I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

If you read into the article, they presented absolutely ZERO evidence of a lab leak.

"Two sources said that the Department of Energy assessed in the intelligence report that it had "low confidence" the Covid-19 virus accidentally escaped from a lab in Wuhan."

Low confidence? Then why say it to start with?

"Intelligence agencies can make assessments with either low, medium or high confidence. A low confidence assessment generally means that the information obtained is not reliable enough or is too fragmented to make a more definitive analytic judgment or that there is not enough information available to draw a more robust conclusion.
The latest assessment further adds to the divide in the US government over whether the Covid-19 pandemic began in China in 2019 as the result of a lab leak or whether it emerged naturally. The various intelligence agencies have been split on the matter for years. In 2021, the intelligence community declassified a report that showed four agencies in the intelligence community had assessed with low confidence that the virus likely jumped from animals to humans naturally in the wild, while one assessed with moderate confidence that the pandemic was the result of a laboratory accident."
So the experts have been split as to the cause?

Then why did you post this: It takes a special sort of idiot to think it was grown in a lab when the overwhelming scientific consensus is that it came from animals.

hmm, so the press made this up?

Hilarious what you ignore.
Hilarious what you post.

"yeah, after a week of collecting the correct count of illegal ballots to overtake the six states that pushed the cheat through".

If the ballot is received within the timeframe, it's NOT illegal.
We need a return to those good old fashioned MECHANICAL voting machines and everyone who wants to vote MUST vote in person unless in the military.

In Europe they hand count. They have the results by the end of the day like we used to and no allegations of fraud. If any allegations are made, it's easy to go back and count actual ballots and by whom.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:

Incredible successes?


Troll post of the month so far.
States have had it for years and elected both Republicans and Democrats with it. Mail in voting was never a problem until Trump lost.

It's always been a problem but wasn't amplified until Trump. We will never have confidence in our election system again until automation is removed. There will always be suspicion. Even Hillary's people recounted three states because they didn't trust it.
He was one of the greatest presidents in US history. If you knew what he had accomplished, you would know that.

And he's actually a very good human being, because he really cares about the country, unlike Biden, who is a cheap, corrupt, low-life opportunist, and pedophile.

See Post 149 and 161.
Trump Haters were Trump Mockers before 'The Election Night Of Tears 2016'. Then the Democrats and the Media reprogrammed their anguish into hatred with a non-stop smear campaign. We saw the first results in the pussy hat protests, remember that nonsense?
It's always been a problem but wasn't amplified until Trump. We will never have confidence in our election system again until automation is removed. There will always be suspicion. Even Hillary's people recounted three states because they didn't trust it.
There was and is no reason not to trust it. Trump didn't like the results, threw a tantrum and for some reason a lot of people believe his word over facts.
Hilarious what you post.

"yeah, after a week of collecting the correct count of illegal ballots to overtake the six states that pushed the cheat through".

If the ballot is received within the timeframe, it's NOT illegal.
yeah the correct count, wink, wink..........
There was and is no reason not to trust it. Trump didn't like the results, threw a tantrum and for some reason a lot of people believe his word over facts.

Sure there is no reason to trust it because anybody can lift a mail-in ballot, fill it out and send it in. Think those poll workers are actually checking signatures?


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