I think medical and basic food should be a right

I think we should spend more money on educating our children, feeding our poor and providing cheaper single payer to all than on war.

The kind of war the republicans constantly demand is a real drain on this nation.

I think we should spend more money on educating our children,

Sounds good. First, let's kill the teachers unions. End teacher pensions.
I think medical and basic food should be a right

Good for you. Go right ahead and write out a check to pay for it all.

Oh, you mean you want someone else to pay for it?

Let me guess: By increasing taxes, right?

Well, sorry. Pretty much everyone I know is basically up to their eyeballs in rent payments, food, transportation, kids' college, running or expanding a business, saving for retirement, etc. etc.

Which of those things do you expect us to give up? How do you expect us to pay for your pipe dream, which will only continue to expand without end?

Pray, tell.
I think medical and basic food should be a right

Good for you. Go right ahead and write out a check to pay for it all.

Oh, you mean you want someone else to pay for it?

Let me guess: By increasing taxes, right?

Well, sorry. Pretty much everyone I know is basically up to their eyeballs in rent payments, food, transportation, kids' college, running or expanding a business, saving for retirement, etc. etc.

Which of those things do you expect us to give up? How do you expect us to pay for your pipe dream, which will only continue to expand without end?

Pray, tell.

People are up to their eyeballs in healthcare costs that are often twice what other developed countries pay.
I think medical and basic food should be a right

Good for you. Go right ahead and write out a check to pay for it all.

Oh, you mean you want someone else to pay for it?

Let me guess: By increasing taxes, right?

Well, sorry. Pretty much everyone I know is basically up to their eyeballs in rent payments, food, transportation, kids' college, running or expanding a business, saving for retirement, etc. etc.

Which of those things do you expect us to give up? How do you expect us to pay for your pipe dream, which will only continue to expand without end?

Pray, tell.

People are up to their eyeballs in healthcare costs that are often twice what other developed countries pay.

And if we had single payer none of these people would be in debt. These people would be able to spend their money in the local economy and we'd all be better off.

How the hell can anyone defend this cluster fuck we have no is beyond me.
I think medical and basic food should be a right

Good for you. Go right ahead and write out a check to pay for it all.

Oh, you mean you want someone else to pay for it?

Let me guess: By increasing taxes, right?

Well, sorry. Pretty much everyone I know is basically up to their eyeballs in rent payments, food, transportation, kids' college, running or expanding a business, saving for retirement, etc. etc.

Which of those things do you expect us to give up? How do you expect us to pay for your pipe dream, which will only continue to expand without end?

Pray, tell.

People are up to their eyeballs in healthcare costs that are often twice what other developed countries pay.

And if we had single payer none of these people would be in debt. These people would be able to spend their money in the local economy and we'd all be better off.

How the hell can anyone defend this cluster fuck we have no is beyond me.

The possibly insurmountable problem with healthcare costs lies in the power of the healthcare profiteers to control politicians.
I think medical and basic food should be a right

Good for you. Go right ahead and write out a check to pay for it all.

Oh, you mean you want someone else to pay for it?

Let me guess: By increasing taxes, right?

Well, sorry. Pretty much everyone I know is basically up to their eyeballs in rent payments, food, transportation, kids' college, running or expanding a business, saving for retirement, etc. etc.

Which of those things do you expect us to give up? How do you expect us to pay for your pipe dream, which will only continue to expand without end?

Pray, tell.

People are up to their eyeballs in healthcare costs that are often twice what other developed countries pay.

And if we had single payer none of these people would be in debt. These people would be able to spend their money in the local economy and we'd all be better off.

How the hell can anyone defend this cluster fuck we have no is beyond me.

Who is paying their medical bills under single payer? If you work, and pay taxes, you will!

There will be no money left for your own success!
I think we should spend more money on educating our children, feeding our poor and providing cheaper single payer to all than on war.

The kind of war the republicans constantly demand is a real drain on this nation.

I think we should spend more money on educating our children,

Sounds good. First, let's kill the teachers unions. End teacher pensions.

