I think I am woman, hear me roar

Individual liberty does not include forcing others to play along with the delusions of others

This board certainly allows your delusions.

Every single day, you're here, spouting your lunacy and your hatred for yourself and for others.
You have the option of not coming here let alone not reading or replying to my posts . If we get your way I will be required to consider someone with a penis to be a woman or I could get sued, lose my job, etc. I Hope you are intelligent enough to see the difference
I can hear the Lawyers smiling now with all the lawsuits to the school district because some horny boy decided he was a "girl" that day just to get into a girl bathroom to assault a girl or even vice versa because there could be a stalker girl who goes into the boys bathroom and try to watch guys.. You know it is going to happen.
I can hear the Lawyers smiling now with all the lawsuits to the school district because some horny boy decided he was a "girl" that day just to get into a girl bathroom to assault a girl or even vice versa because there could be a stalker girl who goes into the boys bathroom and try to watch guys.. You know it is going to happen.

Could your slippery slope fallacy be any more slippery?

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