I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

1. Fau-Chi funded GOF research even though he was told to stop.

2. Even looking at your numbers, there is very little difference in rates. Much less than 1%. When Trump stopped flights from China you guys called him racist.
Fact is he got vaccines in arms in record time saving millions of lives. You're welcome.

3. Obama's reforms would not have made any difference. There are a few bad cops out there that need to be weeded out. Not Trump's fault, it happened under Biden too.
Fact is he got vaccines in arms in record time saving millions of lives. You're welcome.

No...he didn't...that was the problem....
1. Fau-Chi funded GOF research even though he was told to stop.
Again, not really wasting time with your batshit (pun intended) conspiracy theories.

2. Even looking at your numbers, there is very little difference in rates. Much less than 1%. When Trump stopped flights from China you guys called him racist.
Fact is he got vaccines in arms in record time saving millions of lives. You're welcome.

Pfizer and Merck did that. And then Trump fouled up the rollout because he was more concerned about trying to overturn the election.
Trump's handling of Covid was a fiasco compared to other industrialized nations who listened to the professionals.

3. Obama's reforms would not have made any difference. There are a few bad cops out there that need to be weeded out. Not Trump's fault, it happened under Biden too.
Except Biden actually took the right stance on police misconduct, as did Obama. Trump praised it and told the FOP he had their back.
Again, not really wasting time with your batshit (pun intended) conspiracy theories.

Pfizer and Merck did that. And then Trump fouled up the rollout because he was more concerned about trying to overturn the election.
Trump's handling of Covid was a fiasco compared to other industrialized nations who listened to the professionals.

Except Biden actually took the right stance on police misconduct, as did Obama. Trump praised it and told the FOP he had their back.
1. Fau-Chi caused the pandemic by funding GOF research at the Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general.

2. Warp Speed manufactured the vaccines in record time thanks to early funding "at risk". That saved millions of lives. You're welcome.

3. LOL!! Partisan bullshit. You blame Trump for police misconduct, and then praise Biden for police misconduct.
Link to Trump praising police misconduct, liar.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:
the libs and dems and the DC establishment hate him because they know that in a second term he would expose and prosecute their treason and corruption. its really not hate, it's fear.
1. Fau-Chi caused the pandemic by funding GOF research at the Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general.

2. Warp Speed manufactured the vaccines in record time thanks to early funding "at risk". That saved millions of lives. You're welcome.

3. LOL!! Partisan bullshit. You blame Trump for police misconduct, and then praise Biden for police misconduct.
Link to Trump praising police misconduct, liar.
1. Fau-Chi caused the pandemic by funding GOF research at the Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general
the libs and dems and the DC establishment hate him because they know that in a second term he would expose and prosecute their treason and corruption. its really not hate, it's fear.
He shouldn't have spent so much time foking off and playing golf
Sorry, but I never thought anybody would ask me such a stupid MF question so I didn't keep notes of the sites I go to. If something comes out I Google or Duck Duck it and read whatever is out there.
You remember the details of the narrative....but hell if you can recall where you read it.....repeatedly....
You remember the details of the narrative....but hell if you can recall where you read it.....repeatedly....

Do you think I'm stupid or something? You leftists are all alike. How many times do you think I played this childish game of yours with your comrades?

What's the source of your news?
(Jumping up and down) See! See! Breibart is always full of shit!
No, you are full of shit.
(Runs around Google looking for innacurate stories) See, look at these posts of how they lie!

"Liberals always think they're the smartest ones in the room."
Rush Limbaugh
I wouldn't dream of it.

Grifty spent his time, when not at the WH, playing golf.

When at the WH, he arrived shortly before lunch, then spent the afternoon engaged in "executive time"....
Surprisingly, Vanity Fair has had some great journalism in hunting down origins of Covid and GOF.
Why was a lab leak a conspiracy theory, very early on, that was adopted by the MSM and politicians? Because social and economic responsibility and culpability.
We can all sit around and blame trump, or blame Biden. Neither of them could have stopped what was coming, and we all know it.
Those that supported, aided, GOF research who knew the risks of that virus getting out, are to blame. If this had happened in the states, the amount of civil lawsuits would be astronomical. However, for some damn reason, most people can only focus on what Trump did or didn't or what biden did or didn't when you should be asking why the hell this virus was being researched and how the hell did it escape?

House Committee On Coronavirus hearing:

The amount of evidence is huge that the top brass in charge are hiding the origin of Covid.

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