I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

I would be in favor of breaking into different countries. We are no longer united. Why keep pretending?
It was worse in the 70s. The gummit was actually shooting students and crazies tried to assassinate President Ford twice in a matter of weeks. He was a brave man.
Nixon and Hoover were a disgrace. But the two sides did not have different sets of facts like we do now. The GOP is always the swamp and the disaster --now it is so obvious, they have to make up a whole imaginary planet where the Democrats are corrupt and the corrupt law enforcement and courts are a huge conspiracy to protect them. Absolute garbage that is treasonous in the end. Bring back the fairness doctrine so that there is at least a little debate to stop the fugue State the dupes are in....
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.
I would be in favor of breaking into different countries. We are no longer united. Why keep pretending?
It was worse in the 70s. The gummit was actually shooting students and crazies tried to assassinate President Ford twice in a matter of weeks. He was a brave man.

The counter-culture revolution of the 60's was a product of the Tavistock Institute and Frankfort School and financed by the CIA as controlled opposition to the Vietnam War. Anyone opposing the war were lumped in with the draft-burning hippies. Ford was simply rewarded for his part in helping to cover up the JFK murder and the coup d'eat....I wouldn't call him "brave" by any stretch.
The Federal Reserve had JFK Assassinated.
The two biggest conspiracy nut jobs on the board...
I would be in favor of breaking into different countries. We are no longer united. Why keep pretending?
It was worse in the 70s. The gummit was actually shooting students and crazies tried to assassinate President Ford twice in a matter of weeks. He was a brave man.
Nixon and Hoover were a disgrace. But the two sides did not have different sets of facts like we do now. The GOP is always the swamp and the disaster --now it is so obvious, they have to make up a whole imaginary planet where the Democrats are corrupt and the corrupt law enforcement and courts are a huge conspiracy to protect them. Absolute garbage that is treasonous in the end. Bring back the fairness doctrine so that there is at least a little debate to stop the fugue State the dupes are in....
Nixon did far far less than what Obama and Clinton did. Nixon deleted just a few minutes from a personal recording regarding an event he was not involved in.

Wow have our standards fallen to the lowest common denominator.....YOU.
I would be in favor of breaking into different countries. We are no longer united. Why keep pretending?
It was worse in the 70s. The gummit was actually shooting students and crazies tried to assassinate President Ford twice in a matter of weeks. He was a brave man.
Nixon and Hoover were a disgrace. But the two sides did not have different sets of facts like we do now. The GOP is always the swamp and the disaster --now it is so obvious, they have to make up a whole imaginary planet where the Democrats are corrupt and the corrupt law enforcement and courts are a huge conspiracy to protect them. Absolute garbage that is treasonous in the end. Bring back the fairness doctrine so that there is at least a little debate to stop the fugue State the dupes are in....
Nixon did far far less than what Obama and Clinton did. Nixon deleted just a few minutes from a personal recording regarding an event he was not involved in.

Wow have our standards fallen to the lowest common denominator.....YOU.
You appear to be the most ignorant and brainwashed person on here. They both broke the law multiple times and subverted the Constitution fighting protesters. My college busted the head of SDS in Upstate New York, who is working for the FBI and the local sheriff's department. He got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC office at Hobart College and many think he was behind the ROTC fire at Kent State, none of which was ever investigated. Sorry about facts. And all your conspiracy theories against Clinton Obama the foundation etc etc our total garbage with no basis in fact whatsoever. Idiot.
I would be in favor of breaking into different countries. We are no longer united. Why keep pretending?
It was worse in the 70s. The gummit was actually shooting students and crazies tried to assassinate President Ford twice in a matter of weeks. He was a brave man.
Nixon and Hoover were a disgrace. But the two sides did not have different sets of facts like we do now. The GOP is always the swamp and the disaster --now it is so obvious, they have to make up a whole imaginary planet where the Democrats are corrupt and the corrupt law enforcement and courts are a huge conspiracy to protect them. Absolute garbage that is treasonous in the end. Bring back the fairness doctrine so that there is at least a little debate to stop the fugue State the dupes are in....
Nixon did far far less than what Obama and Clinton did. Nixon deleted just a few minutes from a personal recording regarding an event he was not involved in.

