I think Cruz won the debate

The networks are all just doing the gotcha stuff. It really would be nice to have a debate that concentrates on specific issues and plans.

I guess they're after fireworks and insults and excitement and not substance.

A reflection of the decay in our culture, like much of the other things we see on teevee.

And here, for that matter.
FactChecking the CNBC Debates

FactCheck: Republicans make false and misleading claims
The networks are all just doing the gotcha stuff. It really would be nice to have a debate that concentrates on specific issues and plans.

I guess they're after fireworks and insults and excitement and not substance.

A reflection of the decay in our culture, like much of the other things we see on teevee.

And here, for that matter.

More of a decay of our MSM.

I would like to know if anybody here was expecting more than what we witnessed last night? With all the problems this country has, we get questions like what are we going to do about fantasy football? Is that what's plaguing our nation?

I went online to see if I could find a list of the questions asked at the Democrat debates and compare that to the list of questions at the Republican debate. So far, I can't find such a list. Gee, I wonder why? I found transcripts of the entire Democrat debate, but not just a list of questions.
Whenever the press, so called MSM asked a tough question they are a leftist tool. If truth were ever spoken calling MSM leftist is simply an excuse and a great diversion. It is an enormous part of the conservative and republican narrative, you saw it last evening when the audience cheered like trained puppies. The right has refined propaganda so well its followers groan or clap on cue. Criticize media and they salivate. For the interested reader check out Stanley Fish's piece.

"The question is, why do arguments like these often have so much force? At first glance it seems odd, Even bizarre, to discount the cumulative effects of many blows, or to deny that habitat degradation constitutes a harm to individual birds, or to announce that massive patterns of societal discrimination leave minorities in the same position as everyone else, or to decide that white Timothy McVeigh talks like a militia member, walks like a militia member, thinks likes militia member and hates like a militia member, what he does has nothing to do with the militia culture .... How is the trick done? Well, first of all by a sleight of hand. The eye is deflected away from the whole -- history, culture, habitats, society and the parts, now freed from any stabilizing context, can be described in any way one likes - but why is the sleight of hand successful? Why don't more people see through it?" [Stanley Fish] How the Right Hijacked the Magic Words
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The GOP whining crying complaining what else is new

Los Angeles (CNN)Republican presidential candidates lit into CNBC's moderators at Wednesday night's GOP debate, issuing the sharpest attacks on the mainstream media of the cycle. Sen. Ted Cruz accused the moderators of trying to instigate a cage mat ... (CNN)
Cruz wins by spouting hyper partisan fantasy policies, and blowing the Fox News dog whistle about MSM.
Looks like Rubio pretty much buried Bush, and I'd guess he's the go-to guy if the love affair with the "outsiders" ends.

Stick a fork in him, Bush is done. It will either be Trump-Cruz-Rubio or Carson

Cruz/Fiorina 2016

The GOP whining crying complaining what else is new

Los Angeles (CNN)Republican presidential candidates lit into CNBC's moderators at Wednesday night's GOP debate, issuing the sharpest attacks on the mainstream media of the cycle. Sen. Ted Cruz accused the moderators of trying to instigate a cage mat ... (CNN)

CNBC and FOX NEWS both did the same thing -- they tried to create controversy and drama with their questions.

Nothing "liberal" about the questions from conservative minded CNBC moderators -- I say conservative minded because they cover the economics and the market -- and they know what a joke most of the candidates fiscal and tax policies are.

You can't solve budget problems without talking about revenue.

But our leaders continue to allow the wealthy to move potential tax revenue out of the country and/or out of reach.

Only Trump is talking about carried interest -- but he also wants to wipe out the Death Tax which would make wiping out carried interest special tax meaningless.
Looks like Rubio pretty much buried Bush, and I'd guess he's the go-to guy if the love affair with the "outsiders" ends.

Stick a fork in him, Bush is done. It will either be Trump-Cruz-Rubio or Carson

Cruz/Fiorina 2016

He just hasn't come within ten miles of catching fire from the get-go.

So much for THAT idea. :laugh:
Looks like Rubio pretty much buried Bush, and I'd guess he's the go-to guy if the love affair with the "outsiders" ends.

Stick a fork in him, Bush is done. It will either be Trump-Cruz-Rubio or Carson

Cruz/Fiorina 2016


Rubio is being fact checked as we speak.

He's done.

He told way too many lies last night.

