I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

There is no evidence of that...

I provided the link. It's up to you whether to stay in denial or not.

But why don't we just agree on something here: A US President, no matter who he is or what party he belongs to is never on vacation. It's not like when you or I took a vacation from work: punch out, tell everybody goodbye for two weeks, and never think about work yet alone be bothered with it. A President is working all the time be it on a golf course or on a beach. Can we at least agree on that one?
Surprisingly, Vanity Fair has had some great journalism in hunting down origins of Covid and GOF.
Why was a lab leak a conspiracy theory, very early on, that was adopted by the MSM and politicians? Because social and economic responsibility and culpability.
We can all sit around and blame trump, or blame Biden. Neither of them could have stopped what was coming, and we all know it.
Those that supported, aided, GOF research who knew the risks of that virus getting out, are to blame. If this had happened in the states, the amount of civil lawsuits would be astronomical. However, for some damn reason, most people can only focus on what Trump did or didn't or what biden did or didn't when you should be asking why the hell this virus was being researched and how the hell did it escape?

House Committee On Coronavirus hearing:

The amount of evidence is huge that the top brass in charge are hiding the origin of Covid.

Most recently, genetic evidence implicating racoon dogs has been suggested.
I provided the link. It's up to you whether to stay in denial or not.

But why don't we just agree on something here: A US President, no matter who he is or what party he belongs to is never on vacation. It's not like when you or I took a vacation from work: punch out, tell everybody goodbye for two weeks, and never think about work yet alone be bothered with it. A President is working all the time be it on a golf course or on a beach. Can we at least agree on that one?
When you're riding a golf cart, you're golfing.
1. Fau-Chi caused the pandemic by funding GOF research at the Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general.
You can keep repeating this conspiracy theory all day, it doesn't make it true.
2. Warp Speed manufactured the vaccines in record time thanks to early funding "at risk". That saved millions of lives. You're welcome.
And then Trump fumbled the distribution, missing his targeted goal of 10 million shots by Dec 31.

3. LOL!! Partisan bullshit. You blame Trump for police misconduct, and then praise Biden for police misconduct.
Link to Trump praising police misconduct, liar.
I've done the links dozens of times... Links are wasted on you.
Surprisingly, Vanity Fair has had some great journalism in hunting down origins of Covid and GOF.
Why was a lab leak a conspiracy theory, very early on, that was adopted by the MSM and politicians? Because social and economic responsibility and culpability.
We can all sit around and blame trump, or blame Biden. Neither of them could have stopped what was coming, and we all know it.

Actually, you got this in reverse.

It doesn't matter WHERE it came from, it was incumbent on Trump to take action. Instead, he fought Fauci, fought the governors, held super-spreader events, etc, because his ego was too big to have the humility to admit he had a problem.

The attempts to make up UTTER FUCKING HORSESHIT conspiracy theories on GOF or lab leaks is an attempt to shit blame from where it belongs. On Trump.

You see, we DID have a Pandemic response plan, in place, to deal with stuff in case the Chinese or anyone else actually launched a Bio-weapon. We had a Pandemic response team in place, too. Which is why during the Bush and Obama years, these things were contained.

Trump threw those plans out.
One more time, Ray..
How many of Biden’s appointees have called him a "moron", a "fucking moron", or "dumb as shit"?
How many Biden appointees have normal opinions?

Just because the democrat appointees are dumber than shit or deviates doesn't prove anything.

Buttplug, small town mayor gets transportation because he's gay, NOT because he's qualified.



You also have to consider the sources for the adverse comments about Trump. Look at the Trump organization below, and then consider those comments

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How many Biden appointees have normal opinions?

Just because the democrat appointees are dumber than shit or deviates doesn't prove anything.

Buttplug, small town mayor gets transportation because he's gay, NOT because he's qualified.



You also have to consider the sources for the adverse comments about Trump. Look at the trump organization below, and then consider those comments

View attachment 775571
Consider the fact that their auditor has walked away from a decade's worth of returns.
He can't do so by misrepresenting his financial capacity and the value of his collateral.
Banks know wtf they are doing or they go bankrupt like SVB and Credit Suisse.
My point was, and still is, that the Trump Organization is a very wealthy and well run organization, built by $4b net worth Trump,
so the claims of "moron", a "fucking moron", or "dumb as shit" are moronic, you should know that.
Banks know wtf they are doing or they go bankrupt like SVB and Credit Suisse.
My point was, and still is, that the Trump Organization is a very wealthy and well run organization, built by $4b net worth Trump,
so the claims of "moron", a "fucking moron", or "dumb as shit" are moronic, you should know that.
built by $4b net worth Trump,

According to what?

His audited financial statements?
According to what?
His audited financial statements?
Forbes. $2.5b down from $4b in 2016. So you're still wrong. Tap dance as long as you want, I'm retired, I have all the time in the world.
Grifty spent his time, when not at the WH, playing golf.

When at the WH, he arrived shortly before lunch, then spent the afternoon engaged in "executive time"....
However much golf he played, he made America great again - secured the border, improved the economy, made America #1 enegy producer worldwide and energy independent, lowest unemployment, highest median wage, Opertion Warp Speed, MISSION Act, got Europeans to pay properly to NATO, etc etc etc

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