I think medical and basic food should be a right

I think getting a job and supporting yourself should be a REQUIREMENT

So how would that work for poor children? Or poor senior citizens?

There you go...be a good twisted Lefty and hide behind the two percentile...always pretend the ninety eight percentile doesn't exist....you peeps are so entertaining...funny shit.

Go ahead. Guess what percent of Medicaid goes to children or the elderly.

Or is 2 percent your guess?

Awww...YES....Haha...let's steer this and make it about Medicaid.
You're in over your head with me bud...I just can't engage in your lame ass rhetoric.

Look, you don't know what the flag of the US looks like, it ain't the Stars and Bars!

That's funny! It has 50 stars and 13 bars!
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

Hold on a minute here....
Aren't you the same people claiming that 6 foot 6 Bubba in a dress and wearing lipstick should have the RIGHT to flop his penis out next to my teenage daughter?
Aren't you the same people who believe that homeless drug addicts should be signers on my checking accounts?
(You know, that whole "redistribute wealth" bullshit.)

Well then SHIT....you're totally credible....CARRY ON.
Is it truly impossible for you to make a rational debate point?

You first!
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?
Yeah so Mathew will never have to work and he can stay in the basement and be a viscious keyboard warrior. Let me work two jobs so Mathew can lead a cushy life. Yeah Mathew some people sleep til ten and wake up hoping for better and other people get up before dawn and go out and make their lives better. I know this is hard for you pajama boy, but it is about equal opportunity not equal outcome.
So how would that work for poor children? Or poor senior citizens?

There you go...be a good twisted Lefty and hide behind the two percentile...always pretend the ninety eight percentile doesn't exist....you peeps are so entertaining...funny shit.

Go ahead. Guess what percent of Medicaid goes to children or the elderly.

Or is 2 percent your guess?

Awww...YES....Haha...let's steer this and make it about Medicaid.
You're in over your head with me bud...I just can't engage in your lame ass rhetoric.

Look, you don't know what the flag of the US looks like, it ain't the Stars and Bars!

That's funny! It has 50 stars and 13 bars!

No, that is the Stars and Stripes. The first Confederate flag is called the Stars and Bars.
USFlag.org: A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - Confederate Stars and Bars
They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.
The funny part is that most of them would end up destitute too. These people are not the top wealthy 10 percent. They depend on social services too, whether it is education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on. Those are all services for everyone, paid with our taxes. Without those things, we would be a third world country, and Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Virtually your entire list is not provided by the federal government. Trump has NOTHING to do with that!

I'm noticed, she's quite dim.......
They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.
The funny part is that most of them would end up destitute too. These people are not the top wealthy 10 percent. They depend on social services too, whether it is education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on. Those are all services for everyone, paid with our taxes. Without those things, we would be a third world country, and Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Virtually your entire list is not provided by the federal government. Trump has NOTHING to do with that!

That one, what a whackadoodle. Trump's trying to do away with fire departments? :lmao:

Trump's trying to do away with fire departments?

And dams! What a maroon!
Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

America was founded with government assistance kinds of programs and attitudes. Public land, property, was often free and or awarded for various reasons by the government.
/——/ Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three,
So oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV?
"Can't afford to eat"? What does that mean? Americans haven't died of malnutrition in the United States since FDR was president unless they intended to do so.. There are so many safeguards and laws that a parent would be arrested if a kid showed the slightest sign of malnutrition in school. Americans who fall into the federal category of "poor" live better than most of the middle class in the rest of the world. Lazy ignorant lefties who wouldn't lift a finger or contribute to a legitimate charity to aid the schizophrenic "homeless" seem to think that throwing food stamps at obese people is the solution to social problems.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?


Why don't you move to Europe ?

I understand your statements (really not much of an argument....but you are stating a position....not arguing it) and have some of the same questions myself.

But, are you trying to move to where you think it is better ?

If not, why not ?
GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE. Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."

the general welfare includes having healthy, educated citizens.

Thomas Jefferson Quotes About Public Education

Thomas Jefferson Quotes About Public Education | A-Z Quotes

Here is a newsflash for you!

Thomas Jefferson had absolutely NOTHING to do with the US Constitution!

He was the US ambassador to France at the time.
GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE. Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."

Look at the four words I bolded in your quote... "of the United States". Not of the Citizens or the States or the People. If your way of looking at it was correct, where is my personal US Marine to provide for my Common Defense?

liberty & justice for ALL.

ALL means its people. not corporations, not a piece of cloth & certainly not just some.


If the "general welfare" meant food stamps and Section 8 housing for irresponsible people why did it take 200 years to put that infrastructure in place and specific legislation to kick it off?
Don't burst their bubble... they're so cute when they try to reinterpret the Constitution and reinvent history with a 21st century Leftist spin... cute little critters.


Like I keep saying your aim is to send us back to the 18th century. It would transform this country into a third world police state. The welfare cause and superancy cause is what makes us a first world country! If it wasn't for them we'd be poorer then south Africa.