Wow have our standards fallen to the lowest common denominator.....YOU.
You appear to be the most ignorant and brainwashed person on here. They both broke the law multiple times and subverted the Constitution fighting protesters. My college busted the head of SDS in Upstate New York, who is working for the FBI and the local sheriff's department. He got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC office at Hobart College and many think he was behind the ROTC fire at Kent State, none of which was ever investigated. Sorry about facts. And all your conspiracy theories against Clinton Obama the foundation etc etc our total garbage with no basis in fact whatsoever. Idiot.
So a few minutes from a tape deleted in The Oval Office vs. Bleach Bitting 33,000 State Department Emails that dealt with selling insider information, illegally sharing classified information, and private unmonitored emails with President Obama and his gang of thieves.

Obama looks like Al Capone in comparison to Richard Nixon.

You are a nutbag
I would be in favor of breaking into different countries. We are no longer united. Why keep pretending?
It was worse in the 70s. The gummit was actually shooting students and crazies tried to assassinate President Ford twice in a matter of weeks. He was a brave man.
Nixon and Hoover were a disgrace. But the two sides did not have different sets of facts like we do now. The GOP is always the swamp and the disaster --now it is so obvious, they have to make up a whole imaginary planet where the Democrats are corrupt and the corrupt law enforcement and courts are a huge conspiracy to protect them. Absolute garbage that is treasonous in the end. Bring back the fairness doctrine so that there is at least a little debate to stop the fugue State the dupes are in....
Nixon did far far less than what Obama and Clinton did. Nixon deleted just a few minutes from a personal recording regarding an event he was not involved in.

Wow have our standards fallen to the lowest common denominator.....YOU.
You appear to be the most ignorant and brainwashed person on here. They both broke the law multiple times and subverted the Constitution fighting protesters. My college busted the head of SDS in Upstate New York, who is working for the FBI and the local sheriff's department. He got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC office at Hobart College and many think he was behind the ROTC fire at Kent State, none of which was ever investigated. Sorry about facts. And all your conspiracy theories against Clinton Obama the foundation etc etc our total garbage with no basis in fact whatsoever. Idiot.
So a few minutes from a tape deleted in The Oval Office vs. Bleach Bitting 33,000 State Department Emails that dealt with selling insider information, illegally sharing classified information, and private unmonitored emails with President Obama and his gang of thieves.

You are a nutbag
Of course you have no evidence for any of that except pure drivel propaganda. I believe the 33,000 emails you are alluding to were the personal emails of the secretary of state which is she is able to delete,and she even used a battery of lawyers to decide which ones were personal. Every conspiracy theory you know about Democrats is pure garbage, super duper ignoramus. All investigated multiple times and absolutely nothing found ever...
We have moles in The FBI, DOJ, in our schools, our Courts, and in our Institutions that are Hell Bent on destroying America.

We now know The Obama Administration, FBI and DOJ launched a soft COUP and an attack on an incoming President even before he took the oath of office.

I really think it's going to have to come down to this that for America to Survive, we are going to have to purge ourselves of Seditious Traitors, Marxists, Socialists and Globalists, and people who won't get off their asses and work and pay taxes.

We won't have to fire a shot imo, because eventually The Resistance is going to resort to violence when they won't get their way, and they will force Americans to defend their country.

US military vs alt-right/Trumpiez.....

We're in a cold civil war and have been for a while. We have flare ups occasionally. If Ginsburg drops dead or has to Retire for medical reasons I predict blood in the streets. The left will be very violent.

The only blood we see being shed in the street is being shed by conservatives, attackin
In my 9+ years here I've never reported a fellow member for anything, it's just not my style.

However, going forward, whenever I see a threatening post or thread, I'm reporting it to the authorities. And I'm not referring to the keystone cops here at USMB.

So if you see me come and post behind you w/something like "Reported" know that that's what happened.

This day and age w/crazy far rightwing whackjobs running up in churches shooting innocent church-goers or killing doctors because they don't agree with their political views, or shooting country music fans from rooftops in Vegas, or shooting up high schools in sub-urban Florida....all done by self-professed conservatives who ALL had a history online of posting stuff like the OP did.

It begins somewhere and I, for one, am not taking it lightly.

Don't say you weren't warned bastards.

