I think medical and basic food should be a right

I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

I think medical and basic food should be a right!

Well you're a moron, so of course you do.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far.

Show your proof about per capita wealth.
They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.
The funny part is that most of them would end up destitute too. These people are not the top wealthy 10 percent. They depend on social services too, whether it is education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on. Those are all services for everyone, paid with our taxes. Without those things, we would be a third world country, and Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with, "education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on"?

It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Wrong, people in society need to take responsibility for themselves and for those who physically or mentally cannot that's what we have charities for. The money is better spent there than thrown into a black hole mismanaged by government bureaucrats and used as bribes by politicians.

So would you replace Medicaid with...??...the whims of charity??

Were people dying in the streets before 1965?

I'll take that as a 'yes', you would end Medicaid. lol

Like I keep saying the liberterian and the far right alt-right wishes to send us back to the 18th century. I am very serious as that is exactly what they aim to do.

We democrats need to start saying this outright in 2018 and 2020. We need to say that they want to abolish all help for the poor, the old and the disabled. Because that is their goal. Next we need to say that they want to remove all protections on the workers, anti-trust and give it all to the top few percent.

democrats got to fight much harder and get people to understand what the republican party has become in these past 8 years.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

Why are you hungry Matthew? Ok let's meet up and I will buy and will give you a steak dinner ..

Why are you hungry Matthew?

The hormone treatments are more than zhe thought they'd be.
Wrong, people in society need to take responsibility for themselves and for those who physically or mentally cannot that's what we have charities for. The money is better spent there than thrown into a black hole mismanaged by government bureaucrats and used as bribes by politicians.

So would you replace Medicaid with...??...the whims of charity??

Were people dying in the streets before 1965?

I'll take that as a 'yes', you would end Medicaid. lol

Of course. Medical care was incredibly cheaper before the government got involved to "help" everyone and grossly distorted the market.

Then how is it that most advanced countries around the world with universal healthcare spend as little as one half per capita for heathcare as we do?

Universal healthcare works everywhere it is tried, but what most democrats arent' willing to admit is that the libertarian puts far more value on the rich over the health of our population. So yes, he wants to allow people to die so a billionaire can take the money and herd it.

The guy you're talking to would probably support sweat shops like in China as he doesn't believe in federal protections for the workers either. I am not kidding when I say that these people want the 18th century again! That is their dream. It is a sick one but they really do believe that it is right.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?
So would you replace Medicaid with...??...the whims of charity??

Were people dying in the streets before 1965?

I'll take that as a 'yes', you would end Medicaid. lol

Of course. Medical care was incredibly cheaper before the government got involved to "help" everyone and grossly distorted the market.

Then how is it that most advanced countries around the world with universal healthcare spend as little as one half per capita for heathcare as we do?

Universal healthcare works everywhere it is tried, but what most democrats arent' willing to admit is that the libertarian puts far more value on the rich over the health of our population. So yes, he wants to allow people to die so a billionaire can take the money and herd it.

The guy you're talking to would probably support sweat shops like in China as he doesn't believe in federal protections for the workers either. I am not kidding when I say that these people want the 18th century again! That is their dream. It is a sick one but they really do believe that it is right.

Universal healthcare works everywhere it is tried

As long as you don't mind long lines, rationing, lack of modern equipment and lack of the latest drugs........
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

Hold on a minute here....
Aren't you the same people claiming that 6 foot 6 Bubba in a dress and wearing lipstick should have the RIGHT to flop his penis out next to my teenage daughter?
Aren't you the same people who believe that homeless drug addicts should be signers on my checking accounts?
(You know, that whole "redistribute wealth" bullshit.)

Well then SHIT....you're totally credible....CARRY ON.
Is it truly impossible for you to make a rational debate point?

His point is become wealthy or die. That is his idea of economics.
They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.
The funny part is that most of them would end up destitute too. These people are not the top wealthy 10 percent. They depend on social services too, whether it is education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on. Those are all services for everyone, paid with our taxes. Without those things, we would be a third world country, and Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with, "education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on"?

He's cutting heathcare, he's cutting funding to EPA.
"President Trump's 2018 budget, released Tuesday, proposes balancing the budget by cutting $1.74 trillion from social safety net programs and Medicaid and overhauling the tax code and regulatory framework, and it sets an economic growth target of three percent.

The plan, titled "The New Foundation for American Greatness," includes a total of $3.6 trillion in spending cuts to reach a balanced budget within 10 years, reducing the debt from its current 77 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) to 60 percent of GDP, and wiping out deficit spending entirely in a decade. The budget book devotes two pages to an outline of how the Obama administration caused massive inflation of the national debt and created economic stagnation.

The President's first major budget proposal, which assumes the Medicaid savings in the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) will be passed, would make $800 billion in cuts to Medicaid over the next decade.

Programs like food stamps (SNAP), Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy families (TANF) will face sharp cuts." Trump budget proposal has massive cuts to social programs

H.J.Res. 38: On February 16, Trump signed a congressional action repealing an Obama-era regulation which prevented coal-mining companies from dumping debris and toxic waste into streams and waterways.

H.J.R. 40: On February 28, Trump signed a bill that repeals an Obama-era rule that prohibited the mentally disabled from being able to purchase firearms. Obama signed the executive action, which mandated that the Social Security Administration submit names of mentally ill individuals to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System following the San Bernardino terrorist attack in 2015.

