I Think It's Time To End This COVID Hysteria: Change My Mind

Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
More propaganda...you have to research actual stats for yourself
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

“I Think It's Time To End This COVID Hysteria: Change My Mind”

2,777 deaths just yesterday.
Compare that with deaths from The Flu in any given year.

The US Death rate has not increased. We have the same amount of deaths last year as this year.

The US usually averages about 20 Million Flu cases in any year. 2015 we had 30 million.

How many Flu cases have we had in the last 3 months? Just 300.

They are calling The Common Cold, and Flu Covid 19.

It's a scam and you are part of that scam.
Flu takes about 30,000 lives on a given year. 60,000 on a bad year .
This thing has killed over a quarter fucking million you retards.

Just stop
no it hasnt,, those are propaganda numbers to control useful idiots like you

Really??? Who is the "useful idiot" here? It is those who believe the scientists? Or is it fools like you who parrot the lies of the largest source of misinformation on the pandemic in the world?

I live in a country where all levels of government told us the truth, and made sure our hospitals had PPE and our nation had a testing system to keep us safe. We have all of the same treatments available to us as Americans have at their highest levels, but because we kept our infection numbers to a minimum, the costs in both the lives of all of our citizens, and to our economy, has been a fraction of that seen in the USA.

Today, the people I still refer to as "my Toronto friends", although there is only one person in the group who still lives in Toronto, were calculating when we will get the vaccine. Of my Toronto friends, one of them is a senior public school teacher, and he will be getting his vaccine in the first batch of 1 million doses arriving within a couple of weeks. I'm in group 2 as being an older, currently healthy but underlying conditions, as is our cancer survivor in the group, and another woman who has long battled weight issues. The remaining two are low risk, under 55 health adults, who are among those to be vaccinated by next Fall.

I will be vaccinated in the second batch of vaccines to be received, which should be somewhere around April 1st. Since the government has not created any unrealistic expectations that I'll have a vaccine before Christmas, or that the pandemic is now over, I will make my decisions and live my life accordingly between now and April 1st. There are mask mandates everywhere so that's one thing we don't have to worry about here.

Having a bunch of faceless bureaucrats who are getting the job done on behalf of ALL Canadians has been the blessing of this pandemic for me and my family. Our health care system is not and has never been overwhelmed by the virus, although the tracing system did break down for a while, and have again in the Code Red areas.

We're now at the same levels of infection in the Code Red jurisdictions as were were in April. The USA is at 10 times the level of infection as you were in April. These three jurisdictions will go into lockdown if the virus spread increases further, although the government is committed to keeping schools open.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.

You keep posting this nonsense, but you have NO LINKS to credible sources.

LINKS PLEASE....either put up or shut up!
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

“I Think It's Time To End This COVID Hysteria: Change My Mind”

2,777 deaths just yesterday.
Compare that with deaths from The Flu in any given year.

The US Death rate has not increased. We have the same amount of deaths last year as this year.

The US usually averages about 20 Million Flu cases in any year. 2015 we had 30 million.

How many Flu cases have we had in the last 3 months? Just 300.

They are calling The Common Cold, and Flu Covid 19.

It's a scam and you are part of that scam.
Flu takes about 30,000 lives on a given year. 60,000 on a bad year .
This thing has killed over a quarter fucking million you retards.

Just stop
no it hasnt,, those are propaganda numbers to control useful idiots like you

Really??? Who is the "useful idiot" here? It is those who believe the scientists? Or is it fools like you who parrot the lies of the largest source of misinformation on the pandemic in the world?

I live in a country where all levels of government told us the truth, and made sure our hospitals had PPE and our nation had a testing system to keep us safe. We have all of the same treatments available to us as Americans have at their highest levels, but because we kept our infection numbers to a minimum, the costs in both the lives of all of our citizens, and to our economy, has been a fraction of that seen in the USA.

Today, the people I still refer to as "my Toronto friends", although there is only one person in the group who still lives in Toronto, were calculating when we will get the vaccine. Of my Toronto friends, one of them is a senior public school teacher, and he will be getting his vaccine in the first batch of 1 million doses arriving within a couple of weeks. I'm in group 2 as being an older, currently healthy but underlying conditions, as is our cancer survivor in the group, and another woman who has long battled weight issues. The remaining two are low risk, under 55 health adults, who are among those to be vaccinated by next Fall.

I will be vaccinated in the second batch of vaccines to be received, which should be somewhere around April 1st. Since the government has not created any unrealistic expectations that I'll have a vaccine before Christmas, or that the pandemic is now over, I will make my decisions and live my life accordingly between now and April 1st. There are mask mandates everywhere so that's one thing we don't have to worry about here.

