I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

What you leave out is those cases were mostly in red states that rejected vaccinations, masks and social distancing.

Why do you think Florida, not only caught up to New York in COVID deaths, but surpassed New York.
Do you want to save people who refuse the vaccine

Or arent you secretly happy when they die?

It should be a personal choice no matter which way it goes
It was reorganized and streamlined but not entirely shut fown

But i retrospect, aka monday morning quarterbacking, trump will get the heat for taking the nameplate off the door
It was downgraded from National Security Counsel status, to it's people scattered to the four winds.
Absolutely, especially Limbaugh. He's the Father of the Alternate Universe, and many of his binary thought processes and phrases (such as "RINO") remain prevalent today.

That's why this has never been about Trump. He was the one who was shameless and needy enough to let this out of the box, but it had been simmering and building there for years.
I miss Rush Limbaugh

He was a once in a generation talent
They were forced to make a choice by their bosses, Joey! Either cave to our viewpoint and take the vaccine or lose your job. We don't care if you have reservations about the safety of the vaccine. We don't even care if you've already HAD Covid and had natural immunity! You will do as you're told...or you will be fired.


As you conservatives often like to remind us, the world doesn't owe you a job.

I'm always amazed after watching you guys put the interest of the investor class above the working class for decades, you guys are suddenly offended that certain industries PRAGMATICALLY required vaccinations.

Particularly since the opposition to vaccinations wasn't based on anything sensible, just a lot of nutters being nutty.
Do you want to save people who refuse the vaccine

Or arent you secretly happy when they die?

It should be a personal choice no matter which way it goes
Which is why Trump hiding the fact he got vaccinated, encouraged those people to also not get vaccinated. Like their MAGA leader (they thought).
It was downgraded from National Security Counsel status, to it's people scattered to the four winds.
Yes, but it was also bloated to 400 people and too slow to do its mission as intended
Which is why Trump hiding the fact he got vaccinated, encouraged those people to also not get vaccinated. Like their MAGA leader (they thought).
Why do you think trump hid his vaccination, if he did?
“Limited resources”

That’s a failure right off the bat

And this is the stockpile that You claimed didn’t exist.

Go sit in the corner
I cant be everywhere

So thanks for the info
Yes, but it was also bloated to 400 people and too slow to do its mission as intended
How could they do a national security mission, when they no longer sat at the national security table.

Country --- deaths --- population
USA ----- 1,021,278 --- 329
India ---- ---525,519---- 1,380
China -------14,649 -----1,410
To be fair, China is probably lying their asses off about how many Covid Deaths they've had.
I certainly was pre-COVID. If Trump had been re-elected, most people would be far better off than they are now.
Based on what?

Even without covid, we were already heading into a recession. Trump's unnecessary trade war with China completely fouled up supply chains and required a bailout of the agricultural sector when the Chinese took their Soy and Pork business elsewhere.
Particularly since the opposition to vaccinations wasn't based on anything sensible, just a lot of nutters being nutty.

Yeah, common sense isn't sensible to your kind. The vaccine was not throughly tested. We were essentially the guinea pigs.
Because Trumps base is anti-government. Which made them anti-vax.

So Trump couldn't lose supporters by showing them he got vaccinated.
Why do you care?

If you took the jab you should live even if others dont

But some took the jab and died anyway of mysterious causes

Of well

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