Las Vegas shooter - Thought to be Liberal
San Bernardino terrorists - Muslim Democrat
Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Democrat, and muslim
Adam Lanza - Liberal, hated Christians
Columbine High School freaks - too young to vote but came from very liberal families
Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - liberal freak
Virginia Tech decapitater - liberal
Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - liberal
Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - liberal
Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - liberal
Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal, hated Bush
The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberals
Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim democrat
Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

Want more examples of the violent left?...

Lee Harvy Oswald (JFK) - Marxist (hard core lefty)
John Hinkley (Reagan) - Democrat
John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln) - Democrat
Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme (Gerd Ford attempt) - Liberal
Sir Han Sir Han (RFK) - Liberal
Bill Ayers - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Bernadine Dohrn - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Black panther party - leftist based organization
Occupy Wall Street - over 8,000 arrests, 3 murders, 2 arson, 10 plus reported rapes - a hardcore leftist movement
KKK- was spawn from democrats
Eradication of Jews 1940's (holocaust) - Hitler a member of the National Socialist Workers Party aka a hardcore leftist.
Planned parenthood - a leftist organization, created for the sole purpose to eradicate blacks, (do some research on Margaret Sanger)
Slavery - Democrats were proponents.

Mass shooters are almost never political. John Hinkley was not political. The Las Vegas shooter was thought to be apolitical. No one had ever heard him express a political thought.

Right wingers keep trying to paint liberals as violent extremists, but nothing is further from the truth. In the 60's, there were violent left wing organizations, but not today. The most danger terrorists in America aren't Muslims, they're right wing militias.

While at the same time say that liberals are snowflakes standing around singing kumbaya and want to out law all guns and take them away from everyone.

They can't have it both ways.
Never happen. It's a stupid movie of the week idea dreamed up by a meth addict.

Why not? We are no longer a united people, the people in different parts of the country have little to nothing in common with people in other parts of the country.

And we watched the concerted effort to make it so.

Do not sell yourself short, as a solid supporter of the two party system you have more than watched it happen, you have been a active participant.

Yiu people live in your own fantasy world...and expect the rest of us to join you there.

The powers that be have used the two party system to divide the country for decades. A divided populous is easier to control. We cannot rise up against them if we are always fighting each other.

And you are a willing participant..

You’ve spent your life promoting Democrats. And now you are going to try and assuage that by attacking the one guy fighting both parties?
Why not? We are no longer a united people, the people in different parts of the country have little to nothing in common with people in other parts of the country.

And we watched the concerted effort to make it so.

Do not sell yourself short, as a solid supporter of the two party system you have more than watched it happen, you have been a active participant.

Yiu people live in your own fantasy world...and expect the rest of us to join you there.

The powers that be have used the two party system to divide the country for decades. A divided populous is easier to control. We cannot rise up against them if we are always fighting each other.

And you are a willing participant..

You’ve spent your life promoting Democrats. And now you are going to try and assuage that by attacking the one guy fighting both parties?

I have never promoted a Dem. I voted for one my entire adult life for POTUS.

I was once a die hard Repub sheep like you, but then someone told me to read his lips and lied to me, never been back to the party since. I have voted 3rd party every election since 1996
And we watched the concerted effort to make it so.

Do not sell yourself short, as a solid supporter of the two party system you have more than watched it happen, you have been a active participant.

Yiu people live in your own fantasy world...and expect the rest of us to join you there.

The powers that be have used the two party system to divide the country for decades. A divided populous is easier to control. We cannot rise up against them if we are always fighting each other.

And you are a willing participant..

You’ve spent your life promoting Democrats. And now you are going to try and assuage that by attacking the one guy fighting both parties?

I have never promoted a Dem. I voted for one my entire adult life for POTUS.

I was once a die hard Repub sheep like you, but then someone told me to read his lips and lied to me, never been back to the party since. I have voted 3rd party every election since 1996

To a hammer everything looks like a nail and to you Democrats everyone looks like a Republican.
Do not sell yourself short, as a solid supporter of the two party system you have more than watched it happen, you have been a active participant.

Yiu people live in your own fantasy world...and expect the rest of us to join you there.

The powers that be have used the two party system to divide the country for decades. A divided populous is easier to control. We cannot rise up against them if we are always fighting each other.

And you are a willing participant..

You’ve spent your life promoting Democrats. And now you are going to try and assuage that by attacking the one guy fighting both parties?

I have never promoted a Dem. I voted for one my entire adult life for POTUS.

