I still have not filed our taxes

Every year, probably since I've been posting here....I'm panicked and scrambling on April 15th, to go through them one last time, making certain I didn't miss anything and that I did them correctly, with my heart racing, and hoping the dear lord makes certain we don't have a storm that knocks the power out!


Ha! Not only did I file my taxes two weeks ago, the IRS has already cashed my check.

Do you think they'd be that fast with a refund?

You're not supposed to pay or get a refund, you're goal is to push.
I need to mail my personal taxes still though I did them a month ago. I get refunds at state and federal so it doesn't matter and my state isn't due for another few weeks anyway. I will drop in box tomorrow or Monday. The taxes for my businesses were done and electronically filed in March. That is such a PITA that mailing mine at the last minute is my way of rebelling against Da Man!!!!

The business taxes are mainly such a pain because of the way payroll stuff gets broken apart into so many pieces and lines on business filings.

Ever consider a payroll service?
Do Illegal aliens file taxes? I would ask them but then they would hurt me. I am the soul of discretion. really. I bet they do all sorts of legal stuff we cant ask questions about because they are law abiding folks it offends them and their quack overlords. But immigrate legally? Were did that come from?

If the illegal is using another persons social security they are. If the illegal is paying rent they are. If the illegal is buying goods they are. What would stop that is arresting employers that hire illegals.
I use tax act or turbo tax..... our taxes are not that complicated.

I've done two runs through on them, and only need to find what we paid precisely in property taxes last year, for a State income tax credit we could be eligible for on our Maine State taxes.....

But I still hate filing them, even though we are getting a tad of money back!
Why don't you just hire a CPA? Or a service? H&R Block or one of those? You pay a couple hundred dollars and you don't have the headaches.

I would do that ... But I like the fact that getting extremely pissed off for 8 hours helps me focus on why I hate the government so much.
I mean I am liable to be pissed for a month or so ... Way better than paying someone to tell me I owe the government more money.

Every year, probably since I've been posting here....I'm panicked and scrambling on April 15th, to go through them one last time, making certain I didn't miss anything and that I did them correctly, with my heart racing, and hoping the dear lord makes certain we don't have a storm that knocks the power out!

I have people for that.

You're not supposed to pay or get a refund, you're goal is to push.

If you push hard enough ... You will always owe taxes when you file.

What I pay quarterly is just a prediction of what I am going to owe.
I am always looking for opportunities to earn.

If I don't owe money when I file ... I am not trying hard enough to earn.

You're not supposed to pay or get a refund, you're goal is to push.

If you push hard enough ... You will always owe taxes when you file.

What I pay quarterly is just a prediction of what I am going to owe.
I am always looking for opportunities to earn.

If I don't owe money when I file ... I am not trying hard enough to earn.


A prediction of what your tax on revenue was the previous quarter.
I need to mail my personal taxes still though I did them a month ago. I get refunds at state and federal so it doesn't matter and my state isn't due for another few weeks anyway. I will drop in box tomorrow or Monday. The taxes for my businesses were done and electronically filed in March. That is such a PITA that mailing mine at the last minute is my way of rebelling against Da Man!!!!

The business taxes are mainly such a pain because of the way payroll stuff gets broken apart into so many pieces and lines on business filings.

Ever consider a payroll service?

I have a payroll service but it is not that simple since they only do part of the equation.

Just passed them off to the hubby to transmit and file! YAY! sigh!:D
on my state income taxes....a funny thing happened....by accident, somehow I must have hit maryland instead of maine, between the last run through doing them to this time....so the tax program went from saying the last time that I was getting $756 dollars back on my State taxes from Maine (a prop tax credit helped that go up....yay!) to OWING $35...only for Marland....but i did not know that's why yet!

I, for the life of me, could not figure out why it went up....

took about the third time running through it that I realized it had Maryland as my state by mistake and not Maine anymore!

finally figured it out....actually the hubby did....his credit is due!

BUT one thing I found out..... you suckers in Maryland, have HIGHER TAXES than us, here in Maine!!! Holy Smokes!!! :eek:
Every year, probably since I've been posting here....I'm panicked and scrambling on April 15th, to go through them one last time, making certain I didn't miss anything and that I did them correctly, with my heart racing, and hoping the dear lord makes certain we don't have a storm that knocks the power out!


I got mine filed on Saturday. If you file an extension and pay th estimated tax you will be fine. Also people that file extensions are less likely to be audited.

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