “just play “
There's plenty of blue collar hard workers to pull from. Most kids don't dream of blue collar work. They think about getting a nice house, nice car, and travelling and enjoying life. Can't fault them for this. Their duty is to take care of themselves...what else do you want from them?
I just posted this in another thread.

“Myself and many business owners I am aquatinted with are struggling to find quality employees. We have been running employment ads non-stop for months, we turn people over (terminate) at a rate I’ve never seen before. I get it, in a tight employment environment we’re gonna have to expect some of that but this has been off the charts sort of numbers.
My HR people are telling me that those we’re interviewing with undergrad degrees struggle with our first level, relatively basic, reading, writing, comprehension and communication tests. I’m thinking we may have reached the bottom of the barrel, this is exactly the sort of thing that will flush thriving companies from Mexifornia...we will have no choice as the potential for quality hires just isn’t there.”

Come on, man. Who do you think you're fooling?
does it matter?

Yes. I believe that he is lying, for starters. I wanted to see if he'd keep lying.

Now, since you piped in, I'll go against my better judgement and engage you on what you've said here.
These young people are not simply "deciding that they want to be girls today". Nor are they trying to game the system
so they can play a sport with girls because they aren't good enough to play with boys.

Try...if you can....to have empathy. Imagine that your son is an athlete and he has come to you and told
you that he is transgendered and wants to live his life as a female. Consider how she would get treated in a boys locker room.
Consider how she would feel knowing that she was unable to be who she is. That is what we are talking about.

You are, likely purposefully, taking an ignorant and short-sighted approach to the issue. I believe that you do so because
it beefs up your "I'm an independent" online persona using an issue that doesn't personally affect you. I believe that you are
intelligent enough to work through this issue with more thought and less stupid.

This is a complicated issue that has no simple solution. Each organization will go through the process of deciding how
transgendered people will be treated within the law and with an eye toward fairness and sportsmanship.

youth sports are not the place for social engineering. My solution is simple and fair to everyone as everyone has the same rules.

Of course. Simple. Simple is always the best approach to complicated issues. Build the wall!!!!!

There is a place and time for complicated issues to be dealt with, youth sports is not that place.

Yes. My daughter asked what she should do and I said “just play “

And she survived?
Welders should make more than 50 grand. That isn't all that much in today's America. No criticism of welders here.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
You cannot only blame progressives. The right wing has plenty of bigotry to go around;

promotion of the general welfare,

not so much.
But it took a leftist Democrat, FDR to actually lock up American citizens based solely on their race. Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party and it's largely leftists democrats today who refuse to let racism die.
Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party

SOUTHERN Democrats. They are long gone. They're REPUBLICANS now
You have no proof of that. If so then link it/prove it.
How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
The party of Lincoln won over the once democratic south in what way ? Did the party of Lincoln turn into the southern democratic party or did it show the south it's wrong during reconstruction or after the war ended ??? Otherwise what's your point ?
There's plenty of blue collar hard workers to pull from. Most kids don't dream of blue collar work. They think about getting a nice house, nice car, and travelling and enjoying life. Can't fault them for this. Their duty is to take care of themselves...what else do you want from them?
I just posted this in another thread.

“Myself and many business owners I am aquatinted with are struggling to find quality employees. We have been running employment ads non-stop for months, we turn people over (terminate) at a rate I’ve never seen before. I get it, in a tight employment environment we’re gonna have to expect some of that but this has been off the charts sort of numbers.
My HR people are telling me that those we’re interviewing with undergrad degrees struggle with our first level, relatively basic, reading, writing, comprehension and communication tests. I’m thinking we may have reached the bottom of the barrel, this is exactly the sort of thing that will flush thriving companies from Mexifornia...we will have no choice as the potential for quality hires just isn’t there.”

Come on, man. Who do you think you're fooling?

Which part doesn’t seem plausible to you?
3 links, 0 universities banning white people from anything.

Meanwhile, would you type that a black person's life matters?

Dumb lying cvnt. I documented campuses with "No whites allowed zones."

How's that lunch counter, Klan boi?
Why does it make sense to you that a "safe space" for nonwhites to relax and be themselves would include whites?

What do you think would happen if a group was created exclusively for white students?
I suppose that's a fair question, but my question to you is, why do you care? If they want a safe space, let 'em have it. I don't know why it's any skin off anyone else's nose.

You didn't answer the question. So I'll tell you what I think would happen if a "whites only" group formed on campus (or anywhere else for that matter).

It would be condemned as racist. It would generate lots of negative publicity and attract angry activists who would force it to be disbanded. The people involved would have their reputations dragged through the mud. Livelyhoods ruined, future career prospects destroyed.

When you ask me why I care, well it's because if we don't take a stand now, it's only going to get worse. Groups and trends that just happen to attract a mostly white audience will be subject to the same scrutiny (that's already happening) and as racial demographics in the US continue to change, white people who are the only group that it's socially acceptable to discriminate against will become more and more isolated. It's demeaning and dangerous and your grandchildren will have to shoulder the burden of your cowardice.
Have to agree with you here. Never did understand why it is exceptable for blacks to have these black only this and black only that, but the whites best not ever think of doing such a thing. The hypocrisy is unbelievable, and the acceptance of it all is even more amazing.
There's plenty of blue collar hard workers to pull from. Most kids don't dream of blue collar work. They think about getting a nice house, nice car, and travelling and enjoying life. Can't fault them for this. Their duty is to take care of themselves...what else do you want from them?
I just posted this in another thread.

“Myself and many business owners I am aquatinted with are struggling to find quality employees. We have been running employment ads non-stop for months, we turn people over (terminate) at a rate I’ve never seen before. I get it, in a tight employment environment we’re gonna have to expect some of that but this has been off the charts sort of numbers.
My HR people are telling me that those we’re interviewing with undergrad degrees struggle with our first level, relatively basic, reading, writing, comprehension and communication tests. I’m thinking we may have reached the bottom of the barrel, this is exactly the sort of thing that will flush thriving companies from Mexifornia...we will have no choice as the potential for quality hires just isn’t there.”

Come on, man. Who do you think you're fooling?

Which part doesn’t seem plausible to you?

That anyone would consult you on matters regarding HR or that you are the owner of a business that requires an HR department. You're a proud white supremacist. There is no way that you can contain that kind of hatred in the workplace.

My experience is that extreme bigots like you don't do well in the workplace. And while there are exceptions, most of you freaks are unable to function in corporate environments.
Back when I was in school we used to play kiss chase with girls. We used to make paper guns (with matching paper holsters) and keep them with us during the school day to play war at recess (or shoot girls). We used to play football every afternoon after school and we drank out of an old water hose screwed to the side of someone's house. No bottled water. Fat kids were practically unheard of. Every kid played outside after school until dark.

We didn't wear helmets riding our bikes and we managed to live. We also settled our differences with our fists, not our guns. Computer games were relegated to "Oregon Trail" and "Wolfenstien." The Nintendo had just come out and only the richest kids had one, the rest of us just played outside or played our Ataris.

Every Friday night at 7pm my life would stop so I could sit down and watch Airwolf. Speaking of Airwolf. I just googled it and Jan Michael Vincent the lead character died back in February. He was my idol as a kid. I would even hold my paper pistol just like he did in the show. Most kids my age were following Michael Knight of Knight Rider, I was worshipping at the altar of Stringfellow Hawke.

I miss the good old days.
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