I saw the true meaning of the crucifixion while watching the Passion last night

What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
It was someone on this forum who showed me the way: be like the man on the left side of the cross, or like the man on the right.

The man on the left mocked Jesus, told him to save himself and them.

The man on the right said, we deserve this punishment. Please Jesus, I ask only that you remember me when you enter your kingdom.

All my life I've been the man on the left: cursing God, condemning him, for all the bad things that happened to me in my life. I told him, you could save me from this any time, but you don't. So obviously, it's a lie that you're a loving God.

But now, I'm the man on the right. I know that whatever I've endured in this life, if there was true justice I'd probably have to endure more. I will be grateful to God for what he has given me, and have faith in God that he will remember me if I remember him.
Isaiah 53

New International Version

Isaiah 53

1 Who has believed our message(A)
and to whom has the arm(B) of the Lord been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,(D)
and like a root(E) out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance(F) that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering,(G) and familiar with pain.(H)
Like one from whom people hide(I) their faces
he was despised,(J) and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,(K)
yet we considered him punished by God,(L)
stricken by him, and afflicted.(M)
5 But he was pierced(N) for our transgressions,(O)
he was crushed(P) for our iniquities;
the punishment(Q) that brought us peace(R) was on him,
and by his wounds(S) we are healed.(T)
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,(U)
each of us has turned to our own way;(V)
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity(W) of us all.
7 He was oppressed(X) and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;(Y)
he was led like a lamb(Z) to the slaughter,(AA)
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression[a] and judgment(AB) he was taken away.
Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;(AC)
for the transgression(AD) of my people he was punished.[b]
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,(AE)
and with the rich(AF) in his death,
though he had done no violence,(AG)
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the Lord’s will(AI) to crush(AJ) him and cause him to suffer,(AK)
and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,(AL)

he will see his offspring(AM) and prolong his days,
and the will of the Lord will prosper(AN) in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,(AO)
he will see the light(AP) of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant(AQ) will justify(AR) many,
and he will bear their iniquities.(AS)
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g](AT)
and he will divide the spoils(AU) with the strong,[h]
because he poured out his life unto death,(AV)
and was numbered with the transgressors.(AW)
For he bore(AX) the sin of many,(AY)
and made intercession(AZ) for the transgressors.

Notice that this is the first example in the Bible where God threw his wrath against a righteous man. All other examples have been against sinners.

So if this prophesy is not about Jesus, how could it be justified, casting such judgement on an innocent man?
God created us with free will

Free will means sin

God takes responsibility for your sins because he gave you free will

Pretty simple
Yep, there’s nothing like a two hour torture fest with sub titles to lift your spirits.

I've watched at least three different crucifixions this weekend.

Not that I'm judging,
but what do You need that?

It was all there was on TV. And we're all stuck inside, due to lockdown.

So basically,
crucifixion is a free card to indulge in any immorality one desires?

If you mean Hollywood immorality.
Yep, there’s nothing like a two hour torture fest with sub titles to lift your spirits.

I've watched at least three different crucifixions this weekend.

Not that I'm judging,
but what do You need that?

It was all there was on TV. And we're all stuck inside, due to lockdown.

So basically,
crucifixion is a free card to indulge in any immorality one desires?

If you mean Hollywood immorality.

What's the difference?
That explanation seems rationalization for any and all forms immorality.
Even further at the same time holding oneself as an angel in spite that indulgence.

I can't think of a more immoral doctrine than that.
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
It was someone on this forum who showed me the way: be like the man on the left side of the cross, or like the man on the right.

The man on the left mocked Jesus, told him to save himself and them.

The man on the right said, we deserve this punishment. Please Jesus, I ask only that you remember me when you enter your kingdom.

All my life I've been the man on the left: cursing God, condemning him, for all the bad things that happened to me in my life. I told him, you could save me from this any time, but you don't. So obviously, it's a lie that you're a loving God.

