I think medical and basic food should be a right

then get out there with your communist flags

and che tee shirts and start the violent revolution

after all yesterday was "welfare payday"

and the revolution starts today

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Cable tv should be a right. Why should I have to pay for a wire going to my tv.

Perhaps cable should
Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

America was founded with government assistance kinds of programs and attitudes. Public land, property, was often free and or awarded for various reasons by the government.
Yes. Government gave land grants. Now plow it with your teeth while you fight off Indians and bandits.
All land grants and awards weren't as you describe. Point is, the founders saw, installed and accepted government obligations for assistance for citizens.
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Cable tv should be a right. Why should I have to pay for a wire going to my tv.

Perhaps cable shouln be free
Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

America was founded with government assistance kinds of programs and attitudes. Public land, property, was often free and or awarded for various reasons by the government.
Yes. Government gave land grants. Now plow it with your teeth while you fight off Indians and bandits.
All land grants and awards weren't as you describe. Point is, the founders saw, installed and accepted government obligations for assistance for citizens.

Every respectable civilization of the past 2,500 years did too. Roman empire, Greece, China, etc. All had government investment of infrastructure, science and education...

Liberterianism is a joke.
How could cable television exist without government support and subsidy? Why are billionaires made from the awards and use of publicly owned rights of way. Cable companies are perhaps the biggest recipients of corporate welfare.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?
Everything should be a "Right".

It's the Right thing to do. ....... :rolleyes:
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

Why are you hungry Matthew? Ok let's meet up and I will buy and will give you a steak dinner ..
then get out there with your communist flags

and che tee shirts and start the violent revolution

after all yesterday was "welfare payday"

and the revolution starts today

Again, a simple minded absurd response that doesn't address the issue at all. This issue has nothing to do with communism. Or socialism. If you understood either concept, you would realize that.
Viagra definitely needs to be like a dollar a tablet.
And if you can't find anyone to have sex with the government should provide that too.

Isn't just basic entertainment a right. No one should go through life never knowing enjoyment. Government provided theater tickets is an absolute right.

And drugs. It isn't enough to legalize drugs if the poor can't afford them. Free drugs, and alcohol.
Did I miss anything.
Yup.. The point.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

Why are you hungry Matthew? Ok let's meet up and I will buy and will give you a steak dinner ..
Another simple minded absurd response that doesn't address the issue at all. You can't defend your position, so you just make pathetic jokes.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

Why are you hungry Matthew? Ok let's meet up and I will buy and will give you a steak dinner ..
Another simple minded absurd response that doesn't address the issue at all. You can't defend your position, so you just make pathetic jokes.

What jokes?

If the kid is hungry I will personally buy him a steak and baked potatoes..
then get out there with your communist flags

and che tee shirts and start the violent revolution

after all yesterday was "welfare payday"

and the revolution starts today

Again, a simple minded absurd response that doesn't address the issue at all. This issue has nothing to do with communism. Or socialism. If you understood either concept, you would realize that.

indeed it address the issue

and it surely is related the concept of both socialism and communism

why lie about it
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

I completely agree...I should be fiscally responsible for my three children as I made a conscious decision to bring them into this world...I should also be responsible for all people that all other people decided to bring into the world....makes perfect sense.
Cable tv should be a right. Why should I have to pay for a wire going to my tv.

Cosmetic surgery should absolutely be a right. I identify as someone with both eyelash and hair extensions. Where's my free stuff?

Cable tv should be a right. Why should I have to pay for a wire going to my tv.

Perhaps cable shouln be free
Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

America was founded with government assistance kinds of programs and attitudes. Public land, property, was often free and or awarded for various reasons by the government.
Yes. Government gave land grants. Now plow it with your teeth while you fight off Indians and bandits.
All land grants and awards weren't as you describe. Point is, the founders saw, installed and accepted government obligations for assistance for citizens.

Every respectable civilization of the past 2,500 years did too. Roman empire, Greece, China, etc. All had government investment of infrastructure, science and education...

Liberterianism is a joke.

Libertarianism is the fantasy football of politics. You pretend to have a political party, and then you put together a list of candidates that you pretend could win.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

I completely agree...I should be fiscally responsible for my three children as I made a conscious decision to bring them into this world...I should also be responsible for all people that all other people decided to bring into the world....makes perfect sense.

Should we end the right to a publicly funded education?
Basic lawn care is my human right.

So the commies are making their pitch today, aye... GIMME, GIMME, GIMME... I want it all FREE... take it from the RICH, they have MORE THAN THEY NEED... it should be a RIGHT... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH... GIMME, GIMME, GIMME.
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?

It is absolutely the roll of the nation to make sure everyone is physically taken care of. And adequate 1st - 12th grade education is also a right for everyone, as well as basic housing. It isn't a matter of taking care of people who don't bother to take care of themselves; it is an issue of what is best for the society as a whole. If you go to 3rd world countries, you see what it is like when these things are not available for everyone. It isn't a matter of socialism, but as a developed humane society, we need to take responsibility for the society as a whole. The poor will always be with us. People with less aptitude will always be with us. Unless we want to see them begging in the streets and living in squalor, we need to accept they are our responsibility as a society.

Not doing so is like casting off the elderly without social security or medicare: despicable.

I'm all for donating to this cause under the following conditions:

Amend the 14th....no citizenship granted for anchor babies.
We must create a qualification process for the right to have children.
We must make it a criminal offense for unqualified citizens to procreate.

I mean, if we're gonna force good people to be fiscally responsible for the poor decisions that bad people make shouldn't the good people at least make the rules?
I think medical and basic food should be a right!
1. We need single payer. No one should go deep into debt and no other country allows such idiocy to occur within the first world. Fuck Paul Ryan and fuck anyone that enjoys this kind of suffering!
2. All people that can't afford to eat should be given food stamps. It is just the right thing to do!

All conservative arguments against these things are from the deep past...Somehow making people suffer is somehow good within their minds. Well, guess what, it is unacceptable to me within the riches country on earth and we shouldn't allow it. It is the right thing to do, moral thing to do and economic thing to do. When people are healthy and not hungry they can make more money + pay more taxes and enhance our economy for us all.

Because we didn't have this stuff in 1787 doesn't mean it shouldn't be a right. Things change and people wake up and look around at the nastiness within our world hoping for better.

Most of western europe work pretty freaking good and have respectable safetynets. Guess what, they're more wealthy per capital by far. How the fuck can you argue that they're failures? Why should all of our resources go to the top, while most of the country dives into the shit can.How is this good?
Of course you do. So tired of leeches & their enablers.

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