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I think most Republicans would stop flying Confederate flags if it didn't get a reaction out of the left.

Gotta have those worker bee's feeding the whining free loaders ya know.... You know these are the one's whom think that they can just go through life finding every kind of excuse known to man in order to extort money in some sort of bid that suggest that somehow it's going to make life all better for them.
Oh, it's far, far worse than that.
He wants to use the state to punish those who disagree with him, because they disagree with him.
Oh, it's far, far worse than that.
He wants to use the state to punish those who disagree with him, because they disagree with him.
That is literally what Trump got caught doing. More than once. Biden: not a shred of evidence of this. You people live in an alternate universe.
You make statements like they are facts instead of qualifying with something like "IMHO"
Here is your post #24
"They fly it because they think it makes them something. They don't think it makes them supporters of treason and anti-American, but it's what they are."

I had to research WTF your post #207 was referencing?!
I challenged your statement, you have no clue why we fly it. So why post bullshit?
I challenge all bullshitters on this forum, we're supposed to be debating facts.

As for the Confederacy, that was in 1860, and that was a real "insurrection", by democrats who wanted to keep slavery. Flying the flag in 2021 does not support the Confederacy, duh. Its a protest flag, a battle flag against a corrupt government. Its a battle flag of rebels, but the rebels are from 2021 not 1860, duh.
Now in 2021, antifa and socialists are "anti-American", deep staters are "anti-American", the "fake news" MSM are anti-American, the corrupt FBI that falsifies FISA evidence is anti-American, criminal gangs are anti-American, pols that allow open borders are anti-American, you get the idea? We can debate who is really anti-American.

Well some people just have to pick a fight no matter what. What can I do?
The Union Jack is similar to the Confederate battle flag but unlike the Confederate flag that only lasted about four years, the Union Jack actually flew from the stern of slave ships for the better part of 200 years. Why don't people hate the Jack? My guess is that the left wouldn't worry about the Confederate flag unless they use the fake issue to rally anarchists and fuel hatred. First they come for the Stars and Bars and then they come for the Stars and Stripes.
"I think most Republicans would stop flying Confederate flags if it didn't get a reaction out of the left."

I doubt this. People are going to stand for whatever they choose to stand for no matter where everyone else chooses to be. Where they choose to be may be what makes other people more motivated to take a stand anyway.

God bless you always!!!

In this case, however, you expect people who had nothign to do with slavery to payout settlements 150+ years later to people who where not enslaved.
I expect the government to compensate the descendants of slaves for its roll in supporting slavery.
What do I have that came from a slave?
This country.
How is a person who was not a slave entitled to what I have?
Because their ancestors were.
You cannot soundly explain how it is in everyone's interests for people who had nothing to do with slavery pay reparations to people who were not slaves.
I did by pointing out the Kentuckians who had nothing to do with Breonna Taylor's death still had to pay for her families enormous settlement through their tax dollars. You never addressed that because you're a cuck and a coward.
How does this make people who had nothing to do with slavery liable for slavery?
Citizens of this country are liable for the actions of this country.
Its YOUR position, its up to you to defend it. So far you have failed, utterly, in that you have not soundly demonstrated how peopel who were never slaves wee harmed by slavery and how people who never had slaves owe them something for it.
I actually have with an actual recent legal decision.
When you have a government that forces people to pay for actions they did not take to people who were not harmed, you no longer have a government instituted to secure the people's rights to life, liberty, property and self-determination.
It's not tyranny anytime the government does something you don't approve of you crying cuck. The government forces me to pay for wars I don't agree with but my choices are to vote for someone else or leave.
When you have a government that forces people to pay for goods and services received by others w/o compensation, creating a condition of state-enforced involuntary servitude, you no longer have a government instituted to secure the people's rights to life, liberty, property and self-determination.
No one is forcing you to do anything. You're free to fuck on off and leave the country if you don't like it's laws.
That is, you no longer have democracy as created in this country - you have mob rule.
Democracy is mob rule you dumb twat.
So, I ask again:
Where in there is the idea that the state not just can, but should, force people to pay for the goods and services consumed by others?
Sometime around when we decided it was a good idea to provide a fire dept or make sure anybody regardless of income could get treated in an emergency room.
Oh, but you did.
You plan to "[tear] down your flag and statues and [piss] all over your history and culture" -- and there's nothing "we" can do about it.
There is nothing you can do about it. We've pushed the country and culture so far to the left that Republican legislatures took down Confederate idolatry themselves. The only people still showing support for the Confederacy are mutants and morons.
Indeed, you believe people flying the ANV batte flag help you "draw support for tearing down your culture and its deplorable symbols"
They do. Just as they help when they storm the Capitol or dress in khakis to chant the jews will not replace us. All that helps to highlight what deplorable pieces of shit you all are.
So, I ask again:
Why do you believe your outrage gives you the moral and legal authority to deny people you disagree with their right to express an opinion you does not like --- violently, if necessary?
Morality is a figment of your imagination. I don't believe in morality. I believe in the power of the American government to bend your knees whether you want to or not.
You plan to make government work for people you like, and against the people you do not like.
How do you plan to get the people you do not like to go along with it, given the things you want to do?
Through legislative power.
I expect the government to compensate the descendants of slaves for its roll in supporting slavery.

