I remember when America was normal.

There's plenty of blue collar hard workers to pull from. Most kids don't dream of blue collar work. They think about getting a nice house, nice car, and travelling and enjoying life. Can't fault them for this. Their duty is to take care of themselves...what else do you want from them?
I just posted this in another thread.

“Myself and many business owners I am aquatinted with are struggling to find quality employees. We have been running employment ads non-stop for months, we turn people over (terminate) at a rate I’ve never seen before. I get it, in a tight employment environment we’re gonna have to expect some of that but this has been off the charts sort of numbers.
My HR people are telling me that those we’re interviewing with undergrad degrees struggle with our first level, relatively basic, reading, writing, comprehension and communication tests. I’m thinking we may have reached the bottom of the barrel, this is exactly the sort of thing that will flush thriving companies from Mexifornia...we will have no choice as the potential for quality hires just isn’t there.”

Come on, man. Who do you think you're fooling?

Which part doesn’t seem plausible to you?

That anyone would consult you on matters regarding HR or that you are the owner of a business that requires an HR department. You're a proud white supremacist. There is no way that you can contain that kind of hatred in the workplace.

My experience is that extreme bigots like you don't do well in the workplace. And while there are exceptions, most of you freaks are unable to function in corporate environments.

Haha....I’m not compelled to prove shit to you as I honestly can’t give two fucks about what some total wack-job in cyberspace thinks of me.
But let me scare the piss out of you real quick...there’s a silent new movement taking place here in Mexifornia...many of us bigot employers are refusing to hire anybody Brown. It’s kind of our way of taking a stand. Look for the unemployment rate among anchor babies to skyrocket here real soon. Fuck, most of us refuse to spend a cent in any type of business that employs a single beaner, I won’t even eat at a Taco Bell....War has been declared, you just don’t know it yet.

Awesome. You just proved that you are not a business owner. Well done.
Did you take the time to meet that transgendered person or discuss the matter with her coach?

Do you have any players or parents on your team who didn't mind the fact that a transgendered player was on the other team? Did you make any effort at all to approach the issue like a mature adult and a thoughtful coach?

#1) They are 12 year old girls...and boy

#2) You don't know AAU. Games happen fast and then you're off the court for the next game

#3) Define mature adult? As a coach, I just said to play.

#4) You seem to believe that my young girls should accept this strange occurrence. I am not their parent, it is not my place to state my views on such a complex topic

#5) Are you freaking kidding me with your questioning. You are really uniformed and frankly a terrible person.

Yep. Thought so. Too bad.

You lost the debate, old man. Coward you are.

Yeah. You're afraid to talk to your own players about important issues and I'm the coward. Perfect.

They are 12-year old girls. What time would I have to talk to them? I am not their parent. You're so freaking clueless. And a loser.

Time? A coach with any ability spends hours upon hours talking to and with players about things having to do with their sport and life in general. You are apparently only concerned with part of the job.

It's OK. They'll get better coaching someday.
Not the point. That team had an unfair advantage. By 7th grade most boys are superior when it comes to sports such. She was uncomfortable but dealt with it. Our point guard wanted nothing with it and was hesitant to come back into the game.

Oh no! Uncomfortable! We can't have that!

No we should not have that for 12-year old girls. Next...

Here is your problem, you think your perceptions should be accepted by others...not the case. There is a reason there is a "boys" and a "girls" team.

So simple. Great for simpletons.

I'll bet you used the fact that a transgendered player was on the other team to motivate your players. Someday, your girls will look back on that game fondly. Missed opportunity for you.


No they won't. They are 12 and thought it was weird. Trans people have a mental disorder. Makes sense why you identify with them. You also have no idea how AAU hoops works. This is the HIGHEST level of basketball. Expensive and highly serious. Throwing a boy into the mix was bullshit. You're an idiot.

I know how AAU works. I've coached at the HIGHEST level of youth baseball and softball. I know it well. You need to educate yourself.

Would you allow a gay player to join your team? How about a gay coach? You believe they have mental disorders as well, right?

Baseball and softball aren’t the same. Gay is fine because biological differences aren’t there it is just sexual preference. This is different and boys have a major advantage over girls when it comes to athletics. Your reasoning is flawed. And until five minutes ago experts called it a disorder. Google it. Leftist.
You cannot only blame progressives. The right wing has plenty of bigotry to go around;

promotion of the general welfare,

not so much.
But it took a leftist Democrat, FDR to actually lock up American citizens based solely on their race. Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party and it's largely leftists democrats today who refuse to let racism die.
Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party

SOUTHERN Democrats. They are long gone. They're REPUBLICANS now
You have no proof of that. If so then link it/prove it.
How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
The party of Lincoln won over the once democratic south in what way ? Did the party of Lincoln turn into the southern democratic party or did it show the south it's wrong during reconstruction or after the war ended ??? Otherwise what's your point ?
whats my point?
You asked for proof that southern democrats became republicans, so I provided the history.
What year was that? I started voting with Reagan after the horrible Carter years. But I remember how vicious they were with Nixon. Obama actually committed the crimes Nixon was ACCUSED of. Nixon was an illegitimate president (according to the tards). So was Reagan. So were the Bushs. And now it's Trumps turn.