But now, I'm the man on the right. I know that whatever I've endured in this life, if there was true justice I'd probably have to endure more. I will be grateful to God for what he has given me, and have faith in God that he will remember me if I remember him.
Isaiah 53

New International Version

Isaiah 53

1 Who has believed our message(A)
and to whom has the arm(B) of the Lord been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,(D)
and like a root(E) out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance(F) that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering,(G) and familiar with pain.(H)
Like one from whom people hide(I) their faces
he was despised,(J) and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,(K)
yet we considered him punished by God,(L)
stricken by him, and afflicted.(M)
5 But he was pierced(N) for our transgressions,(O)
he was crushed(P) for our iniquities;
the punishment(Q) that brought us peace(R) was on him,
and by his wounds(S) we are healed.(T)
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,(U)
each of us has turned to our own way;(V)
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity(W) of us all.
7 He was oppressed(X) and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;(Y)
he was led like a lamb(Z) to the slaughter,(AA)
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression[a] and judgment(AB) he was taken away.
Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;(AC)
for the transgression(AD) of my people he was punished.[b]
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,(AE)
and with the rich(AF) in his death,
though he had done no violence,(AG)
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the Lord’s will(AI) to crush(AJ) him and cause him to suffer,(AK)
and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,(AL)

he will see his offspring(AM) and prolong his days,
and the will of the Lord will prosper(AN) in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,(AO)
he will see the light(AP) of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant(AQ) will justify(AR) many,
and he will bear their iniquities.(AS)
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g](AT)
and he will divide the spoils(AU) with the strong,[h]
because he poured out his life unto death,(AV)
and was numbered with the transgressors.(AW)
For he bore(AX) the sin of many,(AY)
and made intercession(AZ) for the transgressors.

Notice that this is the first example in the Bible where God threw his wrath against a righteous man. All other examples have been against sinners.

So if this prophesy is not about Jesus, how could it be justified, casting such judgement on an innocent man?

Isaiah 53: Rabbi Tovia Singer reveals the meaning of the most misused chapter in the Bible

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What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
Jesus is sometimes thought of as revolutionary, but not as Rome saw him, really. He was really rather compliant with Roman law.

But not so much with Jewish law - working on the Sabbath and all that. The temple leaders insisted he be crucified. Jesus was defying their tradition.

He was Israel's messiah, the one to bring God's kingdom to the earth. Crucifixion and resurrection were the way to do it.
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
Jesus is sometimes thought of as revolutionary, but not as Rome saw him, really. He was really rather compliant with Roman law.

But not so much with Jewish law - working on the Sabbath and all that. The temple leaders insisted he be crucified. Jesus was defying their tradition.

He was Israel's messiah, the one to bring God's kingdom to the earth. Crucifixion and resurrection were the way to do it.

So how could he be Israel's messiah if he defied G-d's law,
and didn't fulfill any of the obligation of a messiah?

Makes no sense.
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
Jesus is sometimes thought of as revolutionary, but not as Rome saw him, really. He was really rather compliant with Roman law.

But not so much with Jewish law - working on the Sabbath and all that. The temple leaders insisted he be crucified. Jesus was defying their tradition.

He was Israel's messiah, the one to bring God's kingdom to the earth. Crucifixion and resurrection were the way to do it.

So how could he be Israel's messiah if he defied G-d's law,
and didn't fulfill any of the obligation of a messiah?

Makes no sense.
God's law? The 600 or so edicts committed to animal skins that Christ's followers called the law of sin and death?

Or is God's law to love God and to love others, the two commandments on which the whole law and prophets hang? (Mt 7:12; 22:37-40; Gal 5:14).

I say Jesus did fulfill the law.
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
Jesus is sometimes thought of as revolutionary, but not as Rome saw him, really. He was really rather compliant with Roman law.

But not so much with Jewish law - working on the Sabbath and all that. The temple leaders insisted he be crucified. Jesus was defying their tradition.

He was Israel's messiah, the one to bring God's kingdom to the earth. Crucifixion and resurrection were the way to do it.

So how could he be Israel's messiah if he defied G-d's law,
and didn't fulfill any of the obligation of a messiah?

Makes no sense.
God's law? The 600 or so edicts committed to animal skins that Christ's followers called the law of sin and death?

Or is God's law to love God and to love others, the two commandments on which the whole law and prophets hang? (Mt 7:12; 22:37-40; Gal 5:14).

I say Jesus did fulfill the law.
That makes even less sense.

You've just said he defied the prohibition to abstain from work on Shabat.
Are You saying that's not G-d's law, or that one fulfills it by defying?
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
Jesus is sometimes thought of as revolutionary, but not as Rome saw him, really. He was really rather compliant with Roman law.

But not so much with Jewish law - working on the Sabbath and all that. The temple leaders insisted he be crucified. Jesus was defying their tradition.

He was Israel's messiah, the one to bring God's kingdom to the earth. Crucifixion and resurrection were the way to do it.

So how could he be Israel's messiah if he defied G-d's law,
and didn't fulfill any of the obligation of a messiah?