Having a bunch of faceless bureaucrats who are getting the job done on behalf of ALL Canadians has been the blessing of this pandemic for me and my family. Our health care system is not and has never been overwhelmed by the virus, although the tracing system did break down for a while, and have again in the Code Red areas.

We're now at the same levels of infection in the Code Red jurisdictions as were were in April. The USA is at 10 times the level of infection as you were in April. These three jurisdictions will go into lockdown if the virus spread increases further, although the government is committed to keeping schools open.
Yeah, Canada has a mortality rate of 3.2% by listening to the "scientists" compared to the US rate of 1.9% and the global average of 2.3%. Nice misinformed job!
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.

You keep posting this nonsense, but you have NO LINKS to credible sources.

LINKS PLEASE....either put up or shut up!
Geez you lemmings are brainless. All stats are on Worldmeters for you to see for yourselves. And plenty of state by state information on hospital occupancy...at least most are actually open now from being shut down earlier.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.

You keep posting this nonsense, but you have NO LINKS to credible sources.

LINKS PLEASE....either put up or shut up!
Maybe mommy can find Worldmeters for you
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

“I Think It's Time To End This COVID Hysteria: Change My Mind”

2,777 deaths just yesterday.
Compare that with deaths from The Flu in any given year.

The US Death rate has not increased. We have the same amount of deaths last year as this year.

The US usually averages about 20 Million Flu cases in any year. 2015 we had 30 million.

How many Flu cases have we had in the last 3 months? Just 300.

They are calling The Common Cold, and Flu Covid 19.

It's a scam and you are part of that scam.
Flu takes about 30,000 lives on a given year. 60,000 on a bad year .
This thing has killed over a quarter fucking million you retards.

Just stop
no it hasnt,, those are propaganda numbers to control useful idiots like you

Really??? Who is the "useful idiot" here? It is those who believe the scientists? Or is it fools like you who parrot the lies of the largest source of misinformation on the pandemic in the world?

I live in a country where all levels of government told us the truth, and made sure our hospitals had PPE and our nation had a testing system to keep us safe. We have all of the same treatments available to us as Americans have at their highest levels, but because we kept our infection numbers to a minimum, the costs in both the lives of all of our citizens, and to our economy, has been a fraction of that seen in the USA.

Today, the people I still refer to as "my Toronto friends", although there is only one person in the group who still lives in Toronto, were calculating when we will get the vaccine. Of my Toronto friends, one of them is a senior public school teacher, and he will be getting his vaccine in the first batch of 1 million doses arriving within a couple of weeks. I'm in group 2 as being an older, currently healthy but underlying conditions, as is our cancer survivor in the group, and another woman who has long battled weight issues. The remaining two are low risk, under 55 health adults, who are among those to be vaccinated by next Fall.

I will be vaccinated in the second batch of vaccines to be received, which should be somewhere around April 1st. Since the government has not created any unrealistic expectations that I'll have a vaccine before Christmas, or that the pandemic is now over, I will make my decisions and live my life accordingly between now and April 1st. There are mask mandates everywhere so that's one thing we don't have to worry about here.

Having a bunch of faceless bureaucrats who are getting the job done on behalf of ALL Canadians has been the blessing of this pandemic for me and my family. Our health care system is not and has never been overwhelmed by the virus, although the tracing system did break down for a while, and have again in the Code Red areas.

We're now at the same levels of infection in the Code Red jurisdictions as were were in April. The USA is at 10 times the level of infection as you were in April. These three jurisdictions will go into lockdown if the virus spread increases further, although the government is committed to keeping schools open.
Increased cases means nothing the majority are asymptomatic hence our much lower mortality rate whiner.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.

You keep posting this nonsense, but you have NO LINKS to credible sources.

LINKS PLEASE....either put up or shut up!
Maybe mommy can find Worldmeters for you

You made the assertions. You have to prove it with credible links.

I'm not going to waste my time searching for proof that you're lying.
People may change their minds when a family member becomes seriously ill with the virus, especially if the family member is a doctor who has been treating Covid-19 patients for months. The virus becomes really very real quickly.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.

Just think if Governor Cuomo had the knowledge and experience, the PPE, the testing, and the new treatments which have been developed in the past 10 months, instead of no tests, no ventilators, and no PPE. Maybe if President Trump had given the same briefings on the virus which he ignored and kept hidden from the public, to the governors, the first states hit would have stood a better chance against it.