This country.

Because their ancestors were.

I did by pointing out the Kentuckians who had nothing to do with Breonna Taylor's death still had to pay for her families enormous settlement through their tax dollars. You never addressed that because you're a cuck and a coward.

Citizens of this country are liable for the actions of this country.

I actually have with an actual recent legal decision.

It's not tyranny anytime the government does something you don't approve of you crying cuck. The government forces me to pay for wars I don't agree with but my choices are to vote for someone else or leave.

No one is forcing you to do anything. You're free to fuck on off and leave the country if you don't like it's laws.

Democracy is mob rule you dumb twat.

Sometime around when we decided it was a good idea to provide a fire dept or make sure anybody regardless of income could get treated in an emergency room.

There is nothing you can do about it. We've pushed the country and culture so far to the left that Republican legislatures took down Confederate idolatry themselves. The only people still showing support for the Confederacy are mutants and morons.

They do. Just as they help when they storm the Capitol or dress in khakis to chant the jews will not replace us. All that helps to highlight what deplorable pieces of shit you all are.

Morality is a figment of your imagination. I don't believe in morality. I believe in the power of the American government to bend your knees whether you want to or not.

Through legislative power.
Good grief.... So you are for a government that (like M-14 said), will work to tickle your little fancy while making your enemies miserable in this country eh ??? Well it all depends on whether you have the consensus that you are guessing that you have, and as to whether or not people are just willing to go along with all your butt hurt emotional tears because you undoubtedly are a failure in life ???

Noticed that you talked about the left as if you aren't a leftist, and if not a leftist, then where do you fall within the group label's going on in this country ? Black activist, BLM, Antifa, White agitator stirring trouble, domestic terrorist, unemployed, what ????

In the ways that you're heading, you might cause people to raise that flag even higher or go out and buy one to put it up due to your racist attacking of Americans who had nothing to do with slavery, and have been paying for it since the 1800s. How long do you think that American's should pay these generation's for slavery in the form of hand out's, free rent, free medical, free food, free government housing, free internet, free phone's, and whatever else has been going on for years, yet meanwhile American's watch in horror all the goings-on in the inner-cities, and the Democrat run government's, the run down school's, the run down neighborhood's, the shut down businesses, gangs, domestic black on black terror, and on and on it all goes ?? How long ???

At some point right ??? Everything is just going to magically be better right ? Just keep throwing money at it all right ?? Keep white guilt through CRT and other such white guilt program's coming eh ??

Allow black's to have exclusively the word "black" in front of their named businesses, but cringe if white's were to put something like that in front of the titles on their business saying "white owned" eh ????

So white people in according to some like you, are to never think that the slavery issue is a done deal, and that taking care of black's because of it will never be a done deal ever eh ????

The hypocrisy is getting way off the chain now.

I have black friend's and co-workers that would argue with you about this dependency you want to keep going, and about this whining instead of you getting out and working just like them to excel in life, and to take care of your family, and to be a free citizen just like they are because of what they do in their life. None of these friend's and co-workers are dependent's, and none of them are seeking hand out's, and none of them are blaming me or any other white co-worker for our so called ancestry or slavery that they might have engaged in 200+ years ago.

Free means free, but not in the form that it has taken in your mind, but better that it means freedom of choice, and then what you do with that freedom of choice.

Many bad choices have been made by individuals who are black or white, and the idea that other's should have to pay for someone's bad choices in life is ridiculous. Help is one thing, but giving up the farm for anyone who didn't work for it or deserves it is another. The only way out, uhhh is to work your way out, and that means to kick off the so called mental chains that hold you down in your own mind, get educated in various skill sets, get a good job, and quit whining in life. Oh and don't be a racist or skin color hater.
Link to what you fucking idiot. The OP said you pieces of trash don't like the confederacy and only fly the flag to piss people off. I think he is wrong because otherwise more of you would fly Nazi flags. Fuck yourself.
Do you have any idea how fucking stupid your post is?
Calling Godwin's Law, you lose. Thanks for playing you low-IQ moron.
And there we have it -- the tyrannical, outraged left.
"We're pissed, and we're going to use the powerof the state to punish you!!"
Well done.