Shooting at the smallest target usually never ends in the desired results.
I think medical and basic food should be a right

Good for you. Go right ahead and write out a check to pay for it all.

Oh, you mean you want someone else to pay for it?

Let me guess: By increasing taxes, right?

Well, sorry. Pretty much everyone I know is basically up to their eyeballs in rent payments, food, transportation, kids' college, running or expanding a business, saving for retirement, etc. etc.

Which of those things do you expect us to give up? How do you expect us to pay for your pipe dream, which will only continue to expand without end?

Pray, tell.

People are up to their eyeballs in healthcare costs that are often twice what other developed countries pay.

And if we had single payer none of these people would be in debt. These people would be able to spend their money in the local economy and we'd all be better off.

How the hell can anyone defend this cluster fuck we have no is beyond me.

Single payer healthcare absolutely 100% requires that government force people that work in that industry to labor for a fee or wage to which they did not voluntarily agree.

So there's one reason why someone might stand against your centrally planned ideas. It requires involuntary servitude, which is blatantly immoral.

Want another reason? The VA. Stated differently, everything the government touches turns to shit.
I think medical and basic food should be a right

Good for you. Go right ahead and write out a check to pay for it all.

Oh, you mean you want someone else to pay for it?

Let me guess: By increasing taxes, right?

Well, sorry. Pretty much everyone I know is basically up to their eyeballs in rent payments, food, transportation, kids' college, running or expanding a business, saving for retirement, etc. etc.

Which of those things do you expect us to give up? How do you expect us to pay for your pipe dream, which will only continue to expand without end?

Pray, tell.

People are up to their eyeballs in healthcare costs that are often twice what other developed countries pay.
Obama PROMISED they would go down yet they DRAMATICALLY increased instead.
I noticed you never complained then.

Gee, I wonder why.....
I think medical and basic food should be a right

Good for you. Go right ahead and write out a check to pay for it all.

Oh, you mean you want someone else to pay for it?

Let me guess: By increasing taxes, right?

Well, sorry. Pretty much everyone I know is basically up to their eyeballs in rent payments, food, transportation, kids' college, running or expanding a business, saving for retirement, etc. etc.

Which of those things do you expect us to give up? How do you expect us to pay for your pipe dream, which will only continue to expand without end?

Pray, tell.

People are up to their eyeballs in healthcare costs that are often twice what other developed countries pay.
Obama PROMISED they would go down yet they DRAMATICALLY increased instead.
I noticed you never complained then.

Gee, I wonder why.....

First that's not accurate across the board. Second, it goes to what I said,

the profiteers in the health industry have too much control over politicians.
I think medical and basic food should be a right

Good for you. Go right ahead and write out a check to pay for it all.

Oh, you mean you want someone else to pay for it?

Let me guess: By increasing taxes, right?

Well, sorry. Pretty much everyone I know is basically up to their eyeballs in rent payments, food, transportation, kids' college, running or expanding a business, saving for retirement, etc. etc.

Which of those things do you expect us to give up? How do you expect us to pay for your pipe dream, which will only continue to expand without end?

Pray, tell.

People are up to their eyeballs in healthcare costs that are often twice what other developed countries pay.
Obama PROMISED they would go down yet they DRAMATICALLY increased instead.
I noticed you never complained then.

Gee, I wonder why.....

First that's not accurate across the board. Second, it goes to what I said,

the profiteers in the health industry have too much control over politicians.
I agree with the second part. We needed some fixes to our system but what the democrats did made it worse not better. The only people that benefited were the poor. Everyone else had their shit turned upside down.
I think we should spend more money on educating our children, feeding our poor and providing cheaper single payer to all than on war.

The kind of war the republicans constantly demand is a real drain on this nation.

I think we should spend more money on educating our children,

Sounds good. First, let's kill the teachers unions. End teacher pensions.

Shooting at the smallest target usually never ends in the desired results.

The unions are pretty big targets.
Kill them. Move the teachers into 401Ks.
Absolutely agree with OP.

