I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Sure there is no reason to trust it because anybody can lift a mail-in ballot, fill it out and send it in. Think those poll workers are actually checking signatures?

There is still no evidence of a widespread problem. It only became an issue after Trump complained about it.
Trump had no idea our stockpiles were low. DumBama never told him or anybody. It was up to him to replace what he used, not up to Trump to cover his ass. It was the FDA that only approved of one testing kit for covid, and that was the ones produced by the CDC. When we went to use them, they were defective and we had to throw them all away.

It was the black communities that statistically refused to get the vax, and we all know how most of them vote. Furthermore when Dementia got in, he reversed Trump's successful border policies allowing these unvaxed and un-tested migrants into our country by the millions.

Bullshit. Trump told all of the suppliers to ship all of their PPE to China, in January. He even lifted restrictions on trade to China help them make the sales. Nothing to do with 0bama at all.

In 2019, Trump fired the CDC Director for "disloyalty" and replaced her with a Dr. Redfield. This nomination met with resistance as there were discussions that he was unqualified to run the agency. Sadly, most of the CDC failures can be laid right at his feet.

You say that the USA only had one type of test. ALL countries in the world only had one type of test - the WHO test.

Trump refused that one because American companies didn’t have exclusive rights to that test. So he had his loyal Dr. Redfield take care of producing a “made in America” test that American pharmaceutical companies could profit from. Redfield fuck it up so badly that they had to start over.

Months into the pandemic, the USA had no testing system. Finally Trump just said any company can sell any test they think will work. Every company sold something different, with differing ways of processing. Not all of the tests worked. Chaos.

Trump also failed to renew the service contracts on the national stockpile of ventilators.

This is simply mismanagement on a catastrophic scale.

Joe BiDumbfuck has proven to be a disaster that makes Jimmah Cahtah look like a genius.
Bullshit. Trump told all of the suppliers to ship all of their PPE to China, in January. He even lifted restrictions on trade to China help them make the sales. Nothing to do with 0bama at all.

In 2019, Trump fired the CDC Director for "disloyalty" and replaced her with a Dr. Redfield. This nomination met with resistance as there were discussions that he was unqualified to run the agency. Sadly, most of the CDC failures can be laid right at his feet.

You say that the USA only had one type of test. ALL countries in the world only had one type of test - the WHO test.

Trump refused that one because American companies didn’t have exclusive rights to that test. So he had his loyal Dr. Redfield take care of producing a “made in America” test that American pharmaceutical companies could profit from. Redfield fuck it up so badly that they had to start over.

Months into the pandemic, the USA had no testing system. Finally Trump just said any company can sell any test they think will work. Every company sold something different, with differing ways of processing. Not all of the tests worked. Chaos.

Trump also failed to renew the service contracts on the national stockpile of ventilators.

This is simply mismanagement on a catastrophic scale.

There is still no evidence of a widespread problem. It only became an issue after Trump complained about it.

It's one of the situations that were discovered by the voter. How many were not that used another name and the person didn't vote that day?

In person voting, signature and identification are foolproof. If there are any questions, they are answered right there.
1. LIAR. Fau-Chi paid the Wuhan Lab to do GOF research on bat viruses. That's why "bat lady" ran the research.
Article is behind a Paywall... and even the first few paragraphs indicate that Dr. Shi was not responsible for Covid.

2. The US has 331m people, that compares to the entire EU population, my graph is valid.
Are you retarded? The issue isn't number of people (Where we are the first) but the death rate per capita (where we are number 19 in the world, and FAR ahead of other industrialized democracies, only being beaten out by impoverished third world countries.)

3. Local police are not controlled by the Federal government. Not Trump's responsibility. Did Trump veto any "police reform" law passed by both Houses? <NO>
City streets are lawless shooting galleries under democrats, that's why so many people are moving south.

Again, you are a little dense.

The Obama DOJ entered consent decrees with numerous police department to enact reforms. Trump abandoned those agreements. Which is why you had Darren Chauvin still out there with a badge and a gun, choking people.
Article is behind a Paywall... and even the first few paragraphs indicate that Dr. Shi was not responsible for Covid.

Are you retarded? The issue isn't number of people (Where we are the first) but the death rate per capita (where we are number 19 in the world, and FAR ahead of other industrialized democracies, only being beaten out by impoverished third world countries.)

Again, you are a little dense.

The Obama DOJ entered consent decrees with numerous police department to enact reforms. Trump abandoned those agreements. Which is why you had Darren Chauvin still out there with a badge and a gun, choking people.
"Reforms" that do nothing but prevent cops from doing their jobs, and that's keeping Leftist animals like you in line.
The Donald J. Trump Foundation was a New York-based tax-exempt private foundation formed in 1988 by Donald Trump and dissolved by court order in 2019 after various legal violations came to light.


Donald J. Trump has reversed course and agreed on Friday to pay $25 million to settle a series of lawsuits stemming from his defunct for-profit education venture, Trump University, finally putting to rest fraud allegations by former students, which have dogged him for years and hampered his presidential campaign.


Trump was deposed in a fraud suit that involved a failed 'videophone' from 2008, which lawyers alleged was 'doomed almost from the outset:' report
I can't wait until the Democrat hypocrites are dragged kicking and screaming under the microscope, and this for all their shady business practices etc. Hell let's start with the alledged insider trading of Pelosi and her husband, Hillary and her being held accountable finally for the fake dossier, and how about all the illegal rhetoric spouted by people like Maxine Waters inciting violence and chaos (or) the knucklehead that had an alledged Chinese spy he was sleeping with (or) Schumer's inciting rhetoric or Biden's alledged corruption including his family members, and on and on and on it should roll until the swamp is drained completely. Let's get it on if the house is finally going to start metaphorically burning down.
Your question has been answered. Hardly any.

IMO if you're too Fn lazy to vote, just stay home and leave the voting to us who feel it's important enough to vote in person.

voting by mail.jpeg
Bullshit. Trump told all of the suppliers to ship all of their PPE to China, in January. He even lifted restrictions on trade to China help them make the sales. Nothing to do with 0bama at all.

In 2019, Trump fired the CDC Director for "disloyalty" and replaced her with a Dr. Redfield. This nomination met with resistance as there were discussions that he was unqualified to run the agency. Sadly, most of the CDC failures can be laid right at his feet.

You say that the USA only had one type of test. ALL countries in the world only had one type of test - the WHO test.

Trump refused that one because American companies didn’t have exclusive rights to that test. So he had his loyal Dr. Redfield take care of producing a “made in America” test that American pharmaceutical companies could profit from. Redfield fuck it up so badly that they had to start over.

Months into the pandemic, the USA had no testing system. Finally Trump just said any company can sell any test they think will work. Every company sold something different, with differing ways of processing. Not all of the tests worked. Chaos.

Trump also failed to renew the service contracts on the national stockpile of ventilators.

This is simply mismanagement on a catastrophic scale.
Out of context, and a terrible misinterpretation of the events of yesterday.

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