I think that American politicians have hijacked Christianity just to get votes?

hey use the religion for political gain, for cover to hate other people, for cover to harm other people, and a way to keep a cohort of voters in line as a voting block.
Thank you… thank you… thank you!!!! for making a reference to Jeremiah Wright.
LOL. The "Jeremiah Wright voting block ". Comprised of what? A dozen people? Compared to typical RW televangelists like Falwell, Graham, Bakker, Swaggert, etc?
Falwell is dead
Graham is too old an with his health ailing, out of circulation
Bakker was busted for fucking on the side and fraudulent accounting and imprisoned
Swaggert was caught fucking prostitutes - not once
I have no idea how many people watch them or if they are even on tv or not. I do not keep up with it.
Next time you need to do a better the list you gave.
I'm aware of their current status. My point is that any one of them at their peak had hundreds or even thousands the number of followers that Rev Wright has or had. His influence is practically nil, certainly not enough to constitute a voting block.

I'm also aware of Swaggert's and Bakker's legal and moral problems. I included them to show that many of them are con artists just trying to make coin and peddle influence.
Falwell and Graham I believe were sincere. The other two?? YES, They were and are con artists...
When there is a toxic political atmosphere that forces politicians to proclaim themselves 'Christian' because otherwise they wouldn't be elected, then you don't get real 'Christians' in politics.

Instead you get a lot of people that say they are 'Christian' for political advantage.

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