I was once a die hard Repub sheep like you, but then someone told me to read his lips and lied to me, never been back to the party since. I have voted 3rd party every election since 1996

To a hammer everything looks like a nail and to you Democrats everyone looks like a Republican.

While the two are the same fundamentally, they are easy to ID.

you are a sheep that puts party before country...
I think America should have a 2nd Civil War

ok, you get the side with guns - I get the side with F-18's

lets begin ..
Yiu people live in your own fantasy world...and expect the rest of us to join you there.

The powers that be have used the two party system to divide the country for decades. A divided populous is easier to control. We cannot rise up against them if we are always fighting each other.

And you are a willing participant..

You’ve spent your life promoting Democrats. And now you are going to try and assuage that by attacking the one guy fighting both parties?

I have never promoted a Dem. I voted for one my entire adult life for POTUS.

I was once a die hard Repub sheep like you, but then someone told me to read his lips and lied to me, never been back to the party since. I have voted 3rd party every election since 1996

To a hammer everything looks like a nail and to you Democrats everyone looks like a Republican.

While the two are the same fundamentally, they are easy to ID.

you are a sheep that puts party before country...

You are a Democrat that puts...well we know what Democrats don’t we?
The powers that be have used the two party system to divide the country for decades. A divided populous is easier to control. We cannot rise up against them if we are always fighting each other.

And you are a willing participant..

You’ve spent your life promoting Democrats. And now you are going to try and assuage that by attacking the one guy fighting both parties?

I have never promoted a Dem. I voted for one my entire adult life for POTUS.

I was once a die hard Repub sheep like you, but then someone told me to read his lips and lied to me, never been back to the party since. I have voted 3rd party every election since 1996

To a hammer everything looks like a nail and to you Democrats everyone looks like a Republican.

While the two are the same fundamentally, they are easy to ID.

you are a sheep that puts party before country...

You are a Democrat that puts...well we know what Democrats don’t we?

No matter how many times you repeat the same lie, it will still be a lie. I know that your party masters have told you otherwise, but they are lying to you.

Get out of the sheep pens and come see things from my vantage point...sitting on the hill laughing at the sheep in both pens
You know, I have a question...........................if there are so many Islamic terrorists crossing over the border because of all the prayer rugs the rancher claims she has found out in the desert, how come she's able to find so many on the southern border, when soldiers (fighting actual Muslims in Islamic countries), rarely (if ever), find them out on the battle field?
Perhaps they suddenly become extremely careless once they get overseas?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Someone on this thread said that when it comes to a choice between carrying a water bottle or a prayer rug, they drop the prayer rug.

If Muslims care so little for their religion, then why are all the conservatives scared of them? They keep telling us that Muslims are willing to die for their faith.

If that was true, they would drop the water bottle instead.

So which is it? Do they care so little for their religion that they will sacrifice their faith for a bottle of water, or are they so fanatical they are willing to die for it?

Not necessarily. They came to kill us...not pray. Given a choice they drop their water bottles. They can buy a new prayer rug at Walmart.


Hurry. Only 7 left!
You’ve spent your life promoting Democrats. And now you are going to try and assuage that by attacking the one guy fighting both parties?

I have never promoted a Dem. I voted for one my entire adult life for POTUS.

I was once a die hard Repub sheep like you, but then someone told me to read his lips and lied to me, never been back to the party since. I have voted 3rd party every election since 1996

To a hammer everything looks like a nail and to you Democrats everyone looks like a Republican.

While the two are the same fundamentally, they are easy to ID.

you are a sheep that puts party before country...

You are a Democrat that puts...well we know what Democrats don’t we?

No matter how many times you repeat the same lie, it will still be a lie. I know that your party masters have told you otherwise, but they are lying to you.

Get out of the sheep pens and come see things from my vantage point...sitting on the hill laughing at the sheep in both pens

you’ve elevated yourself to quite a status. Too cool for school. I don’t think I have ever heard anyone bitch about the two party system before. You are quite edgy and original.
Until a man both parties hate comes along.
I love these macabre threads where people fantasize about killing their fellow Americans. Ghoulish creatures.

Do you think you will enjoy the camps?
What does that mean?

Don’t be impatient.
What does that mean? You must be one of them self-professed conservative peace lovers who love to fantasize about mass murder and genocide.

Nope. Never professed myself a peace lover:)

But I reserve the option once leftists are gone.

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