I stand with Drew Brees

Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Of course he did, publicly, he probably still believes what he said, and now he gets to be mad about the mob coming after him.

SJW types like you love apology theater, even if it just makes people hate your guts even more.

Are you feeling harassed now, pussy?
I'm enjoying the response of you clowns. All that matters is he backed down publicly. That was a smart move. The right move. It sends a message. Dont be a dickhead and honor some rag more than another human.

His statement was not offensive. That soft wibble soy boys like you find it to be shows you have no balls.
His statement was retarded and therefore offensive. Youre whining about another mans apology. Grow a pair and toughen up. Stop crying bitch. :)

His statement was his belief, same as mine. Kapernick is guilty of thinking his view on what he was doing overrides people's view on what he did. The pig socks didn't help things.
Obviously its not his belief anymore. If it was he wouldnt be apologizing for it like Kap.

I doubt it, he is doing the apology walk, a show, nothing more.

Kap is an idiot and a smug asshole, that's why he won't admit he went at it the wrong way.
So youre calling Brees a spineless pussy?

Nope, just a realist. Sad he had to do it, but not unexpected.

Kap on the other hand could have figured out other ways to get his point across, but made the kneeling his hill to die on.
Kap had the balls to stand by his convictions. So either Brees changed his beliefs or he is a spineless pussy.

Kap was poorly advised. he could have kept his convictions and tried a new approach if he really cared about the message.

What he ended up doing was caring too much about how he delivered the message, and his own bruised ego about not getting it across the way HE wanted people to read it.
Kap did right. He stood up for his beliefs like a man should. Now he is legendary and will be in the history books as a freedom fighter.

He became the issue instead of the issue staying the issue. He's an egotistical moron, and he could have done better if he learned to adjust to the situation.
He only became the issue to you because he frightened you. To us he refocused attention on the issues. The man is a born leader.

Lol, "frightened"

By adjusting the delivery of his message, he could have continued on, instead the delivery became the message to many people, and he ruined himself over it.
Yes frightened,

He did continue on. He isnt ruined. Hes a fucking millionaire and making more each day. :laughing0301:

And yet he still wants to play football (maybe), but is too prideful to make any changes to do so.
Of course he still wants to play football. What athlete wouldnt want to play the sport he loves? You dont know much about that though. As a man he should stand up for what he believes which he did and is still doing. He isnt controlled like you are claiming Brees is. A real man stands by his convictions until he receives truth that changes his view..

He wants his ego intact more than he wants to play football. That "open tryout" fiasco shows that.

If he were a real man he would have tried another tactic if and when he realized the method of the message overcame the message.
He wants his integrity as a man to remain intact long before playing football. Thats a real man. You dont change your tactics to make whites more comfortable. You do whats right and become legendary. He became one with the message.

You change your tactics if you clearly care about your message, and not just about yourself.
You only change your tactics if you are failing with your message. That never happened.

He did fail. People read it as offensive, not as brave. He could have changed tactics but he didn't.
Only frightened whites read it as offensive. Everyone else sees it as legendary. Hell Nike even made an ad from it.


Nike is well aware that it is hood rats that buy or steal their product.
Not normal people.
67% of Nikes customers are white people. Its not nice to call them not normal.
I feel soooo bad for Kaps parents.
Imagine adopting a black kid...you'd spend your nights praying to God that he doesn't grow up to act black...and then he does...Silly afro and all...SAD

Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

But he didn't get the discussion he wanted, or the response he wanted. His intent only matters to him, the result was a large part of the country saw it as disrespect, and anything he said to the contrary fell on deaf ears once he doubled down on it.

You only get to decide how you present your message, you don't get to decide how people recieve it.
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
I kneel with George Floyd. I kneel with Colin Kaepernick. I stand for justice for all. The flag is just a piece of cloth -- without justice for all, it means nothing at all!
67% of Nikes customers are white people. Its not nice to call them not normal.
Actually, China happens to be its main customer.

Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

But he didn't get the discussion he wanted, or the response he wanted. His intent only matters to him, the result was a large part of the country saw it as disrespect, and anything he said to the contrary fell on deaf ears once he doubled down on it.

You only get to decide how you present your message, you don't get to decide how people recieve it.
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand. That's predictable.

He's more interested, I suspect, in reaching those whose minds are not snapped shut.