Again, Obama has made lying a new Presidential requirement

Carson: Well, that’s easy to answer. I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda, and this is what happens in our society. Total propaganda.

Ben Carson’s Troubling Connection | National Review Online

For ten years, he interacted with a medical-supplement maker accused of false advertising. In March of last year, Dr. Ben Carson, the conservative star considered a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, appeared in a video for Mannatech, Inc., a Texas-based medical supplement maker. Smiling into the camera, he extolled the benefits of the company’s “glyconutrient” products: The wonderful thing about a company like Mannatech is that they recognize that when God made us, He gave us the right fuel. And that fuel was the right kind of healthy food. You know we live in a society that is very sophisticated, and sometimes we’re not able to achieve the original diet. And we have to alter our diet to fit our lifestyle. Many of the natural things are not included in our diet. Basically what the company is doing is trying to find a way to restore natural diet as a medicine or as a mechanism for maintaining health.

Read more at: Ben Carson’s Troubling Connection | National Review Online
Looks like Rubio pretty much buried Bush, and I'd guess he's the go-to guy if the love affair with the "outsiders" ends.

Stick a fork in him, Bush is done. It will either be Trump-Cruz-Rubio or Carson

Cruz/Fiorina 2016

He just hasn't come within ten miles of catching fire from the get-go.

So much for THAT idea. :laugh:

Bush and immigration don't mix. That killed him in the first debate when he talked about Davis and the letter of the law

When prompted with immigration topic Bush waffled and said deportation is not an option and that some sort of amnesty is. So, like all the others, Bush wants to pick which laws we should follow, and which ones we should not.

In my opinion, Rubio won that debate, but Bush didn't do terrible. Cruz was just kinda... there. Trump showed he really has nothing when he's not the center of attention. Carson looked like he was stoned, but so was I, so I might not be the best judge.
Told you guys Carson's black ass didn't have a chance in the GOP.

But they will brag about how for a couple weeks he was leading in some polls. What a joke.

Is it Christie's turn? Eventually you'll nominate rubio like I said from the start.
I think Cruz did a very good job of positioning himself to pick up the anti-Washington, anti-Establishment, anti-Science and anti-logic vote that is currently supporting Uncle Tom and Combover.

which is probably the scariest prospect of last night's debate.

Rubio did a good job of offering himself as an establishment alternative to Bush.

Bush has shown the same languid style he has shown all along. He can't seem to tell us why he wants to be president other than his father and brother had the job.

But last night's real winner was Hillary Clinton. She looked positively presidential compared to these jokers.
Kasich, Bush, Huckabee & Paul all need to exit stage left immediately.
Fiorina & Christie need to step it up.
Trump needs to be more specific in public.
Rubio & Carson did well.

CNBC is a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE and only made themselves look incredibly foolish.

Even if Cruz won (he didn't) who could vote for a man with a face like that!!


I'm sorry, is that sexist?

P.S. I hate to dis a fellow canuck but damn he's one ugly motherfucker. I can actually see the superciliousness oozing from his pores like pus from a septic wound.

P.P.S. They say he had that little tirade over having an issue relevant debate well memorized and wanted to get in before he forgot any indignant detail and that's why he launched into it too early and so non sequituraly. (that may not be a word but you get my drift).
He's got that same perpetually confused expression on his face that Dubya had.
Apparently bitching about the media is now the only policy the GOP has.

It will have zero traction in the General. Hillary wins.

trump sounded like a spoiled child.. ya but hillary got much easier questions waaaa
Carson: Well, that’s easy to answer. I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda, and this is what happens in our society. Total propaganda.

Ben Carson’s Troubling Connection | National Review Online

For ten years, he interacted with a medical-supplement maker accused of false advertising. In March of last year, Dr. Ben Carson, the conservative star considered a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, appeared in a video for Mannatech, Inc., a Texas-based medical supplement maker. Smiling into the camera, he extolled the benefits of the company’s “glyconutrient” products: The wonderful thing about a company like Mannatech is that they recognize that when God made us, He gave us the right fuel. And that fuel was the right kind of healthy food. You know we live in a society that is very sophisticated, and sometimes we’re not able to achieve the original diet. And we have to alter our diet to fit our lifestyle. Many of the natural things are not included in our diet. Basically what the company is doing is trying to find a way to restore natural diet as a medicine or as a mechanism for maintaining health.

Read more at: Ben Carson’s Troubling Connection | National Review Online

The National Review is commie/liberal/rino who hates America!

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