I stand with Drew Brees

Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
OK so you don’t know. You’re just following the crowd. Stupid Lives Matter so you’re safe.
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
You keep avoiding questions
I dont answer ignorant or pointless questions so if I avoided it then that would be why.

you just cant think of a reply that doesnt make you look bad
Sure I can. Whats going to stop me from doing so?
BTW you lost another debate. At least you’re consistent.
Burning and looting have ZERO......NADA......NOTHING.............ZILCH..........etc..................with the Death of Floyd...............The Police officer has been arrested and will be tried for 3rd degree murder and rightfully so..................

That is proper...........burning down the country and destroying businesses that had nothing to do with it..............it downright CRIMINAL.
2nd degree. The 3rd degree charge was bogus bullshit and he would have walked tomorrow.
Burning and looting have ZERO......NADA......NOTHING.............ZILCH..........etc..................with the Death of Floyd...............The Police officer has been arrested and will be tried for 3rd degree murder and rightfully so..................

That is proper...........burning down the country and destroying businesses that had nothing to do with it..............it downright CRIMINAL.
2nd degree. The 3rd degree charge was bogus bullshit and he would have walked tomorrow.
Easier to prove 3rd than 2nd. You’re so stupid. And you lost another debate.
...........its downright CRIMINAL.
You mean it's down right liberal!! Do you see liberal politicians and intellectuals standing up to say, more unarmed whites get killed by cops? Why not? They want it to go on just like Russian collusion, Ukraine, drinking bleach, and now cop/Trump racism despite being totally false. The reality is they are using blacks and their white guilt laden sympathizers to bring down Trump and capitalism in exchange for Green New Deal Socialism and universal socialist health care.
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
Another question you cant answer
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
Another question you cant answer
I dont answer question from losers after I beat them so badly. Its not sportsmanlike.
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
Another question you cant answer
I dont answer question from losers after I beat them so badly. Its not sportsmanlike.
You cant answer questions in a civil debate

so you just bloviate
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
Another question you cant answer
I dont answer question from losers after I beat them so badly. Its not sportsmanlike.
You cant answer questions in a civil debate
I already beat him in the debate. Thats like 35 straight. What more do I have to gain by rubbing it in?
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
Another question you cant answer
I dont answer question from losers after I beat them so badly. Its not sportsmanlike.

White people are too entitled? The reality is black people are too entitled which is why they making a big deal of this when cops kill more unarmed white people!!
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
Another question you cant answer
I dont answer question from losers after I beat them so badly. Its not sportsmanlike.
LOL. You’re embarrassing yourself. See Jews are smarter than you. And tougher.
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
Another question you cant answer
I dont answer question from losers after I beat them so badly. Its not sportsmanlike.
You cant answer questions in a civil debate
I already beat him in the debate. Thats like 35 straight. What more do I have to gain by rubbing it in?
Ummmm....you mean you’re 0-35. Last time you admitted you were scared of COVID and were hiding under your bed. :laughing0301:
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
Another question you cant answer
I dont answer question from losers after I beat them so badly. Its not sportsmanlike.
You cant answer questions in a civil debate

so you just bloviate
See? Look at him. Now he is pissed off. He cant control himself. What do you think is going to happen if I keep beating him this badly? :)
I already beat him in the debate. Thats like 35 straight. What more do I have to gain by rubbing it in?
Since you are not debating you cant win
I already won. Thats why I am no longer debating him specifically. I've dropped the mike.

Correct. None of that shit matters. What matters is the systemic racism in this country that has killed, injured, discriminated against, or disrespected millions of Blacks throughout the centuries here in the US.

Today's date is June 4, 2020. Not centuries or decades ago.
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)
Explain how his statement was “offensive” what exactly was offensive with his verbiage? Honest question. Is being loyal to the US military offensive?
If I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

What does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?

He mentioned Kap in his statement?
Who told you he mentioned Kap by name?
I asked You what was offensive with Brees statement and your brought up Kap. So back to my original question. Why can you not answer it? Before they sing the anthem they bring out military personnel to hold the flag or stand together. Brees perceived that as we are standing for our military during the anthem. Why is what he said “offensive”?
I told you that if I need to explain to you how his statement was offensive, then you are incapable of understanding that explanation.

Then you asked "Is being loyal to the US military offensive?"

So I asked what does the military have to do with Kap taking a knee other than the fact that he consulted with a veteran before making the decision to do that?"
Because they say “please stand to show respect for those who have served” before they sing the anthem? Duh...so you cannot explain it. Fair enough.
Who is they?
They = the announcers at the games. Have you never been to a live sporting event? You’re just dodging the question and trying to play coy. Either answer me or admit you don’t know.
Who the fuck are the announcers at the game? How are they going to tell me that standing is showing respect for those that served when I served and disagree with them?
LOL...chill snowflake. They have been doing this for years. No one complained until Kap. Again, what was so offensive about Brees having a disparate opinion from you? Should he not be honest? He disagrees with you. So now what?
I dont care what they have been doing for years. Kap didnt say shit. He just took a knee. If you dont like that then go tell the vet that told him to do it that you dont like it. If he fucks you up dont be surprised. :)

Again if I got to tell you then you wont understand. Of course he should be honest. He honestly apologized about being wrong and I agree with him.
Here’s what he told NFL.com’s Steve Wyche:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Sounds good to me. Brees is a trooper. I didnt know he said all that.
Its a lie

America does not oppress black people

And the few bad cops we have do not get away with murder
Says who? White people?
Are white people not entitled disagree with the black race hustlers?
White people are too entitled as it is but I see no reason they cant disagree.
Explain what “too entitled” means.
Sorry loser. I dont feel any glory in punishing you further after you have lost. :)
Another question you cant answer
I dont answer question from losers after I beat them so badly. Its not sportsmanlike.
You cant answer questions in a civil debate

so you just bloviate
See? Look at him. Now he is pissed off. He cant control himself. What do you think is going to happen if I keep beating him this badly? :)
Explain how I am “pissed off”? This should be fun, Assfaceias. So you have no idea why people (few) are offended by Brees’ comments. Fact is, they are offended because they are snowflakes like you. Tough to take a movement seriously when it is run by pussies who cannot even coherently express their POV.
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
Lol at "apology theater".

You do realize that's it's a famous conservitard tactic to say something outrageous or controversial and the "walk it back".

Like esper did just yesterday.

Brees has nothing to apologize for.
Does Esper?

For what? the battle space comment, the not supporting the insurrection act comment? or the walking around thing?
So is that a "yes" or a "no"?

you seem so confused I can't tell.

I don't think anyone should be forced to apologize for anything, again, what should esper apologize for?

Allowing the military to be used for political ends.

Anyone who is incapable of admitting they made a mistake or apologizing for any harm they cause, intential or otherwise, is a person who is lacking in both morality, and strength. Only the strong can admit their errors and learn from them.

That's why Donald Trump is the weakest President in history. And why the respect and standing for the USA has eroded so totally under his presidency. Stupid, arrogant and weak is destroying the nation.

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