I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

This attempt to disenfranchise 81 million Biden voters in January 2021

nfbw 220525 Vsotbl01359

i. Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection 220525 {post•1359}. NotfooledbyW May’22 Vsotbl: The harm inflicted is not equal. The Trump voters are not harmed by disenfranchisement because their vote ultimately wins after having actually lost.

The harm of disenfranchisement falls on the Biden voters because their candidate won but never gets to represent them and their interest because Mike Pence decided to throw out their votes.

Most Trump voters being white makes this a white coup against the multicultural Democratic Party where 90 percent of all black voters choose to be represented,

When DJT attempted to harm that many black Americans by canceling their votes to make his white base happy as he said on Jan6 it would have becoime reality that millions of white Trump voters are happy that Trump could do harm to millions of black Americans with his fake electors scheme, …. it is racist nfbw 220525 Vsotbl01359
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I'm not the one needing consoling. Biden is who lost th debate, and Harris just lost another one.
This attempt to disenfranchise 81 million Biden voters in January 2021

nfbw 220525 Vsotbl01359

i. Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection 220525 {post•1359}. NotfooledbyW May’22 Vsotbl: The harm inflicted is not equal. The Trump voters are not harmed by disenfranchisement because their vote ultimately wins after having actually lost.

The harm of disenfranchisement falls on the Biden voters because their candidate won but never gets to represent them and their interest because Mike Pence decided to throw out their votes.

Most Trump voters being white makes this a white coup against the multicultural Democratic Party where 90 percent of all black voters choose to be represented,

When DJT attempted to harm that many black Americans by canceling their votes to make his white base happy as he said on Jan6 it would have becoime reality that millions of white Trump voters are happy that Trump could do harm to millions of black Americans with his fake electors scheme, …. it is racist nfbw 220525 Vsotbl01359
Does anybody have any idea what this weird pile of leftist, looney jibbersih means ? If so, please don't tell me.
January 6th, is the most peaceful, non-violent riot in history


Yup, not violent at all. Totally agree.
1. The Covid pandemic was caused by Fau-Chi. No one else.

2. Trump's "warp speed" got vaccines in record time. Fau-Chi predicted 4-years to a vaccine, "if then", Pence got shots in arms in 10-months. You're welcome.

3. Trump has zero to do with police reform or abusive cops, dumbass. Put the blame where it belongs, on the criminals. Look at the lawless streets now, enjoy your urban plantations!

4. Trump's not going to jail. Keep dreaming.

5. Trump's right track number was close to 50%. Biden's numbers are in the shitter.
View attachment 774065
Trump put Jared Kushner in charge of prison reform.
No one can tell a dead brain anything.

Specifically Truth.

The disenfranchisement
attempt by Don Trump leading up to and on January 6, 2021. was motivated by racism , is a non-deniable fact against the racists who were involved in what was called stopping the steal.
You are a very sick individual.... But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt just this once. Slowly, methodically and empirically show me how racism was responsible for January 6th.
Perhaps jingoism is the word you're looking for? However I fear that you're just another race baiting asshole (probably just another sock) who bends over backwards to see racism in a glass of milk.

But I will read with you respond with great eagerness to see how you can make this connection.
And yet you and your filth NEVER condemned the BLM riots of 2020.
I do hear by condemn all in any riots, including the BLM riots of 2020 according to Kellyanne Conway, who was Trump’s top campaign advisor, when she said the riots and the violence will help Don Trump in the election.

He doesn’t have that kind of help now, The last major riot in the United States of America is on him when he sat on his ass and didn’t try to stop it even though the Jan6 riot was called by him and for him directly to overturn the election.
No one can tell a dead brain anything.

Specifically Truth.

The disenfranchisement
attempt by Don Trump leading up to and on January 6, 2021. was motivated by racism , is a non-deniable fact against the racists who were involved in what was called stopping the steal.
/—-/ Now, there’s a creative twist to your race card. Jan 6 was racist.
Jan 6 was racist.
Rather than laugh - make a counterpoint starting with how would the political party of mostly white Christian people, so they say, not be disenfranchising the party of multicultural white black and brown people if the party of white people had gotten Mike Pence to do what Don Trump calls the “right thing” by refusing to count Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Wisconsin’s electoral vote victory for Biden

Din Trump’s “the right thing” is fucking racist flat out blatant and no other explanation for it.
No one can tell a dead brain anything.

Specifically Truth.

The disenfranchisement
attempt by Don Trump leading up to and on January 6, 2021. was motivated by racism , is a non-deniable fact against the racists who were involved in what was called stopping the steal.
Are you REALLY this stupid or is it an act? Pray tell us HOW anything Trump did on January 6 had a racist component? The racists among us have ALWAYS been the Democrats...period.
Rather than laugh - make a counterpoint starting with how would the political party of mostly white Christian people, so they say, not be disenfranchising the party of multicultural white black and brown people if the party of white people had gotten Mike Pence to do what Don Trump calls the “right thing” by refusing to count Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Wisconsin’s electoral vote victory for Biden

Din Trump’s “the right thing” is fucking racist flat out blatant and no other explanation for it.
/—-/ Trump never asked Pence to count anything you dope. He said the VP should send the ballots back to the individual state legislatures to verify. RINO Pence refused to do it.
And yet you and your filth NEVER condemned the BLM riots of 2020. In fact you morons actually cheered the destruction.
I have condemned the pro Trump effort to violently take over the government. I have condemned the BLM riots.

The George Floyd riots were far more destructive. They should have been crushed by coalitions of police men, military men, and deputized gun owners.
/—-/ Trump never asked Pence to count anything you dope. He said the VP should send the ballots back to the individual state legislatures to verify. RINO Pence refused to do it.
Trump's intention was to delay and muck up the vote certification long enough to give his inbred mutant attorneys enough time to figure out their next strategy for stealing the election.
It was a classic coup attempt that, thanks in part to Pence, failed.
So Pence served as a "guardrail" in this example.
This is why convicted felon Trump cannit, under any circumstances, win this election. This next time around the guardrails would be gone.

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