I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

You mean all the court cases and recount after recount that still shows Trump lost a fair election?

I'm not talking about the recount I was making reference to your comment about Trump overthrowing an election.

As for myself I do believe the election was rigged, but not by phony ballots or machines. It was rigged by the Democrats pushing for mail in voting. The more mail in voting, the more politically ignorant people vote. And also the FBI played a huge part in the election by silencing stories against the Dementia patient. If not for that and more people were exposed to his activities, Trump would still be our President again and we wouldn't have all these costly problems.
As for myself I do believe the election was rigged, but not by phony ballots or machines. It was rigged by the Democrats pushing for mail in voting.

And the Deep State disingenuously claiming that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

There literally exists no argument to this day that asserts they were correct.

Everyone of even the slightest credibility readily admits they were absolutely lying.

So do we get any remorse from the militant Left who insisted otherwise?

Of course not.

They just shift to the next manufactured outrage that obfuscates true controversies.

Fuck the communist America hating traitors.
First of all if anybody is a "cult", it is Democrats. Looks like I have to repost post 289 >>

These lunatics support transgenderism (including men posing as women in women's sports), reparations$$$$ to people for slavery (who were never a slave), allowing millions of unvetted, unvaccinated migrants to come pouring into the country, defunding police, giving preference to blacks in jobs, college, business loans, etc. thereby discriminating against non-blacks, and claiming it to be to a remedy for racial discrimination >>
And they call Republicans a CULT. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:


As for looking at it from a leftwing point of view, there IS A WAY to do that. AlI I have to do is recall back to the 40 years that I was a Democrat and Green party member. (except they weren't as crazy as leftists are today)

Way to deflect the argument away from Trump, good job, you're a loyal soldier! :salute:
Way to deflect the argument away from Trump, good job, you're a loyal soldier! :salute:
:puhleeze: Oh yeah,:right: I author an OP about Trump, but I don't want to talk about Trump, right ? Another example that liberals will say anything.

The poster labeled Republicans as a "cult". Nothing wrong with responding to rebut that, with an explanation of the contrary.
I'm not talking about the recount I was making reference to your comment about Trump overthrowing an election.

As for myself I do believe the election was rigged, but not by phony ballots or machines. It was rigged by the Democrats pushing for mail in voting. The more mail in voting, the more politically ignorant people vote. And also the FBI played a huge part in the election by silencing stories against the Dementia patient. If not for that and more people were exposed to his activities, Trump would still be our President again and we wouldn't have all these costly problems.
I would like to read about the FBI doing this. Do you have a link?
And the Deep State disingenuously claiming that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

There literally exists no argument to this day that asserts they were correct.

Everyone of even the slightest credibility readily admits they were absolutely lying.

So do we get any remorse from the militant Left who insisted otherwise?

Of course not.

They just shift to the next manufactured outrage that obfuscates true controversies.

Fuck the communist America hating traitors.
The conservative side of America has come to know that Democrats will DO ANYTHING to grab power BAMN (by any means necessary). The more centrist America is seeing this clearly as well, thereby prompting the Democrats to escalate their rigging talents all the more, and import as many (unvetted) illegal aliens as they can (ISIS ?).
I would like to read about the FBI doing this. Do you have a link?

Not only do I have a link, I have two of them:

But Trump holding a rally was a threat to our democracy. :eusa_shhh:
TV told them to hate so they hate.

It really IS that simple.

I figured that out when leftists told me to my face that "walls don't work". Then to my horror they all rolled up their sleeve and allowed an EXPERIMENTAL SOMETHING to be injected into them by an $8 an hour walmart employee.


Because TV told them to.
What was experimental about mRNA vaccines they've been evaluated for over a decade. I've just had my 5th because my doctor recommended me to.
INVALIDATION is hard-wired in liberals, Hi hum. yawn****

Notice not a single one of 125 acomlishments is being responded to in specifics. ha ha ha.
That's because they are bullshit from Australia One, a RWNJ website, may as well be from FOX or Trump's website.
No they were not.
Yes they were/are criminals.
Determined by courts.
The criminals are the ones who convicted them and arranged pre-dawn raids at their homes.
Sure.................... in Trumplandia.
The bank robber is the victim.
The bank, is the culprit.
And they were not all convicted. I suggest you read the link article supplied here, starting with the word AQUITTED >>>

A Guide to Trump Allies Who've Pleaded Guilty or Been ...​

https://www.newsweek.com › ... › Robert Mueller › FBI

Aug 19, 2022 — A Guide to Trump Allies Who've Pleaded Guilty or Been Convicted of Crimes · Rick Gates · Paul Manafort · Michael Cohen · George Papadopoulos · Roger ...
If you read into the article, they presented absolutely ZERO evidence of a lab leak.

