I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

dblack all but comes out and says it...These people are using a rather lazy approach to politics these days, all they have to do is take what they are doing and flip to say that their opponents are doing it...but in this case they have deluded themselves that American's actually agree with them. They don't...And this has to come to a point where we stand up to the bullies....
"One way or another, this darkness got to give".....
Awwww, ALL THAT lying stupidity................and not ONE charge?
Let alone arrest.

Why hasn't one teabaggers filed ONE charge, ANYWHERE in the US?
What about impeaching Biden?
Do that.

Why aren't teabaggers doing that?
No proof?
Get Hannity and Carlson to testify.

Hell, even the phony Russian investigation took over a year and wasn't nearly as complicated with all this money laundering that went on in the Biden crime family like in order to legally get the Big Guy is 10%, Hunter rented his house for tens of thousands a month when it's not worth anything near that, and selling his finger paintings to anonymous Chinese buyers for up to $400,000 a piece which any art collector would tell you it's not worth ten bucks.

So give it time. Don't be so impatient.
Do you read your own sources before you post them? Here is what it says:

After steadily declining from 2013 to 2019, the number of individuals in the United States participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — formerly known as Food Stamps — sharply increased in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, from 35.7 million in 2019 to nearly 40 million. The number continued to rise in 2021, reaching about 41.5 million, according to newly updated figures in the KIDS COUNT® Data Center.

Your source blames covid for the increase. However after the vaccines came out, after jobs started opening up, they continued to increase in spite of the labor shortage.

In August 2021, the Biden administration’s USDA revealed the results of the reevaluation and cost update to the TFP, as well as its impact on the SNAP program. According to the agency, SNAP benefits will increase by about 25 percent—an average of $36.24 per person each month, or $1.19 per day. Although relatively modest, this represents the single largest permanent increase in SNAP benefits in the program’s history.

I wasn’t asking about the increase after Covid. Of course that was the cause. I was asking about the straight line down all through Obama and into Trump with zero change in slope. Basically there was no change and yet it’s on the list of accomplishments. Where on that graph do you see an impact from Trump?
What are we upset about.

1 Million dead from Covid.
65 Million jobs lost
265,000 small businesses shuttered.
riots in the streets
assaults on Democracy

No one misses Trump except for the die hards who can't admit they made a mistake.

It's why half your party wants to move on to DeSatan and hope that no one notices he's a twit.
It takes a special sort of idiot to blame Covid-19 and its aftermath on President Trump when it was Fauci and his minions that PAID to have it developed in the first place.
For one a President is allowed to declassify and take documents with him--a US Senator is not. Every other President did the same thing. Two is that the riot had nothing to do with Trump. He never said anything to influence the actions of others. He held a rally which is constitutionally protected. Three is to your chagrin, we don't have thought police just yet. Yes, I know it's in your Holy Bible the book 1984, but "find me the votes" is not the same as manufacture or change the votes. It simply means Trump thought there would have to be votes that were lost. Legal experts are laughing at the case already.
Legal "Experts" like you, Hannity, Carlson and of course, Trump?
1. ALL of them are actions, and there's plenty of legislation in that list. MISSION Act isn't legislation ? $250 Million/year to black colleges isn't legislation ? You get a photo of Trump holding up the signed bill, and then come in here saying there's no legislation. YOU are the "joke"


Here's MORE "actions" accomplished by Trump >>

  • Signed an Executive Order on Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products, which is bringing innovative new technologies to market in American farming and agriculture.
  • Strengthened America’s rural economy by investing over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America.
  • More legislation > Signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – the largest tax reform package in history
  • Created nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones where capital gains on long-term investments are taxed at zero.
  • Opportunity Zone designations have increased property values within them by 1.1 percent, creating an estimated $11 billion in wealth for the nearly half of Opportunity Zone residents who own their own home.
  • Opportunity Zones have attracted $75 billion in funds and driven $52 billion of new investment in economically distressed communities, creating at least 500,000 new jobs.
  • Approximately 1 million Americans will be lifted from poverty as a result of these new investments.
  • Private equity investments into businesses in Opportunity Zones were nearly 30 percent higher than investments into businesses in similar areas that were not designated Opportunity Zones.
  • Established the White House Council on Eliminating Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing to bring down housing costs. (since Biden took over, housing costs have skyrocketed higher than I've ever seen in my entire life >100-200% inflation)
  • Eliminated the Waters of the United States Rule and replaced it with the Navigable Waters Protection Rule, providing relief and certainty for farmers and property owners.
  • Repealed the previous administration’s costly fuel economy regulations by finalizing the Safer Affordable Fuel Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles rule, which will make cars more affordable, and lower the price of new vehicles by an estimated $2,200. (Biden has reversed this and cars are now more expensive again (MAWA -Making America Worse Again)
You didn’t even point out an action on the first one I called out and you listed a whole bunch more of nothing.

Shit your #2 on the original list was “hold China accountable for cyber theft”. Really? Show me how that happened.

