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[QUOTE="eots, post: 11120348, member: 3851

You have a chemical imbalance in your brain involving serotonin and dopamine which is quite obviously not being treated. You are also uneducated, lacking any real knowledge of the world. As a result of your psychosis, your abject ignorance, and your exposure to the internet, your resulting world view has been skewed by all the conspiracy sites designed to take advantage of the psychotic and the ignorant to the point you are little more than a useful idiot for those who have designed them.

It's pretty laughable how the mentally ill look for conspiracies everywhere but the ones actually influencing them.[/QUOTE]
Nope. Just America. Where ALL Americans should be standing with. Have you made plans to move to Israel yet?

thats why america is such a mess with this corrupt one party system we have.the brainwashed american sheep think they put these criminals in washington running the country in office not getting it that we dont elect these people.

these criminals in washington wont fix america,they are just interested in serving the interests of Israel.

For all the fools on here who want to be worried about Israel instead of fixing the corruption in washington and in america,move the hell to Israel then.
Nice conspiracy theory. Where did you get it from?

well since someone clicked a like on just recently for this old post that just shows what a true brainwashed sheep on you are,the only conspiracy THEORY is yours that we elect these people and that there is a difference int he two parties and that the mossad,CIA and FBI are not evil organizations. thats a great THEORY of yours sheep.:lmao:

Love how you play dodgeball and ignore FACTS that true juduism jewish people see how corrupt their government is and dismiss it as conspiracy theory because you are afraid to deal with the truth you have been brainwashed.:rofl: only problem mr idiot,i have posted a video here before of thousands of those judusim people that have spoken out against the atrocities of israeal.:rofl:

you are the one that goes by theories mr idiot,not me.:up_yours:
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[QUOTE="eots, post: 11120348, member: 3851

You have a chemical imbalance in your brain involving serotonin and dopamine which is quite obviously not being treated. You are also uneducated, lacking any real knowledge of the world. As a result of your psychosis, your abject ignorance, and your exposure to the internet, your resulting world view has been skewed by all the conspiracy sites designed to take advantage of the psychotic and the ignorant to the point you are little more than a useful idiot for those who have designed them.

It's pretty laughable how the mentally ill look for conspiracies everywhere but the ones actually influencing them.


yeah just like mr idiot and all the other israel dupes,they cover their ears and close their eyes and refuse to look at the evidence only seeing what they want to see because they have these conspiracy THEORIES that Isreal has a lot of nice good caring people in the government because they worship what the idiot box in the living room tells them and the lamestream media in all the newspapers as well.:uhoh3::rofl:

yes lets stand with two governments that go around starting wars with other countries and murdering innocent civilians.:banana::clap::clap:

the OP and the rest of the Israeli apologists on here seriously believe the united states is a free country and has free elections and our government is looking out for us,and like the sheep they are,will continue to put their hand over their heart and sing the national anthem and believe that propaganda piece the land of the free they sing too ignorant to understand that the reality is they live in the land of the oppressed.:rolleyes:

that they are worshipping a murderous government when they sing the national anthem since the government is controlled by the CIA and they are doing the same thing with Isreal hanging their flag as well worshipping the murderous mossad. cheers to the OP and the rest of the Israeli sheep dupes.stand with those two murderous governments.:thewave::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

yes lets stand with two governments that go around starting wars with other countries and murdering innocent civilians.:banana::clap::clap:

the OP and the rest of the Israeli apologists on here seriously believe the united states is a free country and has free elections and our government is looking out for us,and like the sheep they are,will continue to put their hand over their heart and sing the national anthem and believe that propaganda piece the land of the free they sing too ignorant to understand that the reality is they live in the land of the oppressed.:rolleyes:

that they are worshipping a murderous government when they sing the national anthem since the government is controlled by the CIA and they are doing the same thing with Isreal hanging their flag as well worshipping the murderous mossad. cheers to the OP and the rest of the Israeli sheep dupes.stand with those two murderous governments.:thewave::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Israelis aren't the ones starting wars.

but as usual, you're full of it. *shrug*
Looks like the yes votes outweigh the No votes here............