And on and on. He's turning our country into a sewer.

Here’s every law Trump has signed in his first 200 days
Last edited:
They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.
The funny part is that most of them would end up destitute too. These people are not the top wealthy 10 percent. They depend on social services too, whether it is education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on. Those are all services for everyone, paid with our taxes. Without those things, we would be a third world country, and Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with, "education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on"?

He's cutting heathcare, he's cutting funding to EPA.
"President Trump's 2018 budget, released Tuesday, proposes balancing the budget by cutting $1.74 trillion from social safety net programs and Medicaid and overhauling the tax code and regulatory framework, and it sets an economic growth target of three percent.

The plan, titled "The New Foundation for American Greatness," includes a total of $3.6 trillion in spending cuts to reach a balanced budget within 10 years, reducing the debt from its current 77 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) to 60 percent of GDP, and wiping out deficit spending entirely in a decade. The budget book devotes two pages to an outline of how the Obama administration caused massive inflation of the national debt and created economic stagnation.

The President's first major budget proposal, which assumes the Medicaid savings in the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) will be passed, would make $800 billion in cuts to Medicaid over the next decade.

Programs like food stamps (SNAP), Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy families (TANF) will face sharp cuts." Trump budget proposal has massive cuts to social programs


Thanks for admitting you lied about Trump trying to do away with, "education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on".
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

Hold on a minute here....
Aren't you the same people claiming that 6 foot 6 Bubba in a dress and wearing lipstick should have the RIGHT to flop his penis out next to my teenage daughter?
Aren't you the same people who believe that homeless drug addicts should be signers on my checking accounts?
(You know, that whole "redistribute wealth" bullshit.)

Well then SHIT....you're totally credible....CARRY ON.
Is it truly impossible for you to make a rational debate point?

His point is become wealthy or die. That is his idea of economics.

What's weird is they support a heavy handed police state against the poor! So I wouldn't be suprised to see these fuckers that believe the rich should have it all also support jail time for porn, gay sex and a whole lot more. It is sick that such people exist.
You people really can't defend not taking care of those in real need and not providing basic education, so you make absurd, pathetic jokes about it.

Oh but they can. And most of them can barely take care of themselves. But they have it in their head that it only helps black peoples. Maybe if they knew the majority of people on welfare were white single mothers .......
They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.
The funny part is that most of them would end up destitute too. These people are not the top wealthy 10 percent. They depend on social services too, whether it is education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on. Those are all services for everyone, paid with our taxes. Without those things, we would be a third world country, and Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with, "education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on"?

He's cutting heathcare, he's cutting funding to EPA.
"President Trump's 2018 budget, released Tuesday, proposes balancing the budget by cutting $1.74 trillion from social safety net programs and Medicaid and overhauling the tax code and regulatory framework, and it sets an economic growth target of three percent.

The plan, titled "The New Foundation for American Greatness," includes a total of $3.6 trillion in spending cuts to reach a balanced budget within 10 years, reducing the debt from its current 77 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) to 60 percent of GDP, and wiping out deficit spending entirely in a decade. The budget book devotes two pages to an outline of how the Obama administration caused massive inflation of the national debt and created economic stagnation.

The President's first major budget proposal, which assumes the Medicaid savings in the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) will be passed, would make $800 billion in cuts to Medicaid over the next decade.

Programs like food stamps (SNAP), Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy families (TANF) will face sharp cuts." Trump budget proposal has massive cuts to social programs


Thanks for admitting you lied about Trump trying to do away with, "education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on".

Dude try not trying to lie about what people post. If you have no argument stay quiet
Free shit Matthew is at it again.

So how many people has Matthew provided with food or health care?

(I bet he isn't even providing himself).
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

I think boob jobs and free pizza and beer should be a right.

But even I am old enough to know that Santa Claus is not real, and I need to put in an effort to get them.
They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.
The funny part is that most of them would end up destitute too. These people are not the top wealthy 10 percent. They depend on social services too, whether it is education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on. Those are all services for everyone, paid with our taxes. Without those things, we would be a third world country, and Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

Trump is trying to do away with, "education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on"?

He's cutting heathcare, he's cutting funding to EPA.
"President Trump's 2018 budget, released Tuesday, proposes balancing the budget by cutting $1.74 trillion from social safety net programs and Medicaid and overhauling the tax code and regulatory framework, and it sets an economic growth target of three percent.

The plan, titled "The New Foundation for American Greatness," includes a total of $3.6 trillion in spending cuts to reach a balanced budget within 10 years, reducing the debt from its current 77 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) to 60 percent of GDP, and wiping out deficit spending entirely in a decade. The budget book devotes two pages to an outline of how the Obama administration caused massive inflation of the national debt and created economic stagnation.

The President's first major budget proposal, which assumes the Medicaid savings in the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) will be passed, would make $800 billion in cuts to Medicaid over the next decade.

Programs like food stamps (SNAP), Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy families (TANF) will face sharp cuts." Trump budget proposal has massive cuts to social programs


Thanks for admitting you lied about Trump trying to do away with, "education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on".

Look at the edited post. I have added a source that describes all the bills he has signed, over 40, many of them deregulating services and regulations that keep our country safe and healthy. He is turning our country into a sewer.
GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE. Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."

the general welfare includes having healthy, educated citizens.

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