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OP- Not with lying RW Israelis...just like like lying, chickenhawk, racist RW Americans...usually ARE RW Americans.

I understand then that you support a Terrorist Supporting Country over our true Ally Israel.

Already knew that about you...................Mr. fanatical Liberal...............as your elected Chump sells them down the river with a deal that deserved to be deposited in the toilet.

That will put you down as against Israel..................Your outnumbered Mr. Liberal.
OP- Not with lying RW Israelis...just like like lying, chickenhawk, racist RW Americans...usually ARE RW Americans.

I understand then that you support a Terrorist Supporting Country over our true Ally Israel.

Already knew that about you...................Mr. fanatical Liberal...............as your elected Chump sells them down the river with a deal that deserved to be deposited in the toilet.

That will put you down as against Israel..................Your outnumbered Mr. Liberal.
The hell I am, hater dupe. Stop forcing countries into corners and demonizing them. Only RW US and Israeli RW a-holes and hater dupes like you are against the Iran deal. Thanks for wrecking the world in every possible way, now let the adults fix your disasters.
OP- Not with lying RW Israelis...just like like lying, chickenhawk, racist RW Americans...usually ARE RW Americans.

I understand then that you support a Terrorist Supporting Country over our true Ally Israel.

Already knew that about you...................Mr. fanatical Liberal...............as your elected Chump sells them down the river with a deal that deserved to be deposited in the toilet.

That will put you down as against Israel..................Your outnumbered Mr. Liberal.
The hell I am, hater dupe. Stop forcing countries into corners and demonizing them. Only RW US and Israeli RW a-holes and hater dupes like you are against the Iran deal. Thanks for wrecking the world in every possible way, now let the adults fix your disasters.
BS.......................Which is exactly why you wouldn't vote on it as a treaty.........................So you changed the rules with the help of dumb ass GOP idiots.......................To turn the vote to the opposite of what it is supposed to be under the Constitution....................

You don't have the support of the people.........and you sure as hell didn't have the votes to PASS IT NORMALLY.................So you cheat and change the fing rules because that is what scum do.
OP- Not with lying RW Israelis...just like like lying, chickenhawk, racist RW Americans...usually ARE RW Americans.

I understand then that you support a Terrorist Supporting Country over our true Ally Israel.

Already knew that about you...................Mr. fanatical Liberal...............as your elected Chump sells them down the river with a deal that deserved to be deposited in the toilet.

That will put you down as against Israel..................Your outnumbered Mr. Liberal.
The hell I am, hater dupe. Stop forcing countries into corners and demonizing them. Only RW US and Israeli RW a-holes and hater dupes like you are against the Iran deal. Thanks for wrecking the world in every possible way, now let the adults fix your disasters.
There's that stupid, asinine, fifth-grader Hater-Dupe horseshit again.

And, when it comes to fixing disasters, most Left-Wing Nutters couldn't find their own asses in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors, much less serve-up Real World Solutions.

Solutions that don't involve playing Cheese-Eating Surrender-Monkey, anyway.
I Stand with Israel.....................Do you stand with Israel...........................

Fitting now that deal is struck with Iran.........................

WHAT SAY YOU.....................DO YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?????????????


I used to. Just changed my vote to 'no' though. I don't stand with nations, individuals sure. But nations in my opinion are all selfish, greedy, convinced of their own superiority and rights above everyone else. As such don't deserve to be supported.
OP- Not with lying RW Israelis...just like like lying, chickenhawk, racist RW Americans...usually ARE RW Americans.

I understand then that you support a Terrorist Supporting Country over our true Ally Israel.

Already knew that about you...................Mr. fanatical Liberal...............as your elected Chump sells them down the river with a deal that deserved to be deposited in the toilet.

That will put you down as against Israel..................Your outnumbered Mr. Liberal.
The hell I am, hater dupe. Stop forcing countries into corners and demonizing them. Only RW US and Israeli RW a-holes and hater dupes like you are against the Iran deal. Thanks for wrecking the world in every possible way, now let the adults fix your disasters.
BS.......................Which is exactly why you wouldn't vote on it as a treaty.........................So you changed the rules with the help of dumb ass GOP idiots.......................To turn the vote to the opposite of what it is supposed to be under the Constitution....................

You don't have the support of the people.........and you sure as hell didn't have the votes to PASS IT NORMALLY.................So you cheat and change the fing rules because that is what scum do.
When the hell did treaties or whatever get voted on? You people won't vote for ANYTHING, even your own ideas. You're a brainwashed disgrace lol.
OP- Not with lying RW Israelis...just like like lying, chickenhawk, racist RW Americans...usually ARE RW Americans.
I'll take a Right-Wing Nutter with some balls, any day, over a Left-Wing Nutter who throws-up his hands, offers his backside to The Enemy, and plays Surrender Monkey.
I know, ya brainwashed hater dupe. You'll never learn, ugly American cold war dinosaur. Thanks for the stupidest wars EVER, and the incredible idiocy that allowed 9/11. That's you morons all the way...
I Stand with Israel.....................Do you stand with Israel...........................

Fitting now that deal is struck with Iran.........................

WHAT SAY YOU.....................DO YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?????????????


I used to. Just changed my vote to 'no' though. I don't stand with nations, individuals sure. But nations in my opinion are all selfish, greedy, convinced of their own superiority and rights above everyone else. As such don't deserve to be supported.
And then there's centrist, moderate, "LW" countries looking for peace and prosperity, not greedy nationalist, lying RW ones who cause all the trouble. Like the RW a-holes in Iran, US, Israel, Al Quaeda and ISIS, Russia, and Nazi Germany for that matter...
I Stand with Israel.....................Do you stand with Israel...........................

Fitting now that deal is struck with Iran.........................

WHAT SAY YOU.....................DO YOU STAND WITH ISRAEL?????????????


I used to. Just changed my vote to 'no' though. I don't stand with nations, individuals sure. But nations in my opinion are all selfish, greedy, convinced of their own superiority and rights above everyone else. As such don't deserve to be supported.
And then there's centrist, moderate, "LW" countries looking for peace and prosperity, not greedy nationalist, lying RW ones who cause all the trouble. Like the RW a-holes in Iran, US, Israel, Al Quaeda and ISIS, Russia, and Nazi Germany for that matter...

US is the biggest single threat to global peace there's ever been.
OP- Not with lying RW Israelis...just like like lying, chickenhawk, racist RW Americans...usually ARE RW Americans.

I understand then that you support a Terrorist Supporting Country over our true Ally Israel.

Already knew that about you...................Mr. fanatical Liberal...............as your elected Chump sells them down the river with a deal that deserved to be deposited in the toilet.

That will put you down as against Israel..................Your outnumbered Mr. Liberal.
The hell I am, hater dupe. Stop forcing countries into corners and demonizing them. Only RW US and Israeli RW a-holes and hater dupes like you are against the Iran deal. Thanks for wrecking the world in every possible way, now let the adults fix your disasters.

Majority of Americans are against the Iran deal, so are their representatives in the house and senate, including many Democratic leaders, dipweed. However, we have a fascist in the White House who has decided to go around the will of his own people.

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