I think medical and basic food should be a right

I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

All the other countries that have single payer are watching their single payer systems collapse.....they can't provide basic surgeries for everyone, so the fat people and smokers, who have already paid massive taxes to support the single payer medical system...can't get basic surgeries......

As far as food...you have to work hard to go hungry in the U.S........we don't have a starvation problem...our poor people are over weight and suffering from obesity illnesses...
You people really can't defend not taking care of those in real need and not providing basic education, so you make absurd, pathetic jokes about it.

We don't have to defend it because we already do it.....we have a public education system run by democrats....that doesn't educate children....we have government programs....that fail to do what we pay them to do....

And after failure after failure, you want to give more money to the same people who you are currently complaining about...

How about you take care of those around you...that way you can make sure they actually get help and that the help you get works....?
Those already are rights. Government can't stop you from eating or medical care. You're good to go.

Oh, sorry, did you mean you want the right to steal from others to pay for your needs? That it? Not a right, that's theft. Immoral, repugnant and evil.

You know, owning a firearm is also a right.

Can I force you to pay for a new rifle? I've got my eye on a 7mm magnum. Now cough up the cash!
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

Hold on a minute here....
Aren't you the same people claiming that 6 foot 6 Bubba in a dress and wearing lipstick should have the RIGHT to flop his penis out next to my teenage daughter?
Aren't you the same people who believe that homeless drug addicts should be signers on my checking accounts?
(You know, that whole "redistribute wealth" bullshit.)

Well then SHIT....you're totally credible....CARRY ON.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

Hold on a minute here....
Aren't you the same people claiming that 6 foot 6 Bubba in a dress and wearing lipstick should have the RIGHT to flop his penis out next to my teenage daughter?
Aren't you the same people who believe that homeless drug addicts should be signers on my checking accounts?
(You know, that whole "redistribute wealth" bullshit.)

Well then SHIT....you're totally credible....CARRY ON.
Is it truly impossible for you to make a rational debate point?
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

I've got no problem with that. Obama had a chance at single payer but he didn't even try. He just gave the future of health care to the corporations via max baucus, who had people arrested for even bringing up the words single payer.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

I've got no problem with that. Obama had a chance at single payer but he didn't even try. He just gave the future of health care to the corporations via max baucus, who had people arrested for even bringing up the words single payer.

While I don't disagree with your premise, and I think Max Baucus is a hypocritical asshat, but he never had people arrested for "bringing up the words single payer". He had people arrested for disrupting an official meeting.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

Hold on a minute here....
Aren't you the same people claiming that 6 foot 6 Bubba in a dress and wearing lipstick should have the RIGHT to flop his penis out next to my teenage daughter?
Aren't you the same people who believe that homeless drug addicts should be signers on my checking accounts?
(You know, that whole "redistribute wealth" bullshit.)

Well then SHIT....you're totally credible....CARRY ON.
Is it truly impossible for you to make a rational debate point?

Somehow my point keeps flying over your head....is there a communication barrier between us? I'm thinking most here clearly see the correlation.
You know, owning a firearm is also a right.

Can I force you to pay for a new rifle? I've got my eye on a 7mm magnum. Now cough up the cash!

But the subject is life sustainers like health care and food, not guns. Is health care and enough calories in food a basic right. Are human beings in this country deserving of those two basic needs to keep body and soul together if they can't afford it. Probably could add shelter also.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

I've got no problem with that. Obama had a chance at single payer but he didn't even try. He just gave the future of health care to the corporations via max baucus, who had people arrested for even bringing up the words single payer.

While I don't disagree with your premise, and I think Max Baucus is a hypocritical asshat, but he never had people arrested for "bringing up the words single payer". He had people arrested for disrupting an official meeting.

From what I remember, they became disruptive because he wouldn't even allow them to present a case for health care.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

You people really can't defend not taking care of those in real need and not providing basic education, so you make absurd, pathetic jokes about it.

They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.

You people really can't defend not taking care of those in real need and not providing basic education, so you make absurd, pathetic jokes about it.
Here is your answer.

I don't want to take care of anyone. That's all you need to hear. They can piss up a rope and hang themselves with it.
You are not humane, you are not evolved: if our country was filled with people like you, it would be a 3rd world country, and I'll bet you would be one of the destitute living in squalor.

No first world country on earth works on loserterian concepts so they're not believable as workable. It is just dumb. Not only economically retarded but also not moral.

They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.
The funny part is that most of them would end up destitute too. These people are not the top wealthy 10 percent. They depend on social services too, whether it is education, police, ambulance and fire services, often health care, unemployment, transportation, roads, dams, clean water, and on and on. Those are all services for everyone, paid with our taxes. Without those things, we would be a third world country, and Trump is trying to do away with many of them.

They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.

What's weird is most third world countries allow their upper class to take all the wealth, while 90% of the rest of the country lives in shit. This is reason number one not to go down that street.