Everyone has the right to work and earn money to buy food and medical care for themselves and their family.

That seems obvious.
I think we should spend more money on educating our children, feeding our poor and providing cheaper single payer to all than on war.

The kind of war the republicans constantly demand is a real drain on this nation.

I think we should spend more money on educating our children,

Sounds good. First, let's kill the teachers unions. End teacher pensions.

Shooting at the smallest target usually never ends in the desired results.

The unions are pretty big targets.
Kill them. Move the teachers into 401Ks.

Teachers, like me, were not on social security. Putting teachers into 401Ks is a windfall for Wall Street. I have a 403b which is basically the same thing in addition to my state retirement. In 2008, the 403b lost half of its value in October. It finally recovered when Trump was elected.

Right now, in my state, teachers and state employees are about to go full revolution because our legislature is trying to shore up the retirement funds on the backs of the people the legislatures previously stole from! The best proposal them seem to have is cut salaries 3% and put the savings into our retirement funds. Some schools are closing so the teachers can protest at the state capital.

Most people think teacher's unions are some big powerful force that gets us great wages and wonderful retirements. That could not be further from the truth. Otherwise we would not have such shitty pay and lousy retirements that we finance 100% ourselves!
I think we should spend more money on educating our children, feeding our poor and providing cheaper single payer to all than on war.

The kind of war the republicans constantly demand is a real drain on this nation.

I think we should spend more money on educating our children,

Sounds good. First, let's kill the teachers unions. End teacher pensions.

Shooting at the smallest target usually never ends in the desired results.

The unions are pretty big targets.
Kill them. Move the teachers into 401Ks.

Teachers, like me, were not on social security. Putting teachers into 401Ks is a windfall for Wall Street. I have a 403b which is basically the same thing in addition to my state retirement. In 2008, the 403b lost half of its value in October. It finally recovered when Trump was elected.

Right now, in my state, teachers and state employees are about to go full revolution because our legislature is trying to shore up the retirement funds on the backs of the people the legislatures previously stole from! The best proposal them seem to have is cut salaries 3% and put the savings into our retirement funds. Some schools are closing so the teachers can protest at the state capital.

Most people think teacher's unions are some big powerful force that gets us great wages and wonderful retirements. That could not be further from the truth. Otherwise we would not have such shitty pay and lousy retirements that we finance 100% ourselves!

Teachers, like me, were not on social security.

I know. If I could invest my Soc Sec directly into the market, I'd be much better off.

Right now, in my state, teachers and state employees are about to go full revolution because our legislature is trying to shore up the retirement funds on the backs of the people the legislatures previously stole from!

Illinois is going bankrupt under the burden of unaffordable public pensions.
End them now. 401Ks for all.
...Like I keep saying your aim is to send us back to the 18th century...
Incorrect. I voted for Bernie Sanders in the Illinois Primary and (oh-so-reluctantly) Hillary Clinton in the Nov 8, 2016 General Election.

...It would transform this country into a third world police state...
Incorrect. America in the 18th Century was neither Third World nor a Police State.

...The welfare cause and superancy cause is what makes us a first world country!..
Learn to spell.

What makes us a First World country is that we rode the high tide waves of both the Industrial and Technology Revolutions. Having balls helps, tool.

...If it wasn't for them we'd be poorer then south Africa...
Now THERE's a Second World $hithole... pity... it was approaching First World status before the Darkies got hold of it.

...You're clueless and have an agenda to destroy this country...
Incorrect, but don't let that stop your comical rant, Little One.

..Weird, how breaking the 4th amendment with warrantless searchs for a leaf and limiting the press is a'ok but helping the disabled isn't...
1. Learn to spell.

2. Never said warrant-less searches were OK< but don't let that stop your comical rant, Little One.

...You're the silly one...
Indeed. Spending time arguing with a child (you) does render me rather silly; but, at least, in my case, the condition will clear, once I disengage.

...you're a traitor.
My DD-214... and my years of other public service... all say otherwise... pissant.

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