Just imagine if Trump had given the WHO tests to the American labs to manufacture, instead of coming up with a "made in America" test, where you might have been.

Just imagine if Trump had distributed all of the stocks of PPE to American hospitals, instead of loosening trade restrictions with China and telling the manufacturers to sell all of their supplies to China, instead of putting "American first".

Just imagine if Trump hadn't tried to use the virus to punish New York, California, and Washington for being "Blue States", to build up his election chances.

Just imagine if Captain Chaos hadn't been in charge of the pandemic response.

Your entire nation wouldn't currently be going down in the flames of this uncontrolled virus right now. Mine country isn't in any way affected by the virus like yours is.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.

You keep posting this nonsense, but you have NO LINKS to credible sources.

LINKS PLEASE....either put up or shut up!
Maybe mommy can find Worldmeters for you

You made the assertions. You have to prove it with credible links.

I'm not going to waste my time searching for proof that you're lying.
Whatever goof......but I have quoted actual statistics and work experience to back my play, you just worthless libber parrot drivel.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

“I Think It's Time To End This COVID Hysteria: Change My Mind”

2,777 deaths just yesterday.
And the mortality rate dropped another notch to 1.9%. Now how can the death rate decrease if in fact deaths are increasing? Hmmm maybe they aren't increasing at all.
Now how can the death rate decrease if in fact deaths are increasing?
Because the number of new infections is rising exponentially, dope.
Well dope that is because of over 2 million tests a day being done at a 7% positivity rate, and those "infections" cause the actual mortality and critical case rates to keep declining. So dope, the new infections are causing the decline as opposed to the rise. Dope.
Well dope that is because of over 2 million tests a day being done at a 7% positivity rate, and those "infections" cause the actual mortality and critical case rates to keep declining. So dope, the new infections are causing the decline as opposed to the rise. Dope.
The mortality rate is the number of deaths relative to the number of cases. It has declined because the number of infected has grown very quickly. Positivity rates are as high as 50% in some areas.
As the number of cases has risen, so have deaths. More than ever.
The number of deaths have risen steeply but at a lower rate relative to the number of infections which has grown exponentially in the last month.

Get it now, dope?
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.

You keep posting this nonsense, but you have NO LINKS to credible sources.

LINKS PLEASE....either put up or shut up!
Maybe mommy can find Worldmeters for you

You made the assertions. You have to prove it with credible links.

I'm not going to waste my time searching for proof that you're lying.

Of course you won't. That's why you continue to believe Donald Trump. Because you're either too lazy or too stupid to consider that he's lying to you. Either way you're content to be stupid and/or ill-informed.
People may change their minds when a family member becomes seriously ill with the virus, especially if the family member is a doctor who has been treating Covid-19 patients for months. The virus becomes really very quickly.
Actually, plenty of other serious things to worry about besides Covid.....pneumonia, staph, mersa, cancer,a fall, etc, etc. Concentrating on a silly flu virus is dumb.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

“I Think It's Time To End This COVID Hysteria: Change My Mind”

2,777 deaths just yesterday.
And the mortality rate dropped another notch to 1.9%. Now how can the death rate decrease if in fact deaths are increasing? Hmmm maybe they aren't increasing at all.
Now how can the death rate decrease if in fact deaths are increasing?
Because the number of new infections is rising exponentially, dope.
Well dope that is because of over 2 million tests a day being done at a 7% positivity rate, and those "infections" cause the actual mortality and critical case rates to keep declining. So dope, the new infections are causing the decline as opposed to the rise. Dope.
Well dope that is because of over 2 million tests a day being done at a 7% positivity rate, and those "infections" cause the actual mortality and critical case rates to keep declining. So dope, the new infections are causing the decline as opposed to the rise. Dope.
The mortality rate is the number of deaths relative to the number of cases. It has declined because the number of infected has grown very quickly. Positivity rates are as high as 50% in some areas.
As the number of cases has risen, so have deaths. More than ever.
The number of deaths have risen steeply but at a lower rate relative to the number of infections which has grown exponentially in the last month.

Get it now, dope?
Well, dope....let me see.....if the number of so called deaths never keeps pace with the number of asymptomatic cases, guess what? The leftyvirus is proved to be a hoax! Dope.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.

Just think if Governor Cuomo had the knowledge and experience, the PPE, the testing, and the new treatments which have been developed in the past 10 months, instead of no tests, no ventilators, and no PPE. Maybe if President Trump had given the same briefings on the virus which he ignored and kept hidden from the public, to the governors, the first states hit would have stood a better chance against it.