It is a loser!

If our country was filled with people like me, we would be just as dynamic as we were before we took the world to suck at our ample tits.
LOL That's what we all know about alcoholics.

Everyone needs to be able to use our infrastructure in order to move their product(small business) over. We're better off investing in infrastructure.

We're better off educating our children.

We're better off making sure our poor don't live on the side of the street or starve to death. Do you really freaking believe we're better off with a bunch of weak and sickly poor people that are less able to make money on the job?

Do you really believe we were better off before the new deal? I seriously doubt it...The biggest middle class in history was built after it as the worker could get a bigger piece of the pie. How is it fair that the super rich can make 950% of the wealth since 1980's, while the guys killing themselves can't make shit more.

This isn't good for our society and conservatism is just stupid economically.

I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

Hold on a minute here....
Aren't you the same people claiming that 6 foot 6 Bubba in a dress and wearing lipstick should have the RIGHT to flop his penis out next to my teenage daughter?
Aren't you the same people who believe that homeless drug addicts should be signers on my checking accounts?
(You know, that whole "redistribute wealth" bullshit.)

Well then SHIT....you're totally credible....CARRY ON.
Is it truly impossible for you to make a rational debate point?

Somehow my point keeps flying over your head....is there a communication barrier between us? I'm thinking most here clearly see the correlation.
Sneering and making ludicrous assertions that are clearly not based in fact is not debating. The only ones who will see any correlation are those other low IQ, deranged RW posters here who draw their information from sources such as Glen Beck.
They hate civilization and what they really want is for the top 5% to have it all and everyone else can be damned.

No public services
No help
No infrastructure for all
No nothing

These liberterians wouldn't be happy until the poor are thrown into ghettos to die. They'd probably force a caste like system on populations with the rich being the only ones allowed to do most things, while the poor would be extremely limited.

What's ironic about your statement, Science Rocks...is that entitlement programs put in place by liberals to "help" the poor have done the exact opposite than what was intended! We have more people living below the poverty line now because we have generations of Americans who have learned to live off of government handouts rather than bettering themselves. Those "ghettos" that you speak of were created by the welfare State and the people that live there now have been doomed to a life unfulfilled because of well meaning but clueless people like yourself!
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

Hold on a minute here....
Aren't you the same people claiming that 6 foot 6 Bubba in a dress and wearing lipstick should have the RIGHT to flop his penis out next to my teenage daughter?
Aren't you the same people who believe that homeless drug addicts should be signers on my checking accounts?
(You know, that whole "redistribute wealth" bullshit.)

Well then SHIT....you're totally credible....CARRY ON.
Is it truly impossible for you to make a rational debate point?

Somehow my point keeps flying over your head....is there a communication barrier between us? I'm thinking most here clearly see the correlation.
Sneering and making ludicrous assertions that are clearly not based in fact is not debating. The only ones who will see any correlation are those other low IQ, deranged RW posters here who draw their information from sources such as Glen Beck.

You choose to pretend not to "get it".
The twisted peanut brain of a LefTard loves complexities...they hate when sane people look past the bullshit and simplify matters.
It's actually quite entertaining to watch the little tiny minds of LefTards hard at work...thanks for that...haha
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

Hold on a minute here....
Aren't you the same people claiming that 6 foot 6 Bubba in a dress and wearing lipstick should have the RIGHT to flop his penis out next to my teenage daughter?
Aren't you the same people who believe that homeless drug addicts should be signers on my checking accounts?
(You know, that whole "redistribute wealth" bullshit.)

Well then SHIT....you're totally credible....CARRY ON.
Is it truly impossible for you to make a rational debate point?

Somehow my point keeps flying over your head....is there a communication barrier between us? I'm thinking most here clearly see the correlation.
Sneering and making ludicrous assertions that are clearly not based in fact is not debating. The only ones who will see any correlation are those other low IQ, deranged RW posters here who draw their information from sources such as Glen Beck.

You choose to pretend not to "get it".
The twisted peanut brain of a LefTard loves complexities...they hate when sane people look past the bullshit and simplify matters.
It's actually quite entertaining to watch the little tiny minds of LefTards hard at work...thanks for that...haha
You know, owning a firearm is also a right.

Can I force you to pay for a new rifle? I've got my eye on a 7mm magnum. Now cough up the cash!

But the subject is life sustainers like health care and food, not guns. Is health care and enough calories in food a basic right. Are human beings in this country deserving of those two basic needs to keep body and soul together if they can't afford it. Probably could add shelter also.

Without a firearm, I can hunt only with sticks and stones. Ditto for self defense, when my enemy will most certainly be armed with modern technology. Therefore, I say they're lifesavers.

Fork over the dough! Daddy needs a shotgun!

Sound ridiculous, doesn't it.

Just because you're alive doesn't mean you get to take what doesn't belong to you.
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