I said it before, now let me repeat more clearly...

No, it's not. As with any other religion, it is the irrational extremes that pose a threat to civilized society.

I tend to agree but would add that the NUMBER of extremists makes a big difference. I guess the question then becomes how many followers have to be extremists before the entire religion is considered fantacal (irrational?). I also think that fanatacism is the true culprit, regardless if said fanaticism is connected to religion or not.
If I'm getting on people's nerves, then I'm on the right track. If you aren't outraged by what this administraion has done, and is doing, then you haven't been paying attention.

Bully, you dont seem to get it. You arent getting people outraged at the administration. You are getting people outraged at yourself with your bs propganda that is putting American lives in danger everyday.
Bully, you dont seem to get it. You arent getting people outraged at the administration. You are getting people outraged at yourself with your bs propganda that is putting American lives in danger everyday.

Your accusation is base and meaningless. There is no dispute about the need to quash terrorism. The disagreement arises with the methods. And the only ones putting American lives in danger are the Bush Administration and the GOP controlled Congress with their refusal to come to grips with reality in Iraq, Afghanistan and the world in general.

As for getting angry at me, that's fine. The truth of what this Administration has done, and is doing, to this country should get people upset. But I'm the wrong target for that anger.
Your accusation is base and meaningless. There is no dispute about the need to quash terrorism. The disagreement arises with the methods. And the only ones putting American lives in danger are the Bush Administration and the GOP controlled Congress with their refusal to come to grips with reality in Iraq, Afghanistan and the world in general.

As for getting angry at me, that's fine. The truth of what this Administration has done, and is doing, to this country should get people upset. But I'm the wrong target for that anger.

Excuse me, "come to grips with reality", that's been the problem with the Democratic party from day one.

The public policy of the Democratic party has for decades failed to address reality.

Truly, the people MOST responsible for "putting American lives in danger" are those that are whining the longest, and the loudest, the DEMOCRATS.

They have given more comfort, and aid to our enemy(the terrorist, for those, that have just crawled out from under a rock)than any other factor the current administration is facing today.

As for "people getting upset", you ain't seen UPSET yet.

Just wait until the "people" learn what the Dem's have been doing, and HOW its damaged this countries national security, and its ability to safe guard its citizens.

Those that have tried, and continue to divide this great nation WILL feel the wrath of the "silent majority". Keep speaking half-truths, spinning facts, and twisting events, and that majority will sweep all the guilty from positions of authority, and leadership.

Its not a matter of IF, its a matter of WHEN.:bat:
So he's your President. He is also, unfortunately, mine as well. And...well...he DOES look like a chimpanzee. Or would you prefer I called him "Howdy-Doody", since the resemblance between the two is striking. That, of course, begs the question of just who is filling the roles of Buffalo Bob and Clarabell the Clown.

I was thinking more along the lines of Alfred E Newman!
Your accusation is base and meaningless. There is no dispute about the need to quash terrorism. The disagreement arises with the methods. And the only ones putting American lives in danger are the Bush Administration and the GOP controlled Congress with their refusal to come to grips with reality in Iraq, Afghanistan and the world in general.

As for getting angry at me, that's fine. The truth of what this Administration has done, and is doing, to this country should get people upset. But I'm the wrong target for that anger.

Wow. Nice try. :smoke:

Reality check: the anger is directed at you because you earn it with your continuous insults and/or inflammatory rhetoric. Now you want to misinterpret and redirect anger directed at you and put where you WISH it was. No 3-years-old could see through THAT. :lame2:
If I'm getting on people's nerves, then I'm on the right track. If you aren't outraged by what this administraion has done, and is doing, then you haven't been paying attention.

Oh, we've been paying attention allright. Its just that we dont start out with a maniacal frenzied raging agenda, and use that to determine if the administration is doing well or not.

Yea, I should be outraged:
home ownership, all time high
black home ownership, all time high
dow is about ready to hit its highest ever mark
5 years straight of strong economy
no terror attacks on us in 5 years (could clinton say that?)
I recd a $1600 tax break last year,,,,

yea, I should be real pissed, oh yea that right, cuz the president had the cia listening in when I told my wife our laundry list on the phone.
Your accusation is base and meaningless. There is no dispute about the need to quash terrorism. The disagreement arises with the methods. And the only ones putting American lives in danger are the Bush Administration and the GOP controlled Congress with their refusal to come to grips with reality in Iraq, Afghanistan and the world in general.

As for getting angry at me, that's fine. The truth of what this Administration has done, and is doing, to this country should get people upset. But I'm the wrong target for that anger.

ahhh, so you disagree with the methods the administration is using eh?

So we should follow your ideas? When were you elected President?

Thats the idea of having one you know, HE makes the decisions, not his critics. waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaa, and this little piggie CRIED all the way home....
I bet after we started fighting BACK against Germany, in WW2, the number of THEIR forces increased, too. ;)
Your accusation is base and meaningless. There is no dispute about the need to quash terrorism. The disagreement arises with the methods. And the only ones putting American lives in danger are the Bush Administration and the GOP controlled Congress with their refusal to come to grips with reality in Iraq, Afghanistan and the world in general.

As for getting angry at me, that's fine. The truth of what this Administration has done, and is doing, to this country should get people upset. But I'm the wrong target for that anger.

The reality in Iraq??? The national intelligence estimate you are citing comes to the exact opposite conclusion you are claiming. It specifically says that a victory in Iraq willl hurt the terrorists. On what planet are you living that you think you can pick and choose what you want to take from the report and ignore the actual conclusion the report comes to.

