I think I get libertarian economics now

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Okay, so I've figured out that the ideal libertarian society is made up of two classes: the rich, or the capitalists, and the poor, or proletariat. The capitalists own the state and all property, including the means of production. Their chief goals are to keep their position in society and to expand their personal wealth. They do this by intelligently deploying their human and material capital, cutting their costs to the bare minimum required for maximum efficiency, and investing in the proletariat to the minimum level for them to be useful employees. The proletariat are the workforce of society and use the property of the capitalists throughout their lives in exchange for their wages. Their chief goal is to earn those wages by using the capitalists' means of production to create and sell goods as cheaply as possible. They are also the primary consumers of those goods.

Tldr: The rich own the nation and everything in it. They acquire their wealth by the labor and taxation of the poor. The poor earn wages by working to help the rich become richer and spend those wages on the taxes that the state owned by the rich needs to perform its various functions and the goods and services they produce and need for their daily survival.
Okay, so I've figured out that the ideal libertarian society is made up of two classes: the rich, or the capitalists, and the poor.

Dear, you are parroting Marx who slowly starved 120 million souls to death. In fact, under capitalism Jobs Gates Ellison Brin Musk Bloomburg etc etc all came from no money and certainly did not own all the wealth. Also, under capitalism just to survive you have to have the highest wages and best products possible in the entire world to survive. Now you know why capitalism succeeds and socialism fails.

Do you have the IQ to understand.
Loserterianism is nothing more then anarchy that wants to bomb other countries!!!!

Seriously, they don't give a damn if America has no roads, science institutions, police or regulations protecting the worker.

These people are every man for himself to the core.
Loserterianism is nothing more then anarchy that wants to bomb other countries!!!!

Seriously, they don't give a damn if America has no roads, science institutions, police or regulations protecting the worker.

These people are every man for himself to the core.
A libertarian America would have roads, science institutions, and police. They would simply be privately owned.
These people are every man for himself to the core.

dear, libertarians are capitalists. Under capitalism you have to pay the worker the most possible and produce the best products just to survive. If you doubt it start a business with crappy jobs and products and see what Happens.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
I believe in civilization which has been around for a good 10 thousand years. All great civilizations need and had GOVERNMENT.

They invested in infrastructure
They invested in science...China has always been a great civilization of innovation and science!!!! Proving loserterinsim is kind of dumb!
I could name dozens of great civilizations that were built the same way we became a great power.

Loserterterism is the opposite of everything we should do. it is evil.
I believe in civilization which has been around for a good 10 thousand years. All great civilizations need and had GOVERNMENT.

They invested in infrastructure
They invested in science...China has always been a great civilization of innovation and science!!!! Proving loserterinsim is kind of dumb!
I could name dozens of great civilizations that were built the same way we became a great power.

Loserterterism is the opposite of everything we should do. it is evil.
I wouldn't go so far as to call it evil. It simply advocates for a very different form of society with a very different set of values. What we see as progress, such as workers having rights and the existence of a middle class, a truly libertarian society would see as wasteful and pointless.
These people are every man for himself to the core.

dear, libertarians are capitalists. Under capitalism you have to pay the worker the most possible and produce the best products just to survive. If you doubt it start a business with crappy jobs and products and see what Happens.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
You don't have the IQ if you think we believe your lies. :lol:
Loserterterism is the opposite of everything we should do. it is evil.

100% stupid given that America was founded largely as a libertarian nation and grew to be the most successful country in human history by far.
No, it wasn't. And if it were, the libertarianism was thrown away. Too stupid. Your low IQ must indicate you are a libertarian.
No, it wasn't. And if it were, the libertarianism was thrown away. Too stupid. Your low IQ must indicate you are a libertarian.
The libertarianism that led to the robber barons - the one the Objectivists want a return to - didn't work so we threw it away. Regulated capitalism is the form America uses.
The libertarianism that led to the robber barons - the one the Objectivists want a return to - didn't work so we threw it away. Regulated capitalism is the form America uses.

Liberals called them robber barrons while conservatives called them heros.
Rockefeller, for example, completely transformed all of human history by turning night into day for all Americans when he reduced the price of kerosene to the point where everyone could afford it.

Do you understand??
I think it's funny when I hear children complaining that "Capitalists" are greedy and are trying to accumulate as much wealth as possible by buying what they need (let's say, labor,mainly) as cheaply as possible and selling it for as much as possible.

Doesn't everyone do that?

The bottom line is that the child who's speaking is envious because HE wants to be rich too, but IS UNSUCCESSFUL. So rather than praise the one who is doing it successfully, he complains that there is something wrong with the rich guy.

By most definitions, most people who are rich today started out either middle class or poor. Regardless, the biggest impediment to accumulating a fortune is GOVERNMENT, and there's not really much debate on that point.
Okay, so I've figured out that the ideal libertarian society is made up of two classes: the rich, or the capitalists, and the poor, or proletariat. The capitalists own the state and all property, including the means of production. Their chief goals are to keep their position in society and to expand their personal wealth. They do this by intelligently deploying their human and material capital, cutting their costs to the bare minimum required for maximum efficiency, and investing in the proletariat to the minimum level for them to be useful employees. The proletariat are the workforce of society and use the property of the capitalists throughout their lives in exchange for their wages. Their chief goal is to earn those wages by using the capitalists' means of production to create and sell goods as cheaply as possible. They are also the primary consumers of those goods.

Tldr: The rich own the nation and everything in it. They acquire their wealth by the labor and taxation of the poor. The poor earn wages by working to help the rich become richer and spend those wages on the taxes that the state owned by the rich needs to perform its various functions and the goods and services they produce and need for their daily survival.
Actually not.

In essence, libertarian dogma is reactionary, seeking to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to being with – a mythical America of white male landowners, the sole masters of their property and fate; it's an attractive fantasy to some, but completely devoid of fact or merit.

The goal of libertarian dogma, therefore, is to return to a pre-Lochner economic paradigm, to the anachronism of 'liberty to contract,' and a society virtually absent of government regulatory policy.

The problem with all this is that it's no longer the 18th Century and the country is no longer populated mostly with landowners, itinerant workers, and cottage industries in small towns and cities.

Today the vast majority of American work for someone else, where the relationship between employee and employer hasn't been the same for over 100 years – the former clearly at a disadvantage through no fault of his own, and where given the nature of our 21st Century industrialized society, government regulatory policies are warranted, just, proper, and Constitutional, as authorized by the Commerce Clause.
Okay, so I've figured out that libertarian society is made up of two classes: the rich, or the capitalists, and the poor, or proletariat.
You have figured out nothing.

You have crafted a premise based upon nothing. It is the staw you use to construct a straw-man, that you then proceed to base an analysis (and not terribly transparent critique) of "libertarian economics" upon.


You're welcome.

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