The left has gotten much worse, but Republicans have never elected a legitimate president, according to the tards.
My first mock school election was in the mid 70's.
The entire school was engaged

They did that at my son's high school in 2016. Not sure where you live, but you should not project what happens in your little circle to what happens in the rest of the country

In my daughter's (7th grade) AAU hoops league, boys who identified as girls were allowed to play against biological girls. Thanks Leftists for bringing your insanity to youth sports.

And also destroying girls chances of success in sports. They can’t compete with boys. That’s why they had their own teams.
Last edited:
#1) They are 12 year old girls...and boy

#2) You don't know AAU. Games happen fast and then you're off the court for the next game

#3) Define mature adult? As a coach, I just said to play.

#4) You seem to believe that my young girls should accept this strange occurrence. I am not their parent, it is not my place to state my views on such a complex topic

#5) Are you freaking kidding me with your questioning. You are really uniformed and frankly a terrible person.

Yep. Thought so. Too bad.

You lost the debate, old man. Coward you are.

Yeah. You're afraid to talk to your own players about important issues and I'm the coward. Perfect.

They are 12-year old girls. What time would I have to talk to them? I am not their parent. You're so freaking clueless. And a loser.

Time? A coach with any ability spends hours upon hours talking to and with players about things having to do with their sport and life in general. You are apparently only concerned with part of the job.

It's OK. They'll get better coaching someday.

Not in AAU. We play 3-4 games back to back. We barely have time to discuss bathroom, drinks/food injuries. And again not my place to teach life lessons. I leave that to the parents. It is not a job as I volunteer and my train of thought is that those people have a mental disease.
I remember when kids were encouraged to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. I remember when municipalities weren't afraid to put a freaking Christmas tree up on municipal property.



Stalin is dead moron...he is not smiling any more.

He is in HELLLLLLL!!!!!
Same place alot of people are gonna be (right along with him), if they don't turn back to God.

LOL A lot is two words.
Oh no it's a spelling Nazi... Take it up with Google.
Oh no! Uncomfortable! We can't have that!

No we should not have that for 12-year old girls. Next...

Here is your problem, you think your perceptions should be accepted by others...not the case. There is a reason there is a "boys" and a "girls" team.

So simple. Great for simpletons.

I'll bet you used the fact that a transgendered player was on the other team to motivate your players. Someday, your girls will look back on that game fondly. Missed opportunity for you.


No they won't. They are 12 and thought it was weird. Trans people have a mental disorder. Makes sense why you identify with them. You also have no idea how AAU hoops works. This is the HIGHEST level of basketball. Expensive and highly serious. Throwing a boy into the mix was bullshit. You're an idiot.

I know how AAU works. I've coached at the HIGHEST level of youth baseball and softball. I know it well. You need to educate yourself.

Would you allow a gay player to join your team? How about a gay coach? You believe they have mental disorders as well, right?

Baseball and softball aren’t the same. Gay is fine because biological differences aren’t there it is just sexual preference. This is different and boys have a major advantage over girls when it comes to athletics. Your reasoning is flawed. And until five minutes ago experts called it a disorder. Google it. Leftist.

You won the game. You're extra awesome.
But it took a leftist Democrat, FDR to actually lock up American citizens based solely on their race. Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party and it's largely leftists democrats today who refuse to let racism die.
Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party

SOUTHERN Democrats. They are long gone. They're REPUBLICANS now
You have no proof of that. If so then link it/prove it.
How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
The party of Lincoln won over the once democratic south in what way ? Did the party of Lincoln turn into the southern democratic party or did it show the south it's wrong during reconstruction or after the war ended ??? Otherwise what's your point ?
whats my point?
You asked for proof that southern democrats became republicans, so I provided the history.
You provided no such proof. Prove Southern Demon-crats became republicans, and remain as these alledged racist ??
Yep. Thought so. Too bad.

You lost the debate, old man. Coward you are.

Yeah. You're afraid to talk to your own players about important issues and I'm the coward. Perfect.

They are 12-year old girls. What time would I have to talk to them? I am not their parent. You're so freaking clueless. And a loser.

Time? A coach with any ability spends hours upon hours talking to and with players about things having to do with their sport and life in general. You are apparently only concerned with part of the job.

It's OK. They'll get better coaching someday.

Not in AAU. We play 3-4 games back to back. We barely have time to discuss bathroom, drinks/food injuries. And again not my place to teach life lessons. I leave that to the parents. It is not a job as I volunteer and my train of thought is that those people have a mental disease.