Just imagine if Trump had given the WHO tests to the American labs to manufacture, instead of coming up with a "made in America" test, where you might have been.

Just imagine if Trump had distributed all of the stocks of PPE to American hospitals, instead of loosening trade restrictions with China and telling the manufacturers to sell all of their supplies to China, instead of putting "American first".

Just imagine if Trump hadn't tried to use the virus to punish New York, California, and Washington for being "Blue States", to build up his election chances.

Just imagine if Captain Chaos hadn't been in charge of the pandemic response.

Your entire nation wouldn't currently be going down in the flames of this uncontrolled virus right now. Mine country isn't in any way affected by the virus like yours is.
Or, imagine if both Cuomo and you had a brain in your head......
People may change their minds when a family member becomes seriously ill with the virus, especially if the family member is a doctor who has been treating Covid-19 patients for months. The virus becomes really very quickly.
Actually, plenty of other serious things to worry about besides Covid.....pneumonia, staph, mersa, cancer,a fall, etc, etc. Concentrating on a silly flu virus is dumb.
I'm sure my mother-in-law will find your expert medical knowledge and wisdom comforting.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.
So...by your logic, the mortality rate is 1.9% but critical patients are only .46%? So those dying aren’t critical cases?
Shocker...no answer!!!
After 9/11 the US sprung into action and invaded two countries.
It seems that when faced with a problem that you can't bomb or invade then you're all out of ideas.
Covid is not a real problem, it's the flu. You have been duped.
Last flu season, 66.4 out of every 100,000 people were hospitalized with the flu in the United States. Compare that to 174.8 out of every 100,000 people who have been hospitalized due to COVID-19 so far, per the CDC.

The case fatality rate (CFR), meaning the proportion of deaths from a disease compared to the total number of people diagnosed with the disease, is about 0.1% for the flu and could be about 0.5% for COVID-19—which is to say its CFR is potentially five times higher than the flu, according to a May 2020 article published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

If you think this pandemic is nonsense, then feel free to visit some Covid patients at your local hospital.

Also, feel free not to wear any protective gear when you do.
Of the 102 infected coworkers I knew, I couldn't visit any of them in the hospital because they were home getting over the leftyflu in a week or 10 days. You go visit your imaginary friends in the hospital.

So you're saying that you're scared to go to the Hospital.
Why would I go to the hospital with no symptoms?

To verify that there are no critical patients as you seem to believe.

Or to verify that you're an idiot.
There are .46% critical patients, I believe I have said that many times Forrest....and what I believe is factual what you babble is parroted garbage.

Whatever the percentage of critical patients, there have been greater than 250,000 fatalities.

With another 200,000 expected in the next couple of months.

Hospitals are running out of resources to care for everyone.

That's what is called a public health crisis.
Hospitals are nowhere near running out of anything. Check stats for states hospital occupancy rates for yourself. Again, and slowly this time, the death count alone means nothing, it has to be compared to the number of cases. The mortality rate has plunged from the 8% of the New York debacle to a much more realistic 1.9%. Just think if Killer Cuomo had a brain and hadn't killed 35,000....and whatever the anticipated deaths are they have to be compared to the total number of cases being identified as we get closer to testing 3 million people a day.

Just think if Governor Cuomo had the knowledge and experience, the PPE, the testing, and the new treatments which have been developed in the past 10 months, instead of no tests, no ventilators, and no PPE. Maybe if President Trump had given the same briefings on the virus which he ignored and kept hidden from the public, to the governors, the first states hit would have stood a better chance against it.

Just imagine if Trump had given the WHO tests to the American labs to manufacture, instead of coming up with a "made in America" test, where you might have been.

Just imagine if Trump had distributed all of the stocks of PPE to American hospitals, instead of loosening trade restrictions with China and telling the manufacturers to sell all of their supplies to China, instead of putting "American first".

Just imagine if Trump hadn't tried to use the virus to punish New York, California, and Washington for being "Blue States", to build up his election chances.

Just imagine if Captain Chaos hadn't been in charge of the pandemic response.

Your entire nation wouldn't currently be going down in the flames of this uncontrolled virus right now. Mine country isn't in any way affected by the virus like yours is.
Trump made sure there were enough ventilators, there is no shortage of masks, treatments have been available but the Democrats and MSM tried to tell US they were dangerous, Cuomo murdered the elderly when he sent the back to care facilities instead of using the brand new field hospital Trump set up so, go blow your crap elsewhere will ya?

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