I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

If you love America MAGA is the way to go. The Democrats are lying violent fools. Ignorant as well. INBRED brain damaged piece of shit faun
You should know that I posted that graphic that is your avatar. Faun posted a response which was a fabrication, phony chart designed to show Biden didn't have phony vote dumps.
Talking about trump again. Oh no , the Antichrist ! He's too stupid to be the AntiChrist , he's got to be just one of his lowly minions.
Stay in your lane boy, because you are now making a fool of yourself. If you don't understand something, then just ask and Carl might try to help, but you must be sincere first. Ain't happening is it ? I THOUGHT NOT... rotflmbo 🤣
More retardation from thd forums inbred.

Moron, I didn't defend Biden's withdrawal. He blew it. Instead, I educated you that the equipment was given to the Afghan government to defend themselves against the Taliban.
Now you're not defending Biden's disastrous Afghan withdrawal? Your hero actually fucked up real bad? What a lying inbred you are LOL
So by claiming that Trump is "hateful", you therefore must have some idea of who Trump is hating, and for what erroneous reason.

Would you mind telling us ?
So Stann has clicked
with this post.
So this must mean that Stann disagrees that he has "some idea of who Trump is hating,"
which means he has NO IDEA who Trump is hating.

Why am I not surprised ?
So Stann has clicked
with this post.
So this must mean that Stann disagrees that he has "some idea of who Trump is hating,"
which means he has NO IDEA who Trump is hating.

Why am I not surprised ?
Play your Fucked up.games , it just shows how screwed up you are.
So Stann has clicked
with this post.
So this must mean that Stann disagrees that he has "some idea of who Trump is hating,"
which means he has NO IDEA who Trump is hating.

Why am I not surprised ?
Oh, so now he disagrees with this. So that means we're back to him having "some idea of who Trump is hating,"

OK. Fine. So who is that, Stann ? Who does Trump hate ? (you think)
nfbw 240916 Visdkw02753

i. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240916 {post•2668}. Blisterfinger Sep’24 Sisdkw: MAGA IS NOW THE LARGEST AND MOST POWERFUL POLITICAL PARTY IN AMERICA • blstrfngr 240916 Sisdkw02668

ii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240916 {post•2753}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Visdkw: There is no political party in America named MAGA.

Trump won only 80 percent of the Republican Party primary voters.which means MAGA is smaller than the entirety of thr Republican Party as a whole unified Party.

Trump has white evangelical Christians who turn off independent freedom loving women on choice and those same white evangelical Christians don’t give a fuck about working class Americans and refuse to vote for a politician who is not white enough, not Jesus loving enough and not sympathetic to the plight of billionaires like Trump enough all for what they call their Biblical World View.

The Dems are assembling a multi-racial working class coalition who don’t believe
Legal Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are not eating their neighbors, cats and dogs.

Meanwhile “World Liberty” keep that in mind Christians if you think your “made up coins” will Replace the USD with the image of Trump on them.

nfbw 240916 Visdkw02753
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Trump set up the rotten deal and dumped it on Biden. Probably knowing it would be a disaster so people could blame Biden and not the real culprit.
Trump did a no no.Trump negotiated directly with the Taliban and cut the Afghanistan government out of it.. Actually Trump is a traitor for doing that. Traitor to the American people and a traitor mostly to the Afghan people.

What he did was undermine the confidence in the Afghan government and the planning by the government’s top level people and the monied class to bolt taking whatever they could take with them after Trump betrayed them by recognizing the Taliban as legitimate negotiators for the future of Afghanistan.

Just another one of his bromances with authoritarians who hate women.
Oh, so now he disagrees with this. So that means we're back to him having "some idea of who Trump is hating,"

OK. Fine. So who is that, Stann ? Who does Trump hate ? (you think)
What kind of imbecile are you ? Trump is crazy , he only cares about himself. Not the country , not other people. He's on his own little world where everything revolves around him and everyone should be subserviant to him. Anyone who disagrees with that is an enemy. He hates women , he hates gays. , he hates people of color , he hates immigrants. ,he hates transgenders , he hates our allies, he hates the Afghans , he hates the Iraqis , he hates the Kurds , he hates the list is endless like I said even republicans that don't fall in line and worship him. Who does he like , Putin , Kim Jung Un, that terrible far-right right leader of one of the eastern European countries. In essence - all the wrong people for all the wrong reasons. Very crazy man. Who compares himself to Christ.
When a post starts off with a lie I need not read any further to know it's all BS.
I'll start this post off with a TRUTH >>

You don't have the foggiest idea of Trump being "hateful" (your word) to anyone, and you proved it, by being unable to answer the question of WHO is he allegedlly hateful toward.

The "BS" is all yours, boy. :laugh:
What kind of imbecile are you ? Trump is crazy , he only cares about himself. Not the country , not other people. He's on his own little world where everything revolves around him and everyone should be subserviant to him. Anyone who disagrees with that is an enemy. He hates women , he hates gays. , he hates people of color , he hates immigrants. ,he hates transgenders , he hates our allies, he hates the Afghans , he hates the Iraqis , he hates the Kurds , he hates the list is endless like I said even republicans that don't fall in line and worship him. Who does he like , Putin , Kim Jung Un, that terrible far-right right leader of one of the eastern European countries. In essence - all the wrong people for all the wrong reasons. Very crazy man. Who compares himself to Christ.
Well at least this pathetic meltdown has something more than the hot air you've been posting up to now.

So let's see you substantiate your claims. One at a time. Let's start with > "he hates people of color" Upon what do you base that claim ?
Bear in mind that in Trump's presidency, we had the lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, in US history.
Trump created 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities.
He got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges.
Trump did a no no.Trump negotiated directly with the Taliban and cut the Afghanistan government out of it.. Actually Trump is a traitor for doing that. Traitor to the American people and a traitor mostly to the Afghan people.

What he did was undermine the confidence in the Afghan government and the planning by the government’s top level people and the monied class to bolt taking whatever they could take with them after Trump betrayed them by recognizing the Taliban as legitimate negotiators for the future of Afghanistan.

Just another one of his bromances with authoritarians who hate women.
Totally agree.

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