Makes no sense.
God's law? The 600 or so edicts committed to animal skins that Christ's followers called the law of sin and death?

Or is God's law to love God and to love others, the two commandments on which the whole law and prophets hang? (Mt 7:12; 22:37-40; Gal 5:14).

I say Jesus did fulfill the law.

You've just said he defied the prohibition to abstain from work on Shabat.
Are You saying that's not G-d's law, or that one fulfills it by defying?

'Cause that makes even less sense.
I'm not sure if English is your first language (not a slam), but I wrote in plain language.

The temple law was a law that everyone defied, even David and the temple leaders (Lk 6:3-5 (1 Sm 21:4-6); Lk 13:-15-16). It made sinners out of people, as St. Paul says, sin being death and a violation of the law (maybe a topic for another thread).

Righteousness comes in abiding the law of God, or to love Him and to love others.

Jesus may have defied the law of sin and death, but he did not defy the law of God.
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
Jesus is sometimes thought of as revolutionary, but not as Rome saw him, really. He was really rather compliant with Roman law.

But not so much with Jewish law - working on the Sabbath and all that. The temple leaders insisted he be crucified. Jesus was defying their tradition.

He was Israel's messiah, the one to bring God's kingdom to the earth. Crucifixion and resurrection were the way to do it.

So how could he be Israel's messiah if he defied G-d's law,
and didn't fulfill any of the obligation of a messiah?

Makes no sense.
God's law? The 600 or so edicts committed to animal skins that Christ's followers called the law of sin and death?

Or is God's law to love God and to love others, the two commandments on which the whole law and prophets hang? (Mt 7:12; 22:37-40; Gal 5:14).

I say Jesus did fulfill the law.

You've just said he defied the prohibition to abstain from work on Shabat.
Are You saying that's not G-d's law, or that one fulfills it by defying?

'Cause that makes even less sense.
I'm not sure if English is your first language (not a slam), but I wrote in plain language.

The temple law was a law that everyone defied, even David and the temple leaders (Lk 6:3-5 (1 Sm 21:4-6); Lk 13:-15-16). It made sinners out of people, as St. Paul says, sin being death and a violation of the law (maybe a topic for another thread).

Righteousness comes in abiding the law of God, or to love Him and to love others.

Jesus may have defied the law of sin and death, but he did not defy the law of God.

Temple law, what are you talking about...
Is it different from G-d's law?

To begin with, there was no Temple during King David's A"H reign

If righteousness comes from abiding by the law, then desecrating Shabat is definitely not it.
And that's before we even mention the fact that he did not fulfill a singe thing a messiah is supposed to - by definition.

And yes, my native language is Hebrew.
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It was someone on this forum who showed me the way: be like the man on the left side of the cross, or like the man on the right.

The man on the left mocked Jesus, told him to save himself and them.

The man on the right said, we deserve this punishment. Please Jesus, I ask only that you remember me when you enter your kingdom.

All my life I've been the man on the left: cursing God, condemning him, for all the bad things that happened to me in my life. I told him, you could save me from this any time, but you don't. So obviously, it's a lie that you're a loving God.

But now, I'm the man on the right. I know that whatever I've endured in this life, if there was true justice I'd probably have to endure more. I will be grateful to God for what he has given me, and have faith in God that he will remember me if I remember him.
Isaiah 53

New International Version

Isaiah 53

1 Who has believed our message(A)
and to whom has the arm(B) of the Lord been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,(D)
and like a root(E) out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance(F) that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering,(G) and familiar with pain.(H)
Like one from whom people hide(I) their faces
he was despised,(J) and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,(K)
yet we considered him punished by God,(L)
stricken by him, and afflicted.(M)
5 But he was pierced(N) for our transgressions,(O)
he was crushed(P) for our iniquities;
the punishment(Q) that brought us peace(R) was on him,
and by his wounds(S) we are healed.(T)
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,(U)
each of us has turned to our own way;(V)
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity(W) of us all.
7 He was oppressed(X) and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;(Y)
he was led like a lamb(Z) to the slaughter,(AA)
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression[a] and judgment(AB) he was taken away.
Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;(AC)
for the transgression(AD) of my people he was punished.[b]
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,(AE)
and with the rich(AF) in his death,
though he had done no violence,(AG)
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the Lord’s will(AI) to crush(AJ) him and cause him to suffer,(AK)
and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,(AL)

he will see his offspring(AM) and prolong his days,
and the will of the Lord will prosper(AN) in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,(AO)
he will see the light(AP) of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant(AQ) will justify(AR) many,
and he will bear their iniquities.(AS)
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g](AT)
and he will divide the spoils(AU) with the strong,[h]
because he poured out his life unto death,(AV)
and was numbered with the transgressors.(AW)
For he bore(AX) the sin of many,(AY)
and made intercession(AZ) for the transgressors.