One little, silent, peaceful act at a time.
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Because he realized that his offense line is made up of a bunch of sub humans that he needs to protect him in the pocket.
He remembers how the piece of shit Oakland O-line didn't protect Carr.
His offensive line is not white. Its made up of the original and perfect design for humans that nature and god agreed was best.

And yet, other than the fields of Tap Dancing and athletics - they are 2nd class citizens all over the planet.
Seems as if you should be mad at the failing of The Original Designer -
I'm only mad that a freak recessive mutation gave rise to a violent primate that has committed genocide and caused mayhem all around the planet. The good thing is that in her wisdom mother nature saw fit to make said primate recessive, small in number and easily killed by the sun.

You'll just never get over the fact that white people created all the technology and came to your continent and kicked your ass :laugh:.
Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He wasn't disrespecting the flag, he was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

Bad timing.
Protesting anything during our anthem ties our flag, our military and our patriotic people in to the protest.
An annual protest against criminality on MLK day ties blacks to the protest...See how this works? Simple shit...huh?
Brees has been taking a lot of flack since yesterday for disagreeing with those who took a knee for the national anthem and our flag. And make no mistake, it IS our flag.

“I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” Brees said.

I won't either. Cuz that flag is symbol of us, this country, and what it stands for. Sure, there is racism and injustice, but that isn't what this country stands for or represents. It's an imperfect place with imperfect people, and we truly have a lot of problems to fix. When someone like Colin Kaepernick won't honor the country and people he lives in and with, then he is wrong. It's no different to my mind than when Hillary Clinton calls some of us deplorables. News flash to her, Kaepernick, and all those who castigated Brees: you disrespect an awful lot of good people because you're mad at the bad people. And that does not help your cause any.

“I love and respect my teammates and I stand right there with them in regards to fighting for racial equality and justice,” Brees said. “I also stand with my grandfathers who risked their lives for this country and countless other military men and women who do it on a daily basis.”

I stand with Drew Brees. Today and everyday. Oh, and one more thing: all lives matter.
Too late. Brees changed his stance you moron. :laughing0301:

Because he realized that his offense line is made up of a bunch of sub humans that he needs to protect him in the pocket.
He remembers how the piece of shit Oakland O-line didn't protect Carr.
His offensive line is not white. Its made up of the original and perfect design for humans that nature and god agreed was best.

And yet, other than the fields of Tap Dancing and athletics - they are 2nd class citizens all over the planet.
Seems as if you should be mad at the failing of The Original Designer -
I'm only mad that a freak recessive mutation gave rise to a violent primate that has committed genocide and caused mayhem all around the planet. The good thing is that in her wisdom mother nature saw fit to make said primate recessive, small in number and easily killed by the sun.

You'll just never get over the fact that white people created all the technology and came to your continent and kicked your ass.
I cant get over the fact that whites are violent even after we taught them civilization on 2 different occasions. It has to be something recessive in their genetics.
Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He wasn't disrespecting the flag, he was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

Bad timing.
Protesting anything during our anthem ties our flag, our military and our patriotic people in to the protest.
An annual protest against criminality on MLK day ties blacks to the protest...See how this works? Simple shit...huh?
In your world, yes.

Your world is an ugly place, and will ultimately lose.
67% of Nikes customers are white people. Its not nice to call them not normal.
Actually, China happens to be its main customer.

Can you quote the part where it says China is its main customer? The reason I ask is because the 67% comes from Nike.
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand.

Understand what...that this nation has a few bad cops? I thought you Lefties hate "painting with a broad brush"?
Can you folks please make up your fucking minds.
Anyone who think Kap was disrespecting the flag had it precisely backwards.

He wasn't disrespecting the flag, he was DEPENDING on it.

This is what happens when you don't bother to understand the experiences and perspectives of others.

Bad timing.
Protesting anything during our anthem ties our flag, our military and our patriotic people in to the protest.
An annual protest against criminality on MLK day ties blacks to the protest...See how this works? Simple shit...huh?
In your world, yes.

Your world is an ugly place, and will ultimately lose.

So you think a protest against criminality held on MLK day would be acceptable...since timing has no bearing and all?
I'm sure he knew there would be some who would make no effort to understand.

Understand what...that this nation has a few bad cops? I thought you Lefties hate "painting with a broad brush"?
Can you folks please make up your fucking minds.
No, that's not it. You have no idea of, or interest in, the experiences and perceptions of others, which makes you a model Trumpster.

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