I said it before, now let me repeat more clearly...

I doubt he even served...

So far this whacko has told us he has fought in every war, in every service, is a politician, is a college professor, and ordained minister, worked for the VA and is a certified spokesman for veterans. I am sure there are many other fields of endeavor this nutjob would like you to believe he excels at ... just ask him.

He is in reality a troll, a liar, and terrorist sympathiser. I doubt seriously that he is even a US citizen.

I doubt he even served...

So far this whacko has told us he has fought in every war, in every service, is a politician, is a college professor, and ordained minister, worked for the VA and is a certified spokesman for veterans. I am sure there are many other fields of endeavor this nutjob would like you to believe he excels at ... just ask him.

He is in reality a troll, a liar, and terrorist sympathiser. I doubt seriously that he is even a US citizen.

And he confesses that he is a drunk half the time as well. Pretty impressive for a practicing alcoholic.
Your accusation is base and meaningless. There is no dispute about the need to quash terrorism. The disagreement arises with the methods. And the only ones putting American lives in danger are the Bush Administration and the GOP controlled Congress with their refusal to come to grips with reality in Iraq, Afghanistan and the world in general.

As for getting angry at me, that's fine. The truth of what this Administration has done, and is doing, to this country should get people upset. But I'm the wrong target for that anger.

I haven't heard one credible strategy from a Democrat/liberal on what they would do to fight terror.
I haven't heard one credible strategy from a Democrat/liberal on what they would do to fight terror.

Their strategy is to cut and run from Iraq, created a void for terrorists to quickly fill. And to give all terrorsists caught every Constitutional right of American citizens. To appease Islamists by passing pro-Islam / anti-Christian laws such as is done in Europe already.

Of course you'll never actually "hear" this from Dems, because they know they'll never get elected if they actually told people what they really intend on doing. They'll just use their feel-good blanket statements like "redeploy our forces", "treat detainees fairly", and to be "more understanding of other cultures."
Well, I see that Psycho managed to sober up enough to post agian. The guy would not know a REAL vet if one just happened to walk up and kick his ass.

Probably something he contemplates with great fear as he cringes in his corner at home, striking out with his usual hatred, nonsense and unsupported claims against his betters.
I haven't heard one credible strategy from a Democrat/liberal on what they would do to fight terror.

well, first they will tear down the fence on the southern border we will be building

then they will rescind the patriot act

they will close guantanamo bay and let those terrorists out, since we all know they are now reformed.

they will shut down the NSA spying program

THey will make a schedule, fully public, on our exit from Iraq

They will raise taxes and make same gender marriage legal
Originally Posted by RyzinEnagy
I haven't heard one credible strategy from a Democrat/liberal on what they would do to fight terror.

LuvRPgrl respones:

well, first they will tear down the fence on the southern border we will be building

then they will rescind the patriot act

they will close guantanamo bay and let those terrorists out, since we all know they are now reformed.

they will shut down the NSA spying program

THey will make a schedule, fully public, on our exit from Iraq

They will raise taxes and make same gender marriage legal

Seems the "natural" response of the modern democratic party. Are you saying there is something wrong with that response?:smoke:
I bet after we started fighting BACK against Germany, in WW2, the number of THEIR forces increased, too. ;)

Why do you people persist in equating WW II with Chimpy and Co's "war on terror"? There is no equivalency between the two. Different eras...Different threats...Any attempts to draw any sort of equivalence is nothing more than pissing in the wind.
Why do you people persist in equating WW II with Chimpy and Co's "war on terror"? There is no equivalency between the two. Different eras...Different threats...Any attempts to draw any sort of equivalence is nothing more than pissing in the wind.

Well yeah, if you leave out the attempted world-wide fascist rule, you might be correct.:cuckoo:
But don't call my president Chimpy.

Thank you.

You are fighting a losing battle here. He doesn't care for or respect the office. I haven't seen one thing that he doesn't degrade or make fun of. He is an equal oppurtunity asshole.
Why do you people persist in equating WW II with Chimpy and Co's "war on terror"? There is no equivalency between the two. Different eras...Different threats...Any attempts to draw any sort of equivalence is nothing more than pissing in the wind.

Fuck off,,, you stupid twat.
Why do you people persist in equating WW II with Chimpy and Co's "war on terror"? There is no equivalency between the two. Different eras...Different threats...Any attempts to draw any sort of equivalence is nothing more than pissing in the wind.

good question..........Why do you people persist in equating the vietnam war with President Bush's "war on terror"? There is no equivalency between the two. Different eras...Different threats...Any attempts to draw any sort of equivalence is nothing more than pissing in the wind.
<blockquote>The war in Iraq has become the primary recruitment vehicle for violent Islamic extremists, motivating a new generation of potential terrorists around the world whose numbers are increasing faster than the United States and its allies are eliminating the threat, U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded. - <a href=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14975242/>MSNBC</a></blockquote>

This assessment of the war in Iraq has come from several other sources and other times. Sources such as <a href=http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,,1391072,00.html>The Guardian</a>, <a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A7460-2005Jan13.html>The Washington Post</a>, and others. And I have repeatedly made that assertion here, much to the derision of the "Friends O' Chimpy".

And that assertion has now been borne out by a national intelligence estimate. Because of the war in Iraq, the Bush administration is creating enemies faster than they can be killed. And it runs contrary to Chimpy and Co's assertions to the contrary. If nothing else which has come out in the last two months...From the Senate Intelligence Committee's Phase II report, to the open dissent of US military officers, retired and active, to Colin Powell's indictment of the Administrion for its insistence on ignoring the Geneva Conventions...This should highlight the Bush Administrations, and its supporters, isolation from reality.

Chimpy stated that , "We're on the offense against the terrorists on every battlefront...", but just where are those battlefronts? Given the decentralization of these islamic extremist groups, conventional military forces are esentially useless. When the enemy is simply a face in the crowd until they pull the trigger or detonate themselves, it can't be known. And this is why the role of law enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world must be brought to the forefront.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a strategic error of monumental proportions with regards to combating terrorism. The Bush administration had an unprecedented opportunity after the Taliban and Al Qaeda were driven from Afghanistan to make genuine inroads, with the support and backing of the whole world, on terrorists organizations and networks as well as rooting out the causes of terrorism. Instead, they began a war of choice against a nation which posed no treat to either its neighbors, the US or our allies. The end result is a diffuse, radicalized extremist movement which is a threat to us all.


You are speaking here with people who have conviction enough, and backbone enough to know when war is required. You are a coward and you hate america; your true feelings betrayed by your words. You despise this country enough to see it buckled and defeated by its foe. Your idiocy just chills me.


Actually I'm here to respond to what you view as unpatriotic or 'cowardly'.. how is war required when there were no weapons of mass destruction? It takes more guts to understand and sympathize with people who are different.. How are we 'defeated' by going to war in a country like North Korea for example. I mean there are things I totally disagree with in some countries but we are American-centric. how many of us are concerned that 50, 000 Iraqis died? We're only concerned about our own fraction of the casualties. If you are Iraqi wouldn't that outrage you? To me America is about innovation, creativity and righteousness, not about using force to spread our values.
Why do you people persist in equating WW II with Chimpy and Co's "war on terror"? There is no equivalency between the two. Different eras...Different threats...Any attempts to draw any sort of equivalence is nothing more than pissing in the wind.

yet the comparisons to Vietnam have been made to the Iraq theater in the WOT before we ever put a boot on the ground. Interesting.

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