Notice that this is the first example in the Bible where God threw his wrath against a righteous man. All other examples have been against sinners.

So if this prophesy is not about Jesus, how could it be justified, casting such judgement on an innocent man?

Isaiah 53: Rabbi Tovia Singer reveals the meaning of the most misused chapter in the Bible

That is a rebuttal?

So he has no idea who the servant is that is being talked about in Isaiah 53 other than being certain it was not Jesus? Funny, all religions, other than maybe Judaism for obvious reasons, thinks Jesus was a servant of God.

Again, God crushing and oppressing a righteous man is unpresented in the Bible. Therefore, it seems to me to be a conundrum for ya that you refuse to address
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
Jesus is sometimes thought of as revolutionary, but not as Rome saw him, really. He was really rather compliant with Roman law.

But not so much with Jewish law - working on the Sabbath and all that. The temple leaders insisted he be crucified. Jesus was defying their tradition.

He was Israel's messiah, the one to bring God's kingdom to the earth. Crucifixion and resurrection were the way to do it.

So how could he be Israel's messiah if he defied G-d's law,
and didn't fulfill any of the obligation of a messiah?

Makes no sense.

But he did fulfill the obligation of the Messiah.

Tell us, where is "Messiah" mentioned specifically in the Torah?
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
Jesus is sometimes thought of as revolutionary, but not as Rome saw him, really. He was really rather compliant with Roman law.

But not so much with Jewish law - working on the Sabbath and all that. The temple leaders insisted he be crucified. Jesus was defying their tradition.

He was Israel's messiah, the one to bring God's kingdom to the earth. Crucifixion and resurrection were the way to do it.

So how could he be Israel's messiah if he defied G-d's law,
and didn't fulfill any of the obligation of a messiah?

Makes no sense.

But he did fulfill the obligation of the Messiah.

Tell us, where is "Messiah" mentioned specifically in the Torah?

How did he fulfill it?

Moshiach (also known as messiah) is the long awaited Jewish leader who will usher in an era of world peace and G‑dly awareness.

The Jewish messiah is a human being, a descendant of King David, who will lead the Jewish people back to the Land of Israel, where they serve G‑d in peace, leading the nations of the world in attaining an understanding of the Creator.

Messiah will also rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, establishing an era of peace and prosperity that will endure forever.

From Chabad.
What exactly is the true meaning of the crucifixion? This was a common form of cruel execution by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were executed this way. Why was this one so different?
Thousands of Jews? Yea, okay, maybe. Thousands of slaves and rebels, certainly. Case in point: Spartacus after the Third Servile War.

Jesus wasn't even a rebel; the Romans didn't find him guilty. He was crucified as Israel's messiah.

Depends which way you look at it.

Even some of those movies addressed the issue of rebellion against Roman occupation.
Jesus is sometimes thought of as revolutionary, but not as Rome saw him, really. He was really rather compliant with Roman law.

But not so much with Jewish law - working on the Sabbath and all that. The temple leaders insisted he be crucified. Jesus was defying their tradition.

He was Israel's messiah, the one to bring God's kingdom to the earth. Crucifixion and resurrection were the way to do it.

So how could he be Israel's messiah if he defied G-d's law,
and didn't fulfill any of the obligation of a messiah?

Makes no sense.

But he did fulfill the obligation of the Messiah.

Tell us, where is "Messiah" mentioned specifically in the Torah?

How did he fulfill it?

Moshiach (also known as messiah) is the long awaited Jewish leader who will usher in an era of world peace and G‑dly awareness.

The Jewish messiah is a human being, a descendant of King David, who will lead the Jewish people back to the Land of Israel, where they serve G‑d in peace, leading the nations of the world in attaining an understanding of the Creator.

Messiah will also rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, establishing an era of peace and prosperity that will endure forever.

From Chabad.

Ok, I'll ask you. What scriptures refer to the Messiah and what you speak of?

As for Isaiah 53, it says that "God's servant", whom you claim is not the Messiah, is a descendant of King David. In fact, both Matthew and Luke go into detail as to the lineage of both Mary and Joseph going back to King David. So there is one fulfillment.

As for all of the fulfillments, Christians believe the Messiah is coming back to complete all of the fulfillments.

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