If you are on the side of truth, why on earth do you have to lie so much?

You are speaking here with ideologues and non veterans. Actual VETERANS OF WAR understand every word that you speak. The cowards and false patriots tend to argue that despite all evidense proving otherwise, WAR is cool. The uncoolness just chills me.


You are speaking here with ideologues and non veterans. Actual VETERANS OF WAR understand every word that you speak. The cowards and false patriots tend to argue that despite all evidense proving otherwise, WAR is cool. The uncoolness just chills me.



You are speaking here with people who have conviction enough, and backbone enough to know when war is required. You are a coward and you hate america; your true feelings betrayed by your words. You despise this country enough to see it buckled and defeated by its foe. Your idiocy just chills me.

You are speaking here with people who have conviction enough, and backbone enough to know when war is required. You are a coward and you hate america; your true feelings betrayed by your words. You despise this country enough to see it buckled and defeated by its foe. Your idiocy just chills me.

Well, I see that Psycho managed to sober up enough to post agian. The guy would not know a REAL vet if one just happened to walk up and kick his ass.
Who are you without your DISTINCTLY MILITARY (false or not) avatar? So far you indicate, at least to me, that you know little about VETERANS AFFAIRS or WARFARE in GENERAL. I AM A REAL VET much to your displeasure. I suspect you are another wannabee VET like your pResident and a fairly sorry excuse for even that.

Sober up, my friend, and answer that.


Well, I see that Psycho managed to sober up enough to post agian. The guy would not know a REAL vet if one just happened to walk up and kick his ass.
Who are you without your DISTINCTLY MILITARY (false or not) avatar? So far you indicate, at least to me, that you know little about VETERANS AFFAIRS or WARFARE in GENERAL. I AM A REAL VET much to your displeasure. I suspect you are another wannabee VET like your pResident and a fairly sorry excuse for even that.

Sober up, my friend, and answer that.


You aren't a REAL vet...You are a guy who served, but now betrays his brethren in the name of being a puss. :(

You are speaking here with ideologues and non veterans. Actual VETERANS OF WAR understand every word that you speak. The cowards and false patriots tend to argue that despite all evidense proving otherwise, WAR is cool. The uncoolness just chills me.


Ok, so you would agree to just let those enlisted make the decision if we should be in Iraq?
Yes, I am an ACTUAL VET that fought and earned medals that I still display for my children and grand children to contemplate. I also teach them about the propensities of the Republican Party to stifle voters rights, destroy the environment for the satisfaction of immediate profit, condemn the rights of workers to organize for the benefit of themselves, deny the freedoms as guaranteed by our Constitution and do so with the full support of the MSM that is fully owned and operated by the corporatists that can only exist to propagate their own very greedy and very unAmerican points of view. Go figure?


You aren't a REAL vet...You are a guy who served, but now betrays his brethren in the name of being a puss. :(
Yes, I am an ACTUAL VET that fought and earned medals that I still display for my children and grand children to contemplate. I also teach them about the propensities of the Republican Party to stifle voters rights, destroy the environment for the satisfaction of immediate profit, condemn the rights of workers to organize for the benefit of themselves, deny the freedoms as guaranteed by our Constitution and do so with the full support of the MSM that is fully owned and operated by the corporatists that can only exist to propagate their own very greedy and very unAmerican points of view. Go figure?


good GOD why do you LIE to your children? You are doing them irreversible harm. You're an actual vet, I suppose I'll believe you...but you are ANYTHING but a patriot - your antics and diatribes prove your hatred of our nation. You and your ilk would have us surrender to policies of appeasement. You're a communist.
If I'm getting on people's nerves, then I'm on the right track. If you aren't outraged by what this administraion has done, and is doing, then you haven't been paying attention.

This is just typical liberal banter. It reminds me of those Democrats I saw on the news last night standing at the podium screaming about how the new terror bill makes Bush a "dictator". Yes, they called him a "dictator". Ironic, considering these democrats are standing in Congress debating against a bill they vote against. Yes, VOTE on. Liberals refuse to see the truth that Bush is not some renegade dictator doing whatever he wants. Liberals refuse to acknowledge that most Americans support most of what he is doing to fight terrorism. But the way these blinded Dems see things, if you're not all for giving foreign terrorists the same Constitutional rights as American citizens, then well... you're supporting a dicatorship.

Maybe you should be the one that starts paying attention Zippy, we live in a democracy, we have elected representatives...at this point mostly Republicans that support most of the things Bush does. That means the people support it. Of course not everyone is going to support everything going on, and that will never happen no matter who is in control of the government. If people are truely outraged by Bush and the Republicans' way of fighting terror and prefer to give terrorists amnesty then I'm sure they'll vote in the Dems. My guess is that liberals such as yourself cannot accept in their minds that most people support the Republicans over the Dems, hence why people like you need to accuse our elected leader and congress as being a "dicatorship". You need to stop blamming Bush for everything and come the realization that if Bush wasn't in office, there would be someone else just like him doing most of the same things in the same manner he does. You need to come to the realization that you don't hate George W. Bush and the GOP, you hate all the Americans that support them and put them into office.
You aren't a REAL vet...You are a guy who served, but now betrays his brethren in the name of being a puss. :(

I doubt he even served...

So far this whacko has told us he has fought in every war, in every service, is a politician, is a college professor, and ordained minister, worked for the VA and is a certified spokesman for veterans. I am sure there are many other fields of endeavor this nutjob would like you to believe he excels at ... just ask him.

He is in reality a troll, a liar, and terrorist sympathiser. I doubt seriously that he is even a US citizen.

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