Yep.......typical leftist....this is why we have to keep them out of power because that sickness is what leads to mass graves....
Good grief.... So you are for a government that (like M-14 said), will work to tickle your little fancy while making your enemies miserable in this country eh ??? Well it all depends on whether you have the consensus that you are guessing that you have, and as to whether or not people are just willing to go along with all your butt hurt emotional tears because you undoubtedly are a failure in life ???
I'm actually pretty wealthy. It's far more simple than that. I'm black and I have a black daughter and black nieces and nephews and for that reason the racist white wing of this country needs to go extinct.
Noticed that you talked about the left as if you aren't a leftist, and if not a leftist, then where do you fall within the group label's going on in this country ? Black activist, BLM, Antifa, White agitator stirring trouble, domestic terrorist, unemployed, what ????
Concerned parent and uncle.
In the ways that you're heading, you might cause people to raise that flag even higher or go out and buy one to put it up due to your racist attacking of Americans who had nothing to do with slavery, and have been paying for it since the 1800s.
I doubt that. Real Americans don't like assowns who wave around the flag of racists and traitors who went to war with America.
How long do you think that American's should pay these generation's for slavery in the form of hand out's, free rent, free medical, free food, free government housing, free internet, free phone's, and whatever else has been going on for years, yet meanwhile American's watch in horror all the goings-on in the inner-cities, and the Democrat run government's, the run down school's, the run down neighborhood's, the shut down businesses, gangs, domestic black on black terror, and on and on it all goes ?? How long ???
When blacks left the South due to the violence of Jim Crow and went north they were met by racists there as well who redlined them, wrote laws that prevented them from buying homes in white communities and shuffled them into those cities. Then you waged a war on drugs against them, tied school funding to property values, and robbed their communities of investment.

You're obviously a racist. But also a giant cuck boy because you're too much of a coward to admit it and so why should I fear a coward and a cuck?
At some point right ??? Everything is just going to magically be better right ? Just keep throwing money at it all right ?? Keep white guilt through CRT and other such white guilt program's coming eh ??
I don't believe in magic either. That would white evangelicals. But money in the right places can do a lot. Look at the GI bill that helped white Americans buy homes that turned out to be great investments for their children. Black American soldiers were denied loans that their white counterparts were given. Were given higher interest rates when they were given a loan. And because of the previously mentioned redlining, prevented from buying homes in nicer areas.
Allow black's to have exclusively the word "black" in front of their named businesses, but cringe if white's were to put something like that in front of the titles on their business saying "white owned" eh ????
I don't know what you're crying about here but I dont care.
So white people in according to some like you, are to never think that the slavery issue is a done deal, and that taking care of black's because of it will never be a done deal ever eh ????
Why do you just focus on slavery? Victims of Jim Crow, segregation and redlining are alive today.
I have black friend's and co-workers that would argue with you about this dependency you want to keep going, and about this whining instead of you getting out and working just like them to excel in life, and to take care of your family, and to be a free citizen just like they are because of what they do in their life.
The I have black friends argument... :D

Free means free, but not in the form that it has taken in your mind, but better that it means freedom of choice, and then what you do with that freedom of choice.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Many bad choices have been made by individuals who are black or white, and the idea that other's should have to pay for someone's bad choices in life is ridiculous. Help is one thing, but giving up the farm for anyone who didn't work for it or deserves it is another. The only way out, uhhh is to work your way out, and that means to kick off the so called mental chains that hold you down in your own mind, get educated in various skill sets, get a good job, and quit whining in life. Oh and don't be a racist or skin color hater.
Another dipshit who think subsidies and government help should only go to starting foreign wars so defense contractors can't get rich selling weapons to a Afghan government that will surrender them to the Taliban the moment we leave. Never-ending helping poor people.
I'm actually pretty wealthy. It's far more simple than that. I'm black and I have a black daughter and black nieces and nephews and for that reason the racist white wing of this country needs to go extinct.

Concerned parent and uncle.

I doubt that. Real Americans don't like assowns who wave around the flag of racists and traitors who went to war with America.

When blacks left the South due to the violence of Jim Crow and went north they were met by racists there as well who redlined them, wrote laws that prevented them from buying homes in white communities and shuffled them into those cities. Then you waged a war on drugs against them, tied school funding to property values, and robbed their communities of investment.

You're obviously a racist. But also a giant cuck boy because you're too much of a coward to admit it and so why should I fear a coward and a cuck?

I don't believe in magic either. That would white evangelicals. But money in the right places can do a lot. Look at the GI bill that helped white Americans buy homes that turned out to be great investments for their children. Black American soldiers were denied loans that their white counterparts were given. Were given higher interest rates when they were given a loan. And because of the previously mentioned redlining, prevented from buying homes in nicer areas.

I don't know what you're crying about here but I dont care.

Why do you just focus on slavery? Victims of Jim Crow, segregation and redlining are alive today.

The I have black friends argument... :D

What the fuck are you talking about?

Another dipshit who think subsidies and government help should only go to starting foreign wars so defense contractors can't get rich selling weapons to a Afghan government that will surrender them to the Taliban the moment we leave. Never-ending helping poor people.
You're just a racist, admit it and move on.
I can't think of a better example of somebody doing something just to get a reaction out of snowflakes. It's the same reason they do a bunch of stuff. They just want to be disrespectful and get under your skin.
The confederation of States was about much more than slavery.

You're just a racist, admit it and move on.
Such mentally lazy flotsom belongs in the ebony skin pimp forums. Did you send in your donation to Larry Elder yet? Just curious my elementally predictable simpleton.


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