I support Sessions... because of who is whining - 100% pure anti-American scum


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).
What is going to happen with this whole thing is that they are going to uncover Russian ties and hanky panky with The Dems.
What the Dems are doing is a pre-emptive strike. They should really have just kept their mouth shut and went back to obstructionism.

There is far more proof of Dem's colluding with Russia over Uranium deals and other 'convenient arrangements" that involved bribes, donations, book deals, and other gifts etc.

So what they are doing now, is the equivalent of Russian Roulette, and they have no clue apparently that when it is their turn to pull the trigger, the gun will fire at their own fool heads.

This will reopen, Podesta's lobbying ties with Russia, Schummer and Pelosi were both invloved in some shady Russian Dealings, and The Clinton Foundation..

All of this was kept under wraps by The Obama Administration. Unless they were running the shredder 24-7 in The White House, they are going to be toast.

This also opens up The DNC server to finally get Subpoened to force the DNC to let the world see the so called evidence of Russian hacking no one was allowed to see.

And lastly, this will expose Obama Bin Lying to investigation with none of his cronies in key places to shield him from prosecution. We may, for the first time in history witness an Ex President being handcuffed and hauled off to jail for treason.

By 2018, The Dems will being gasping for air and clinging to life by a thread.

And that is where this is going to end up going.

Remember I said this. Remember it well. I have researched this and the Dems are idiots for taking their witch hunt in this direction.
I knew it! I had seen that face. It is Henry Gibson of Laugh-In fame.

I'll add another

Chaffetz - a JDAAM - Jew disguised as a MORMON

Wanted to be Speaker too... Ambitious little fraud. Wants Trump out just like Schumer, the 100% Israeli "Never Trump" crowd, and the Israeli owned "US" media...
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).

What of his post indicates "fascism"?
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I cannot argue with your logic.
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).

What of his post indicates "fascism"?

Q. What of his post indicates "fascism"?
A. (If you have to ask ...) The title of the thread is obvious, calling out people s/he does not know, & never will, 100% scum is a sign of a fascist.
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).
Acting like an elitist douchebag & proclaiming to be better than a fellow American is not the trait of a Patriot but rather a self deluded idiot.

Go fuck yourself hack
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).
Acting like an elitist douchebag & proclaiming to be better than a fellow American is not the trait of a Patriot but rather a self deluded idiot.

Go fuck yourself hack

Sorry, I've never been locked in a cage. Since you have, how does one go about fucking themselves?
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).
Acting like an elitist douchebag & proclaiming to be better than a fellow American is not the trait of a Patriot but rather a self deluded idiot.

Go fuck yourself hack

Sorry, I've never been locked in a cage. Since you have, how does one go about fucking themselves?
Left you without a comeback and speechless so you default to personal digs like the idiot you are.

Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).
"100% American scum" seems to me to be a bit of an understatement.
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).

What of his post indicates "fascism"?

Q. What of his post indicates "fascism"?
A. (If you have to ask ...) The title of the thread is obvious, calling out people s/he does not know, & never will, 100% scum is a sign of a fascist.

No, it is not.

You are using the term to smear people who are your enemy.

Falsely and dishonestly.
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).

What of his post indicates "fascism"?

Q. What of his post indicates "fascism"?
A. (If you have to ask ...) The title of the thread is obvious, calling out people s/he does not know, & never will, 100% scum is a sign of a fascist.

No, it is not.

You are using the term to smear people who are your enemy.

Falsely and dishonestly.

I-G#1 Yes it is, fascism does not allow dissent.

I-G#2 I am not using the term fascist to smear people who are my enemy.

I-G#3 My comment is neither false nor is it dishonest

I'm sorry my comment caused you some cognitive dissonance; BTW, I-G is a short cut for idiot-gram, and points 1, 2, & 3 represent a response to your fantasies.

Have a nice day, The Donald has a number of tweets to read and consider - that ought to have much grist for all political debate today and on into the future.
Jeff Sessions is not my favorite person. I am a medicinal user. Jeff supported socializing senior drugs and flooding America's high schools with pills, but hates marijuana etc...

but the list of those whining about this meeting is a who's who of who is bad for America...

Darrell Issa - has never done anything good for America. Was completely on board with every factless "terror war" bull shit no matter how much it cost or damaged the US. Was a card carrying member (like Sessions) during W's 8 year Bible Thumping Socialist Porkfest, which took a strong economy and a surplus and returned a depression, a trillion dollar deficit, and Obama (who is part of W's "legacy.") by outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ all while calling it "conservative."

W - did more harm to America than his 42 predecessors summed together

Chuck Schumer - a classic high ranking Jew Dem obsessed with two things - enriching the lawyers and starting wars over lies to help ISRAEL

Show me someone who wants Sessions out, and I'll show you someone who never cared about the US and did major harm to the US while lying and covering up and getting rich in the process...

I didn't want Sessions in, and now I would like to see an article of impeachment passed by the H. of Rep. I can probably win a bet that I'm more patriotic and have done more for America and American Citizens than a bigot like you.

"100% American Scum" is a phrase right out of a fascist playbook; that type of critter always displays Our Flag and the Cross of Christianity, while they spoil what they represent by their words and deeds (as you have done with this thread).

What of his post indicates "fascism"?

Q. What of his post indicates "fascism"?
A. (If you have to ask ...) The title of the thread is obvious, calling out people s/he does not know, & never will, 100% scum is a sign of a fascist.

No, it is not.

You are using the term to smear people who are your enemy.

Falsely and dishonestly.

I-G#1 Yes it is, fascism does not allow dissent.

I-G#2 I am not using the term fascist to smear people who are my enemy.

I-G#3 My comment is neither false nor is it dishonest

I'm sorry my comment caused you some cognitive dissonance; BTW, I-G is a short cut for idiot-gram, and points 1, 2, & 3 represent a response to your fantasies.

Have a nice day, The Donald has a number of tweets to read and consider - that ought to have much grist for all political debate today and on into the future.

1. Lots of unpleasant people "don't allow dissent. Communists did not allow dissent, for one example and they were not fascist. You are using the term fascist, not because it is accurate, but because it smears your enemies.

2. Your point did not cause me any cognitive dissonance. A lefty falsely accusing someone of being a fascist fits into my world view just fine.

3. Your need to pepper your posts with smugness and insults is reveals a lack of intellectual maturity on your part.

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