Appears most don't give a shit what those against Israel think.

Too bad.
no surprise a zionist jew who loves murderers.

I always knew he had special connections since he cant act worth a shit.Hollywood is controlled by the zionist jews so its no wonder a guy who cant act worth a shit is in hollywood making major big time bucks.

yes lets stand with two governments that go around starting wars with other countries and murdering innocent civilians.:banana::clap::clap:

the OP and the rest of the Israeli apologists on here seriously believe the united states is a free country and has free elections and our government is looking out for us,and like the sheep they are,will continue to put their hand over their heart and sing the national anthem and believe that propaganda piece the land of the free they sing too ignorant to understand that the reality is they live in the land of the oppressed.:rolleyes:

that they are worshipping a murderous government when they sing the national anthem since the government is controlled by the CIA and they are doing the same thing with Isreal hanging their flag as well worshipping the murderous mossad. cheers to the OP and the rest of the Israeli sheep dupes.stand with those two murderous governments.:thewave::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Israelis aren't the ones starting wars.

but as usual, you're full of it. *shrug*
says the little girl who runs off when cornered with videos full of pesky facts she cannot refute or take a look at since she can never admit when she is wrong and always had to neg rep people to feel good about herself knowing she cant stand toe to toe in a debate.:D

oh and i have seen many people say the same thing about you as well how you always childishly neg repped people instead of trying to refute facts the fact you knew you could not always having to run off with your tail between your legs.:D

you are one of the sheep i was talking about who wont stop listening to what the CIA controlled media newspapers tell you.

keep on dreaming living in fantasyland that our government is looking out for you and the CIA and FBI are not evil organizations and that you freely elect the POTUS and that Israel does not murder innocent civilains.:rofl::lmao:
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I'll stand on it, as we put it back where it belongs, in the history books. Does that count?

sorry jews offend you.


sorry to see you are too ignorant to understand zionist jews are murderers.:rolleyes:

Oh and something else,I dont know about him,but i have a high opinion of juduism jews because they are good people who understand how evil and corrupt their government and the mossad is and they dont cover their ears and close their eyes to how evil the zionists jews are because unlike you,they are not cowards afraid to look at the truth.:rolleyes:
2014: The Year of the Christian Genocide - Breitbart

The year 2014 saw more global persecution of Christians than any other year in recent history, and can only be compared to the first centuries when Christians were hunted down as criminals in the Roman Empire. The policy of the Emperor Diocletian, in fact, who reigned from 284-305AD, was remarkably similar to that taken by the Islamic State and Boko Haram: “Convert or die.”
A look around the globe reveals an unprecedented pattern of persecution that has shifted from isolated incidents of hostility to a systematic campaign to exterminate Christians in places where they have lived peacefully for centuries.

From the kidnapped school girls and massacres in Nigeria and the displacement of thousands in the Central African Republic, to the believers arrested for having a Bible study in Central Asia, to Meriam Ibrahim being sentenced to death in Sudan, to the ISIS slaughters, to the couple burned alive for blasphemy and hundreds of girls kidnapped in Pakistan, Christians throughout the world saw a major escalation in persecution in 2014.

The Jerusalem Post has spoken of “the religious cleansing of Middle East Christians” and noted that “anti-Christian violence in 2014 saw a transformation from under-told news coverage, to routine reports of radical Islamists seeking to obliterate Christianity’s presence.”

Nina Shea, director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, said that “persecution” no longer adequately describes the treatment of Christians in a growing number of Muslim areas. “Religious cleansing, a type of cultural genocide, which is a crime against humanity, is the more accurate description,” she said. “This is now occurring in Iraq, Syria, parts of Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia and Pakistan.”

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