And you have zero empathy for those horribly ill children who are just trying to fit in and get by. You're a winner!
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
The very definition of a progressive is the lowering of standards and morals... Situational morality
Only to white male christian supremacists.
Lest we forget Jim Crow and the KKK were also contributions of the democratic party

SOUTHERN Democrats. They are long gone. They're REPUBLICANS now
You have no proof of that. If so then link it/prove it.
How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
The party of Lincoln won over the once democratic south in what way ? Did the party of Lincoln turn into the southern democratic party or did it show the south it's wrong during reconstruction or after the war ended ??? Otherwise what's your point ?
whats my point?
You asked for proof that southern democrats became republicans, so I provided the history.
You provided no such proof. Prove Southern Demon-crats became republicans, and remain as these alledged racist ??
Yes, here it is; How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South

Dont you remember civil rights act of '64, followed by Lee Atwater's southern strategy? I'm not going to regurgitate what the history channel has already covered.
I remember when calling in an order for food way back when, you talked to people that had some sense it seemed (pride in their job or work). Sadly that's not always the case anymore.

Hiring anybody (everyone gets a trophy), into these jobs today is really proving to be a huge disservice to the American public at large.

Tried to call in a take out food order, and was put on hold for 23 minutes, and so I hung up and called back, and was put on hold again and again. Finally after the 4th call I got the person to answer as they were saying hold on again. He said well sir we have to take care of the inside customers first. I said to him "how long do you expect me to stay on hold ? No comment, just crickets. I said well don't worry about it I'm outta here. So I asked the wife to call from her phone (the number ID being different), and the same thing occurred again.

This is a major corporate owned fast food chain making billions, but they are hiring low standard employees to deal with the customers or are under staffed at the location ??? Anyone getting tired of the bullcrap ??? I mean we are making or breaking these companies either with or without our participation, yet they treat us like a bunch of idiots ?? Nothing normal about that bullcrap, and it shouldn't be an accepted thing so much now or anymore.

Spent my $50.00 dollars elsewhere.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
Remember everyone dying in Vietnam for no reason, kids hiding under desks in air raid drills, crack and laws about it destroying cities, people still at each other’s throats over politics. Racism was still frowned on back then, that’s a plus.

There is FAR more racism now than any other time in my life. The 60's weren't even close.

And it's STILL you democrat piles of shit promoting and engaging in racism.
Yes all that racism against the poor minority discriminated against whites, right, brainwashed functional moron? Obviously the problem is you have your own planet of garbage propaganda, the worst in our history by far...

Everything is about race now. Race is the #1 factor in all decisions for the left. What movies to watch or should get awards, what music to listen to, what politicians to vote for. EVERYTHING depends on race. You judge every person on skin color. You judge every act by the race of who engaged in the act.

Racism is THE dominant culture in America.
You are brainwashed and Clueless, super duper. The left is all about tolerance for everyone, maybe some help for the poor blacks who are discriminated against mainly by actual racist Republicans. Or whatever the poor brainwashed fools call themselves... Libertarian constitutionalists etc etc
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress

And I remember back when men were not such whiny bitches.
Me too

Obama spying on the whole country was just a continuation of the policy from the previous admin and it has not stopped with the new admin. That is why the FISA court got 'renewed" by the current POTUS


Fucking Marxist moron.

Of course you're lying, as your commie ass always does.

NSA's Internet spying powers expanded under Obama

As I said, Obama continued on what Bush II did and Trump is now doing it. You can pretend your chosen party would never do that, I am sure it helps you sleep at night

No you lying Marxist pile of shit, Obama took a minor program and expanded it a thousand fold.

That's what Snowden revealed, you commie scumbag.
I would like a link to anything that says that. I believe respected media said he limited it in some ways and expanded it as new ways were invented 2 record stuff LOL. You right wing dupe conspiracy nutjobs are now doubting our law enforcement also now? You people are seriously dangerous to our great country.
The party of Lincoln won over the once democratic south in what way ? Did the party of Lincoln turn into the southern democratic party or did it show the south it's wrong during reconstruction or after the war ended ??? Otherwise what's your point ?
whats my point?
You asked for proof that southern democrats became republicans, so I provided the history.
You provided no such proof. Prove Southern Demon-crats became republicans, and remain as these alledged racist ??
Yes, here it is; How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South

Dont you remember civil rights act of '64, followed by Lee Atwater's southern strategy? I'm not going to regurgitate what the history channel has already covered.
Still no proof that the republicans are now the old Demon-crat racist from the past.

If in your mind you think that they are, then why on earth would they have moved into that category over time ??
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress

And I remember back when men were not such whiny bitches.
Me too

Do you remember back when you weren’t a whiny bitch?

Me neither.

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