I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

And WTF do you think they got their information from?
From what Trump was telling them and the American people.

Nothing to see here. No worse than the flu. Go about your business. It will disappear on it's own.

There are lies, damn lies, and the whoppers Trump told about COVID that got people killed.

We've learned that the lockdowns actually did nothing to help. You have even Fauci the medical expert, come out and say that masks wont really help. Hoew many people listened to fauci on that one? How many people listened to Nancy Pelosi when she implored crowds of people to gather in China Town SF to celebrate the CHinese New Year?

You do know that Trump employed a travel ban from Wuhan China, and I believe the rest of China at the time when there were only 12 reported cases of Covid in the U.S..... of course he was blasted by Democrats for that.

If Trump had warned people of a deadly virus... and told them to stay home.. wear masks etc... no doubt he would have been roundly criticized and laughed at by Democrats and they would have said he was trying to cause panic ,... the same ones who told us they would never take a TRUMP vaccine.... so tell us how many people listened to Pelosi when she said she would never take a TRump Vaccine? and btw.. TRump did do what he could to have the vaccine developed in a timely manner

Democrats are fucking hipocrites... you can never convince me otherwise. They will twist this covid history and ignore everything Democrats may have said and done that was wrong.. and place 100% on Trump.
I know all this is about the upcoming election... thank you all !
I saw that Trump sent them the Navy medical ship to house the elderly with COVID, but Cuomo was so unwilling to make Trump look like he accomplished something that he chose to send them all back to the nursing home, where they would infect others and have massive numbers of deaths.
Why do you always lie. The ships were NOT for COVID patients. So says the NAVY,.

USNS Mercy, USNS Comfort Receiving Patients in LA, New York City

To free overwhelmed local hospitals focusing on patients with COVID-19, the Navy hospital ships USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort are docked on both U.S. coasts to provide medical and surgical care to non-COVID-19 patients.

Since onboard medical personnel are not treating patients with COVID-19, referring hospitals are screening and testing patients for the virus before they're transferred to the Mercy or the Comfort.

The center has local health officials working with FEMA to ensure hospital transfers take place smoothly and that patients transferring to the Comfort are COVID-19-free and "suitable for that environment," Amersbach said.
He's trying to target a specific sector in an election year. Got to entice to get their votes.
It's blatantly obvious to those who aren't afflicted with TDS.
Yup….obviously. Just buying votes with other people’s money.
Why do you always lie. The ships were NOT for COVID patients. So says the NAVY,.

USNS Mercy, USNS Comfort Receiving Patients in LA, New York City

To free overwhelmed local hospitals focusing on patients with COVID-19, the Navy hospital ships USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort are docked on both U.S. coasts to provide medical and surgical care to non-COVID-19 patients.

Since onboard medical personnel are not treating patients with COVID-19, referring hospitals are screening and testing patients for the virus before they're transferred to the Mercy or the Comfort.

The center has local health officials working with FEMA to ensure hospital transfers take place smoothly and that patients transferring to the Comfort are COVID-19-free and "suitable for that environment," Amersbach said.
Stop splitting hairs. The ship, if Cuomo wouldn’t have turned it back empty, would have saved thousands of lives.

It was to provide more space for COVID patients by moving other people in hospitals to the ship and opening up hospital space for COVID patients. It’s the same thing!
Of course not. About a third of Jews admit they are Republicans. There are likely many more who don’t want to incur the wrath and contempt of intolerant liberal Jews, so they don’t come forward.

Betya Biden fails to capture half the Jews this time.
Of course not. About a third of Jews admit they are Republicans. There are likely many more who don’t want to incur the wrath and contempt of intolerant liberal Jews, so they don’t come forward.

Betya Biden fails to capture half the Jews this time.
He'll probably get 3/4 of the Jewish vote because of the loser that he's running against.
...the same ones who told us they would never take a TRUMP vaccine.... so tell us how many people listened to Pelosi when she said she would never take a TRump Vaccine?
That's a complete twist on what they said. They said they would never take a vaccine ONLY approved by Trump.
They would take one approved by the doctors at the FDA

Harris said, "If Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I'll be the first in line to take it, absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us to take it, I'm not taking it."
Isn't that like saying the Titanic was making excellent time until it hit the iceberg?

How did Dems "introduce" Covid, exactly?

Also, Trump was trailing Biden in every poll prior to the Covid Iceberg being hit. If anything, Covid initially helped Trump because it allowed him to look presidential, until he actually started telling people to inject bleach and everything would be fine by Easter and he lost all credibility.

Of course the democrat lie that TRump told people to drink bleach resonates well with you doesnt it?
And Biden lied...
Trump was refering to the way disinfectants and other things effected the virus on surfaces and was speaking in a general sense. And mind you, this was in a single interview... not some attempt to form policy. Biden counts on ignorant people who hate Trump to by this lie... how about you rely on English comprehension and not political lies? look at Trumps actual words, minus your bias of hate.

He'll probably get 3/4 of the Jewish vote because of the loser that he's running against.
No, Trump will probably get 40% of the Jewish vote because the person he is running against is in mid-stage dementia and the head of the New Anti-Israel Party. You really think Biden can sell Israel down the river in order to placate the antisemitic Muslims, and Jews won’t abandon him?
Well then why wouldn’t it be a good policy to reduce car loans or mortgages? Why special favors for the college-educated who are the least likely to need it?
Because going to college results in higher wages. Higher wages results in more taxes.
No, Trump will probably get 40% of the Jewish vote because the person he is running against is in mid-stage dementia and the head of the New Anti-Israel Party. You really think Biden can sell Israel down the river in order to placate the antisemitic Muslim vote, and Jews won’t abandon him?
The only place where any of that is happening is in your mind.
I saw that Trump sent them the Navy medical ship to house the elderly with COVID, but Cuomo was so unwilling to make Trump look like he accomplished something that he chose to send them all back to the nursing home, where they would infect others and have massive numbers of deaths.
Do you know who refused to send the elderly to the boat? It's their own doctors. Becuase they knew their patients were better off recovering at their rooms at the nursing home than a drafty ship.
Stop splitting hairs. The ship, if Cuomo wouldn’t have turned it back empty, would have saved thousands of lives.

It was to provide more space for COVID patients by moving other people in hospitals to the ship and opening up hospital space for COVID patients. It’s the same thing!
New York didn't have many non-covid patients for the floating hospital.
Let's look at both Los Angeles and New York

So far, the Mercy has treated 15 Los Angeles-area patients, and the Comfort admitted its first three patients late yesterday

Now tell us again, how the ships were for elderly COVID patients.
Because going to college results in higher wages. Higher wages results in more taxes.
That wasn’t the question.

The question is why pay off student loans of college professionals instead of car loans of the working class? You just said a minute ago that paying off loans stimulates the economy. Try to keep up.

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