You're clueless and have an agenda to destroy this country. Weird, how breaking the 4th amendment with warrantless searchs for a leaf and limiting the press is a'ok but helping the disabled isn't. You're the silly one. Hell, that is too nice as you're a traitor.
There you go...be a good twisted Lefty and hide behind the two percentile...always pretend the ninety eight percentile doesn't exist....you peeps are so entertaining...funny shit.

Go ahead. Guess what percent of Medicaid goes to children or the elderly.

Or is 2 percent your guess?

Awww...YES....Haha...let's steer this and make it about Medicaid.
You're in over your head with me bud...I just can't engage in your lame ass rhetoric.

Look, you don't know what the flag of the US looks like, it ain't the Stars and Bars!

That's funny! It has 50 stars and 13 bars!

No, that is the Stars and Stripes. The first Confederate flag is called the Stars and Bars.
USFlag.org: A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - Confederate Stars and Bars

OK, your sarcasm detector is way overdue for calibration, youngster! Get that thing into the shop before you hurt yourself or somebody.
Go ahead. Guess what percent of Medicaid goes to children or the elderly.

Or is 2 percent your guess?

Awww...YES....Haha...let's steer this and make it about Medicaid.
You're in over your head with me bud...I just can't engage in your lame ass rhetoric.

Look, you don't know what the flag of the US looks like, it ain't the Stars and Bars!

That's funny! It has 50 stars and 13 bars!

No, that is the Stars and Stripes. The first Confederate flag is called the Stars and Bars.
USFlag.org: A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - Confederate Stars and Bars

OK, your sarcasm detector is way overdue for calibration, youngster! Get that thing into the shop before you hurt yourself or somebody.

Yes sir, Admiral SIR! Grumbles........
Government is necessary part of reality.

Get use to it! Pray that idiots never collapse it as life will be hell.
And there is the crowing jewel of liberal socialist stupidity.. The government is everything to you idiots. IF you get your way we are all property of the state and we will all die poor and destitute.. Just like every other communist country ..
I think we should spend more money on educating our children, feeding our poor and providing cheaper single payer to all than on war.

The kind of war the republicans constantly demand is a real drain on this nation.
I think we should spend more money on educating our children, feeding our poor and providing cheaper single payer to all than on war.

The kind of war the republicans constantly demand is a real drain on this nation.

It doesn't provide any benefit to this nation! We lose our young adults that could be future scientist, teachers, etc. Feeding a man on the street just makes more sense! A population of healthy adults that aint hungry is a stronger America!
Last edited:
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

The reality- whether those are rights or not, most people already have them in this country. You whining Libs who apparently hate America, answer me one question- if this country is so horrible, why are so many trying to come here, and so few leaving? This country provides more for more people than any other on earth.
Whats funny is TR was a pretty liberal president considering he broke up big oil(standard) and enforced the sherman antitrust act. May want to replace that avie with Mckinley, Hoover, Harding or Coolidge if you believe that people shouldn't have a right to food or healthcare.

On November 18, 1906, the U.S. attorney general under Roosevelt sued Standard Oil of New Jersey and its affiliated companies making up the trust. The suit was filed under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. Under this federal law, "Every contract, or combination, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is hereby declared to be illegal."
Both the trial judge and a unanimous federal appeals court agreed that Standard Oil was a monopoly violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. They also supported the government's recommendation that the trust should be dissolved into independent competing companies. Standard Oil then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

On May 15, 1911, the Supreme Court unanimously upheld the federal appeals court and ruled that the Standard Oil Trust was a monopoly that illegally restrained trade. All but one justice, however, went on to hold that only monopolies that restrained trade in "unreasonable" ways were illegal. Although it found that Standard Oil did, in fact, act unreasonably, the Supreme Court's use of the "rule of reason" made it more difficult for government to prosecute other monopolies. [Standard Oil of New Jersey v. United States]

The Supreme Court justices concluded that to restore competition in the oil industry, the Standard Oil Trust would have to be broken into independent companies. But the government permitted Standard Oil stockholders to each receive fractional shares in all 34 companies that were formed. This meant that each of these companies had exactly the same stockholder owners. These companies were then supposed to compete with one another. In reality, the companies had little real incentive to do this and acted together in setting prices for a decade or more.
BRIA 16 2 b Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Monopoly - Constitutional Rights Foundation
You people really can't defend not taking care of those in real need and not providing basic education, so you make absurd, pathetic jokes about it.
Here is your answer.

I don't want to take care of anyone. That's all you need to hear. They can piss up a rope and hang themselves with it.
You are not humane, you are not evolved: if our country was filled with people like you, it would be a 3rd world country, and I'll bet you would be one of the destitute living in squalor.

100% Incorrect.

Our country is the most powerful in the world and the one that everybody
wants to come to, because anybody can be whatever they desire if they
are willing to work for it.

The Europeans, 100 years ago, couldn't get here quick enough.
They had to work hard in Europe and received nothing for it. Trapped
in a Class System, impossible to get out of.

Here we live in a "Cash" system...Not Class. Whoever's got the cash
gets the best stuff...and everybody can get the cash, if they are willing
to work for it.

Those that don't want to...The next boat leaves for The Congo in the

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