Let’s talk about your new list. #1 is the VA Mission Act. Do you know what that was? Under Obama the VA Choice Act was passed in 2014 which allowed veterans to get a private doctor if the VA couldn’t accommodate timely. But the Republicans made him put a time limit on it. It was expiring. So the Democrats put forth an extension that the republicans agreed to (McCain actually) and made minor changes - simplifying it and making it easier. It was a necessary bill but one needed due to the republicans lack of funding.

If you’re proud of that accomplishment you owe a thank you to McCain and the Dems.
Hell, even the phony Russian investigation took over a year and wasn't nearly as complicated with all this money laundering that went on in the Biden crime family like in order to legally get the Big Guy is 10%, Hunter rented his house for tens of thousands a month when it's not worth anything near that, and selling his finger paintings to anonymous Chinese buyers for up to $400,000 a piece which any art collector would tell you it's not worth ten bucks.

So give it time. Don't be so impatient.
Yes, there is time, so why not file a complaint NOW?
After all the Trump-Russian investigation took over a year.

They would rather cry and make $$$, than do anything.
Yes, there is time, so why not file a complaint NOW?
After all the Trump-Russian investigation took over a year.

They would rather cry and make $$$, than do anything.

Nope. It's simply connecting all the dots. The star witness for the Republicans was an actual partner of the Biden crime family until he seen what was going on and got the hell away from them. They have over a dozen former or current FBI agents that went whistleblower. Don't worry, like I said, be patient. It will all come out once everything is wrapped up.
I wasn’t asking about the increase after Covid. Of course that was the cause. I was asking about the straight line down all through Obama and into Trump with zero change in slope. Basically there was no change and yet it’s on the list of accomplishments. Where on that graph do you see an impact from Trump?

As your very own source points out, it was covid that caused the increase and after it was pretty much over with, SNAP's continued to rise under Dementia making it more irresistible to stay on the dole aiding in our labor shortage which is responsible for our inflation rates and interest rate hikes.
Nope. It's simply connecting all the dots. The star witness for the Republicans was an actual partner of the Biden crime family until he seen what was going on and got the hell away from them. They have over a dozen former or current FBI agents that went whistleblower. Don't worry, like I said, be patient. It will all come out once everything is wrapped up.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
the left continues to attack Trump because they are scared shitless that in a second term he would expose them and their corruption and treason. The media shares that fear and that is why we never hear any media persons talk about how successful his 4 years were.
Couldn't agree more....Progressive liberals are destroying this country on several fronts, and Republican's are ill equipped to combat the narratives...We need to do better.
There is nothing progressive nor liberal about them.

They are woke authoritarians playing the game of politics on its very most primitive level -- the tribe.
the left continues to attack Trump because they are scared shitless that in a second term he would expose them and their corruption and treason. The media shares that fear and that is why we never hear any media persons talk about how successful his 4 years were.
Because there weren't any.
Of course people are scared, the 4 years the incompetent retard was in office, showed that Trump wasn't Qualified to be a dog catcher.
Because he was being racist. He limited travel by Chinese nationals, not anyone currently in CHina. Americans in China rushed back in a panic and brought the virus with them.

He should have ordered everyone to shelter in place, and quarantined anyone who returned for two weeks.
For one a President is allowed to declassify and take documents with him--a US Senator is not. Every other President did the same thing. Two is that the riot had nothing to do with Trump. He never said anything to influence the actions of others. He held a rally which is constitutionally protected. Three is to your chagrin, we don't have thought police just yet. Yes, I know it's in your Holy Bible the book 1984, but "find me the votes" is not the same as manufacture or change the votes. It simply means Trump thought there would have to be votes that were lost. Legal experts are laughing at the case already.
He’ll have every opportunity to defend himself in the next three trials, too.
And there it is right there....

Not only do these lying libs want to raze the entire Trump family, and jail them....We're next according to this liberal progressive....
The reason we get shittier and shittier government is because you morons vote for Ds and Rs regardless of how bad they are. Stop it.
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All sources today have a "skew".... Why not say what you're really saying here, which is you only want to read liberal approved narratives, and won't accept anything that goes against that narrative...?
A crime or two may be a narrative, but four or more seems purposeful.
He’ll have every opportunity to defend himself in the next three trials, too.

It has to get to court first which likely won't happen. Any non-commie judge would throw any of these cases out. The problem is commie judges. Commie judges believe the same thing Piglosi does which is this should be a country where you are guilty as charged until you prove your innocence.
Because there weren't any.
Of course people are scared, the 4 years the incompetent retard was in office, showed that Trump wasn't Qualified to be a dog catcher.

He was the best President we had since Reagan by every metric. Remember you put in a dementia patient that is ruining this country by every metric. The border is a mess, the economy is a mess, foreign relations is a mess, violent crime is a mess, inflation is a mess, fuel prices are a mess. We had this all under control under a real President like Trump.

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