I stopped caring about any of it

If Democrats want to burn down their own neighborhoods, I don't give a damn.
Yep, I agree with you 100% on this. And I THANK GOD every day that I live in a nice, safe, Republican-run town, that has almost NO crime to speak of, VERY few illegal aliens, and absolutely NO ANTIFA dumbf*cks. I feel safe anywhere in town. It's a wonderful existence.

Wow! You are indeed one of the fortunate ones. Imagine living in a safe town with little crime.

Try to keep your city a secret. Otherwise, bad elements will arrive just to create mischief.

I think that many years ago (I am 83 years old), people in Oregon would half-jokingly tell visitors to enjoy themselves but not to stay! Sadly, many visitors did stay!

Best wishes
Thanks. You have a VERY strong and clear mind for someone 83 years of age. YOU appear to be the lucky one.
If Democrats want to burn down their own neighborhoods, I don't give a damn.
How about if the next Dem president decides to us the US Army to "take out" white supremacists? Would you care then?

If white supremists are burning and looting entire cities and robbing people, Bring out the national guard and kick their ass. Why not? Why would anyone sane have a problem with that?
They must have a goal, I just can't figure out what it is.
Their goal is to destroy the country. If they let every major city burn, the stock market will crash for real. Everyone’s 401k goes up in smoke, the dollar becomes worthless. They are literally trying to burn the country to the ground.
Are you really donnie trump? Not everything is about the stock market or 401Ks, not this or the Pandemic. Aren't you supposed to be on twitter making threats?

Yeah, not everything is about 401 K's but if the police do not rein this in and these Selfish fucks keep burning and looting, people will start to defend themselves with lethal force because they are getting pulled out of cars, beaten robed attacked. These so called protestors are ruining lives. they seem to have forgotten all about George Floyd
Protesters were fine. Protesters are fine. These rioting A-Holes need to be controlled as trouble makers always have to be controlled, only this time they are in mass. Protests have a history of drawing the legitimate and the illegitimate. This ain't new.

Well, the real protestors may need to stop protesting for a while because they are making it easier for the A-holes to operate. They need to clear the streets so the Police can clear the rioters without confusing the two.
These rioters need to go to jail and not be allowed bail, F them... if they contract corona virus they have it coming.
While having nothing against the peaceful protester/demonstrators, assemblers, you are correct. They do not need to get caught up in what may come next. If being arrested at scene of violent protest, especially for resisting on up through destruction of propert, assault, theft, arson, etc., it should be no difficulty denying bail as their situation at time of arrests suffices of evidence their release would pose a danger to the community if released. Shame about the corona thing, but as I have said, on that subject, they should have thought of the possibility of being locked up in a virus rampant environment before deciding to take up crime for fun and profit.

I have no problem either with people protesting the problems that exist within police departments with the way they are designed or trained, or whatever the problem is with the way minorities are often treated differently. In the case of George Floyd, it was something we all could have gotten behind as fellow Americans... but that moment is stolen by these anarchists.
Protesting is one thing, but attacking police who contain many wonderful individuals in their ranks, who joined to help their communities ends it for me. These people have forgotten that civilians also have a responsibility to the society and each other. They think they are only giving the middle finger to the police? they are giving it to all of us. They are literally burning down our country. The time for patience with them has long past.
It is not behind us and the point of the legal demonstrations is in no way invalidate, nor should it be behind us as a country until it is effectively addressed and remedied. There are many fine policeman out there and I regard it overall as a noble and necessary profession. That said, they are the first line of defense to protect the that noble image and prevent the few from tarring the whole with their lack of restraint and inflicting tyranny on society or segments of society, at their personal whim. At policing their own they quite often fail, miserably, bringing us to situations like this. It takes personal self control and retaining a sense of humanity in the face repeated stressful situations on the street. Some were not psychologically suited to the job in the first place, others can become worn down by the grind and what they have seen on the job. No difference, their partners, cadre and superiors are remiss in keeping their ranks clean in many cases. There is far too little homogeneity in the selection process, military background or a two years degree in law enforcement/criminal justice doesn't (even) assure they are up to the task or psychologically suited to wield deadly force, and as I said their entry psychology can changes after they have been on the job. I don't have an answer, but if we do not find one, we are doomed to periodic repeats of action that invite mass demonstration that can be corrupted by bad actors of every ilk, unleashing a recurring, violent criminal field day or nights across the entire country. The grievances of the peaceful protesters are far to important and legitimate to ignore.

The violence tears it for me. It will have to be stopped, even at the expense of the peaceful protester rights temporarily, and soon. I do not favor mass violence by the authorities to counter the situation. There are still other means in many cases, but possibly not all. I am still wondering why we have not seen the roll out of the Active Denial System, as this type of crowd control is what it is made for, along with sonic systems in the inventory also.
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As you say, in regards to George Floyd, it is not behind us, it still needs to and will be addressed.... what went down and why, however, I do feel that this moment where the spotlight needed to be focused has been stolen by these rioters.
This actually probably was one of those rare times when people from both sides of the political isle were ready to join together. Personally had this all been peaceful protest... I even would have been willing to show up for the memory of mr Floyd.
But what we got instead was a bunch of people coming right out and saying Dr Kings way didnt work, we want to do it our way now. Only thing is, I cant remember in the last 10 years when they have tried it Dr Kings way. Yes, I think this would have been one of those rare times we could have all come together. People on the left, and those protestors i believe underestimated how much the killing of Floyd hurt all of us to see.
Nothing shows that even a small minority of the protestors are looting. Even Battlin Bill Barr's FBI just finds smallish bands of criminals taking advantage of the opportuntity to steal shit.

The smallish bands sure are doing a lot of destruction aren't they? I wonder how many African American businesses got torched and stripped clean. Cops getting ran over and shot, people getting robbed and beaten up. Good thing theres not very many of these smallish bands right?

Protestors are fine, but due to whats happening on the streets, its time for everyone to stay home. Let the next protests be organized protests in a park or stadium. Give people a microphone to speak their mind. What we have right now is a bunch of redundancy after 7 days. How many times do you want to say Fuck the police and hands up dont shoot?
I want to see something fucking constructive. This is our society and its time for people to say enough is enough, go home, get off the street and lets stop the burning now.

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