"Two sources said that the Department of Energy assessed in the intelligence report that it had "low confidence" the Covid-19 virus accidentally escaped from a lab in Wuhan."

Low confidence? Then why say it to start with?

"Intelligence agencies can make assessments with either low, medium or high confidence. A low confidence assessment generally means that the information obtained is not reliable enough or is too fragmented to make a more definitive analytic judgment or that there is not enough information available to draw a more robust conclusion.
The latest assessment further adds to the divide in the US government over whether the Covid-19 pandemic began in China in 2019 as the result of a lab leak or whether it emerged naturally. The various intelligence agencies have been split on the matter for years. In 2021, the intelligence community declassified a report that showed four agencies in the intelligence community had assessed with low confidence that the virus likely jumped from animals to humans naturally in the wild, while one assessed with moderate confidence that the pandemic was the result of a laboratory accident."
Ballot boxes that are being tampered with by Democrat election officials. In places where Democrats do not control election rooms (ex, Florida, Texas), there were Republican sweeps in 2022.

In short, places where REpublicans engage in voter suppression.

Yes, it sucks for Republicans when people come out and vote.

Of course, you probably should have thought of that before you tried to turn America into the live action version of the Republic of Gilead.
I'm not talking about the recount I was making reference to your comment about Trump overthrowing an election.

As for myself I do believe the election was rigged, but not by phony ballots or machines. It was rigged by the Democrats pushing for mail in voting. The more mail in voting, the more politically ignorant people vote. And also the FBI played a huge part in the election by silencing stories against the Dementia patient. If not for that and more people were exposed to his activities, Trump would still be our President again and we wouldn't have all these costly problems.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda, Welfare Ray.

Trump was the costly problem. If you weren't living in your slum getting your reliable welfare check, you'd know this.
1. The 1m dead from Covid are Fau-Chi's due to his illegal gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab in China
2. job losses and businesses shuttered, due to the Covid pandemic, before that Trump's economy was doing great
3. the riots in the streets were not Trump's fault, blame antifa and BLM
4. assaults on democracy? call it a voter fraud protest

Most Americans miss Trump, 75% say we're on the "wrong track".

1. Nothing is ever Donald Trump’s fault.
Trump refused to follow Dr. Faucci’s advice or the science. Then when it all went so horribly wrong, Trump blamed Fauci.

2. One of the primarily responsibilities as president is to handle crises as they emerge. The USA experienced the highest rate of disease and death and economic displacement in the first world. All of that is squarely on Trump and his failure to address the pandemic

3. Once again, nothing is ever Trump’s fault. What did Trump do about the unrest and the demonstrations? He blames others. Just like you’re doing.
1. Nothing is ever Donald Trump’s fault.
Trump refused to follow Dr. Faucci’s advice or the science. Then when it all went so horribly wrong, Trump blamed Fauci.
2. One of the primarily responsibilities as president is to handle crises as they emerge. The USA experienced the highest rate of disease and death and economic displacement in the first world. All of that is squarely on Trump and his failure to address the pandemic
3. Once again, nothing is ever Trump’s fault. What did Trump do about the unrest and the demonstrations? He blames others. Just like you’re doing.
1. PUT THE BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS. The 1m dead from Covid are Fau-Chi's due to his illegal gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab in China
2. LIAR.

3. The riots in the streets were not Trump's fault, blame antifa and BLM. Trump offered to send US Marshals to stop the riots. The governors said no thanks.

Most Americans miss Trump, 75% say we're on the "wrong track".
1. PUT THE BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS. The 1m dead from Covid are Fau-Chi's due to his illegal gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab in China
No, the gain of function research was not done on SARS-2.

Based on outbreaks of coronaviruses caused by animal to human transmissions such as in Asia in 2003 that caused Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(link is external) (SARS), and in Saudi Arabia in 2012 that caused Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(link is external) (MERS), NIH and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have for many years supported grants to learn more about viruses lurking in bats and other mammals that have the potential to spill over to humans and cause widespread disease. However, neither NIH nor NIAID have ever approved any grant that would have supported “gain-of-function” research on coronaviruses that would have increased their transmissibility or lethality for humans. NIH strongly supports the need for further investigation by the World Health Organization (WHO) into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Working with a cross-regional coalition of 13 countries(link is external), we urge the WHO to begin the second phase of their study without delay.


She specified IN THE FIRST WORLD.

Which is true. Of the nations of the world, the US ranked 19th, but the other 18 countries were all in the developing world.

3. The riots in the streets were not Trump's fault, blame antifa and BLM. Trump offered to send US Marshals to stop the riots. The governors said no thanks.

Because they knew he'd fuck it up. The riots happened because Trump put a stop to police reform in the Justice department.

Most Americans miss Trump, 75% say we're on the "wrong track".
75% said that under Trump, too.

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