I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

But no mention of a national stockpile of all medical supplies before trump took office
They were stockpiled by the National Pandemic Response office in the White House that Obama set up.

Until Trump (Bolton) shut it down.
And the Teachers’ Union was collaborating with the CDC as far as what to say to the public. Another example as to how the Jewish leftists are the worst of all (and I say this as a Jew).
Are you the lone right-wing Jewish person?
You're stretching quite far to make a weak point. Trying to negate his very big actions with a very small verbal thing.
What negates his "very big actions" is the demoralizing division he promotes. We can't maintain it for much longer.
You fucking dope

Not only did it exist but the IG found that the Administration screwed the pooch on it
No it didnt

The IG found no fault with the adminstration

What OIG Found​

The Stockpile was operationally effective in distributing its limited inventory in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, based on established policies and procedures and consistent with its statutory obligations. However, the Stockpile's strategic effectiveness and its ability to meet COVID-19 demands was impacted by external and internal factors outside of its control.

Despite the challenges it faced, the Stockpile used established processes to distribute its limited supply of PPE and other items during the first 3 months of 2020. However, because of external and internal factors beyond its control, the Stockpile could not meet demand and was not equipped to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.
No it didnt

The IG found no fault with the adminstration

What OIG Found​

The Stockpile was operationally effective in distributing its limited inventory in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, based on established policies and procedures and consistent with its statutory obligations. However, the Stockpile's strategic effectiveness and its ability to meet COVID-19 demands was impacted by external and internal factors outside of its control.

Despite the challenges it faced, the Stockpile used established processes to distribute its limited supply of PPE and other items during the first 3 months of 2020. However, because of external and internal factors beyond its control, the Stockpile could not meet demand and was not equipped to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Limited resources”

That’s a failure right off the bat

And this is the stockpile that You claimed didn’t exist.

Go sit in the corner
Source that so we can evaluate his actual quotes, not what the headline writers wanted him to say.
Everybody else was getting vaccinated on TV, in order to promote it.

But not Trump.

This is how you promote something.
Only an idiot thinks that the government cares about you if you aren't a terrorist.

Me, I want the government on the lookout so the next 9/11 doesn't happen

Snowden is a traitor.
Joe has made sure the next 9/11 perps are already here
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?
Hey dummy, more cases on Joe's watch. In fact, democracks reopened the country despite there being twice the cases as a year earlier. If you can't be honest with yourself u sure as fuck can't be honest with your shitty posts. Suck it up, Trump will replace your uncle joe
It demonstrates how fragile we have been -- both our political system and our society -- that such a person can create so much damage with the help of relatively few enablers.

I didn't know.
However, I believe the possibility of Trumpery catching on is a recent phenomenon. Even after the creation of lunatic, conservative talk radio exploded on the scene following Reagan's tragic repeal of the Fairness Doctrine, laying the groundwork for propagandists like Limbaugh to spew his hateful disinformation to a huge audience, the rise of Trumpery would not have been possible.

It stands on the shoulders of Murdoch, Sarah, Rush, Sean, Newt, Reagan, Mitch, the entire cohort of lying, deceitful actors who have been tearing away at the fabric of democracy going back to when Don was still just discriminating against black people at his dad's apartment buildings.
They were stockpiled by the National Pandemic Response office in the White House that Obama set up.

Until Trump (Bolton) shut it down.
It was reorganized and streamlined but not entirely shut fown

But i retrospect, aka monday morning quarterbacking, trump will get the heat for taking the nameplate off the door
Hey dummy, more cases on Joe's watch. In fact, democracks reopened the country despite there being twice the cases as a year earlier. If you can't be honest with yourself u sure as fuck can't be honest with your shitty posts. Suck it up, Trump will replace your uncle joe
What you leave out is those cases were mostly in red states that rejected vaccinations, masks and social distancing.

Why do you think Florida, not only caught up to New York in COVID deaths, but surpassed New York.
However, I believe the possibility of Trumpery catching on is a recent phenomenon. Even after the creation of lunatic, conservative talk radio following Reagan's tragic repeal of the Fairness Doctrine exploded on the scene, laying the groundwork for propagandists like Limbaugh to spew his hateful disinformation to a huge audience, the rise of Trumpery would not have been possible.

It stands on the shoulders of Murdoch, Sarah, Rush, Sean, Newt, Reagan, Mitch, the entire cohort of lying, deceitful actors who have been tearing away at the fabric of democracy going back to when Don was still just discriminating against black people at his dad's apartment buildings.
Absolutely, especially Limbaugh. He's the Father of the Alternate Universe, and many of his binary thought processes and phrases (such as "RINO") remain prevalent today.

That's why this has never been about Trump. He was the one who was shameless and needy enough to let this out of the box, but it had been simmering and building there for years.

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