I support big government

the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.
OK... are you trolling just for kicks or... you just want to see how many people will respond to that garbage as if it was real?
I'm a left-leaning libertarian, I guess that makes me a liberal? I definitely don't support an over-large government. We don't need government to dictate to us how to live our lives, who to marry, what religion to practice, etc...

Surprisingly, it seems like the right seems to support these things, and yet they claim to support small government. Go figure.

It does need to be big enough, or least have an enough authority, to keep the robber-baron corporate interests in check.

What a crock of shit.

The pinnacle of right-wing debate tactics shows it's ugly head again.
And you're cherry troll #2?

You two winners over here trolling from the D.U. or what?
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.
OK... are you trolling just for kicks or... you just want to see how many people will respond that garbage as if it was real?
Why can't it be both? That would be more fun.
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.

This is the shallowest post I have ever read on the nature of the American Government.
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.

This is the shallowest post I have ever read on the nature of the American Government.
He/she/it is TROLLING.

They're a couple of progtards from some commie board like the DU or the Daily KOS, and they've come over to see how bad they can rile up the conservatives... have themselves a little fun.
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.
Welcome to my list of biggest morons to mock on usmb. May your visit be a pleasant one
I'm a left-leaning libertarian, I guess that makes me a liberal? I definitely don't support an over-large government. We don't need government to dictate to us how to live our lives, who to marry, what religion to practice, etc...

Surprisingly, it seems like the right seems to support these things, and yet they claim to support small government. Go figure.

It does need to be big enough, or least have an enough authority, to keep the robber-baron corporate interests in check.

What a crock of shit.

The pinnacle of right-wing debate tactics shows it's ugly head again.

Not a whole lot else to say when you think conservatives are for big gov.
In fact here's a perfect example of one of your brethren ........
I support big government US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You were saying?
I agree with the OP. People are basically stupid and helpless and they need to surrender control to an all powerful government. Just think of the savings on your health insurance!
Better lives through better government.

Perfect lives with full government control
Nothing is perfect...

Government is perfect and they're watching you
They have been for decades. I built weapons for them, remember?

They are watching you too, they just don't care, until they need to that is.
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.

WTF!!, what government indoctrination school did you attend? The U.S. Government's purpose is to:
1. Protect the unalienable rights granted us by our Creator. (primary purpose)
2. The powers listed in our Constitution, and nothing else!

According to our Constitution all power originates with the people. The Government only has the power granted it by, "WE THE PEOPLE".
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.

I think you misunderstand:
what you mean by "people having power"
is what Conservatives MEAN by empowering states and people -- at the grassroots level.

When you centralize everything in Washington, you make the pyramid top heavy
and it can't be sustained with too much bureaucracy without local transparency representation and controls.

Separating federal from state and local
is like the equivalent of
separating church from state.

You don't want all the power concentrated in the hands of the few with no direct accountability to the people.
We lose checks and balances that way, we lose our ability to leverage and protect our own interests and investments
to have a say in government if the government is already holding all our services hostage and can force us to compromise.
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.
So...whose sock are you?
Government is required to do most everything for us which is why it must be everywhere. Authoritarianism is necessary
Since Americans are as dumb as dog shit, it's only necessary if you want a decent society.

You're deranged, you really are. You obviously don't know your asshole from a buttonhole.... seek help... like immediately. And please, don't reproduce.
I'm a left-leaning libertarian, I guess that makes me a liberal? I definitely don't support an over-large government. We don't need government to dictate to us how to live our lives, who to marry, what religion to practice, etc...

Surprisingly, it seems like the right seems to support these things, and yet they claim to support small government. Go figure.

It does need to be big enough, or least have an enough authority, to keep the robber-baron corporate interests in check.

Actually nowadays it is the unions and welfare queens that are the robber barons.

Corporations produce goods and services the public wants and needs, provides employment and pays a ton of taxes on the State, Local and Federal level. Many corporations are large donors to charity and community projects.

If you want to stop all the robber baron then join me in condemning all government transfer payments to include welfare, bailouts, subsidies and entitlements. Then the robber barons won't have anyplace to do their robbing.
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.

WTF!!, what government indoctrination school did you attend? The U.S. Government's purpose is to:
1. Protect the unalienable rights granted us by our Creator. (primary purpose)
2. The powers listed in our Constitution, and nothing else!

According to our Constitution all power originates with the people. The Government only has the power granted it by, "WE THE PEOPLE".

natstew Allen West described it as succinctly as possible
the modern liberals come from radical liberalism from Rousseau that saw the will of the people as being established by Govt
and forcing all people to comply with that for the protection of the whole. they see free will of the people as what causes abuses
if this isn't checked by common agreement to follow laws through govt. the govt is the default for defending political rights.

the modern conservatives come from classic liberalism from Locke that saw natural rights from God as among the people,
and the laws are a social contract between people and Govt to limit Govt so this is not abused to oppress and deprive liberty.
The people are the check on govt, not the govt as the check on people.

They are coming from a spiritual view of spiritual rights and freedom coming from God and inherent in human nature
vs. political rights and freedom coming from what is established through Govt.

So conservatives make God their government and
liberals make Government their god.

Because both are political beliefs, that's why we need agreement on policy so we satisfy both and violate neither.
For example, we agree to have laws against murder, whether we put church laws or state laws first before the other.
All laws need to be agreed upon so we don't impose spiritual ways or secular ways on each other but equally include both.
What is the best way we can impose an authoritarian system in this society? We can't just come out and say we are against freedom. That won't get any votes. I'm sure a few people may not mind that but that would be just a small percentage. How can we get convince people to throw away democracy.

I hear there's plenty of room in Venezuela... you should go there. Plenty of misery, just like you want... you can spend your days online to get toilet paper.
Government is required to do most everything for us which is why it must be everywhere. Authoritarianism is necessary
Since Americans are as dumb as dog shit, it's only necessary if you want a decent society.

You're deranged, you really are. You obviously don't know your asshole from a buttonhole.... seek help... like immediately. And please, don't reproduce.
You got nothin', and I didn't, mostly by choice.
Government is required to do most everything for us which is why it must be everywhere. Authoritarianism is necessary
Since Americans are as dumb as dog shit, it's only necessary if you want a decent society.

You're deranged, you really are. You obviously don't know your asshole from a buttonhole.... seek help... like immediately. And please, don't reproduce.
You got nothin', and I didn't, mostly by choice.

Well, thank God for that.... and I'm sure women are lined up around the block wanting a poke at a gem like yourself.
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.
The fact that the OP said this (in bold) gives me reason to believe that the post is a spoof on the left and the way they think.
the idea that government should be smaller means it become weaker and that is a stupid idea by conservatives and libertarians. The whole purpose of government is to have power and control over the population. Making it smaller means less employees to enforce laws which can only lead to less power. The more employees it has the more it's will can be felt all the way across society. Nothing should fall outside the governments authority because everything has to be controlled. It's why we have governments in the first place.
The fact that the OP said this (in bold) gives me reason to believe that the post is a spoof on the left and the way they think.

No, I genuinely believe that one is just a major tard... probably PMH's buddy.

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