I think that Franken should NOT quit

He needs to fight this.

Show us PROOF.

Not a joke photo.

Not the word of a few people from years and years ago.

Allegations are not ...... PROOF.

Follow legal procedures. Take statements. Gather evidence. File charges. Take it to court.

Let a judge and jury decide what happened and what didn't.

People lie. That is why we have courts.

Statute of limitations.

I didn't say state.

I said statute of limitations. Most of the time there is only a short period in which to make a claim.

Here is the chart.https://victimsofcrime.org/docs/DNA...sault-check-chart---final---copy.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Most states have very long statutes of limitations 10-15 years.
So he believes grabbing the tits of a sleeping lady he is not sexually involved with is ok? Time to gom
I wasn't there so I don't know. does it rise to the level of a crime?

I don't think so. Plus the photo doesn't show him actually touching her tits...it is through several layers of clothing and its unclear of he is even touching...

PS- I think Franken is a jackass and I disagree with his politics.
So you go around pretending to grab sleeping woman's tits? Is that a real excuse if you are 21 or older? No.
I agree, it is in bad taste. But is it a crime?

Would you quit your job if it was as joke, and you were a fucking comedian at the time??

I know I wouldn't!
He needs to fight this.

Show us PROOF.

Not a joke photo.

Not the word of a few people from years and years ago.

Allegations are not ...... PROOF.

Follow legal procedures. Take statements. Gather evidence. File charges. Take it to court.

Let a judge and jury decide what happened and what didn't.

People lie. That is why we have courts.
I don't think he's going to fight it...he's probably going to resign...

He's a coward. If he is truly innocent as he proclaims, why would he resign? His reputation is destroyed either way, so why not be principled? If he can't or won't stand up for himself, nobody else will......
it would be nice if he let the ethics committee finish their investigation.... at least with Conyers there were ethics investigations and payouts for his misdeeds...

maybe there is more on Franken that insiders know? :dunno:

but if there is, then he should be punished, according to the dirty deed.
So he believes grabbing the tits of a sleeping lady he is not sexually involved with is ok? Time to gom
I wasn't there so I don't know. does it rise to the level of a crime?

I don't think so. Plus the photo doesn't show him actually touching her tits...it is through several layers of clothing and its unclear of he is even touching...

PS- I think Franken is a jackass and I disagree with his politics.
So you go around pretending to grab sleeping woman's tits? Is that a real excuse if you are 21 or older? No.
I agree, it is in bad taste. But is it a crime?

Would you quit your job if it was as joke, and you were a fucking comedian at the time??

I know I wouldn't!
The person grabbed has to make that decision. Do they file charges? She seemed to be unaware of his tendencies. What about the other women? Many supported Bill Clinton despite his sexual abuse history
Who the fuck cares about Franken? The guy's pretty much a nobody in the grand scheme of things.
So he believes grabbing the tits of a sleeping lady he is not sexually involved with is ok? Time to gom
I wasn't there so I don't know. does it rise to the level of a crime?

I don't think so. Plus the photo doesn't show him actually touching her tits...it is through several layers of clothing and its unclear of he is even touching...

PS- I think Franken is a jackass and I disagree with his politics.
So you go around pretending to grab sleeping woman's tits? Is that a real excuse if you are 21 or older? No.
I agree, it is in bad taste. But is it a crime?

Would you quit your job if it was as joke, and you were a fucking comedian at the time??

I know I wouldn't!
The person grabbed has to make that decision. Do they file charges? She seemed to be unaware of his tendencies. What about the other women? Many supported Bill Clinton despite his sexual abuse history

None of the Ugly Al Franken accusers filed any charges.

I don't care what Ugly Al does.....I am more concerned with the general "witch hunt" atmosphere we have today.
So he believes grabbing the tits of a sleeping lady he is not sexually involved with is ok? Time to gom
I wasn't there so I don't know. does it rise to the level of a crime?

I don't think so. Plus the photo doesn't show him actually touching her tits...it is through several layers of clothing and its unclear of he is even touching...

PS- I think Franken is a jackass and I disagree with his politics.
So you go around pretending to grab sleeping woman's tits? Is that a real excuse if you are 21 or older? No.
I agree, it is in bad taste. But is it a crime?

Would you quit your job if it was as joke, and you were a fucking comedian at the time??

I know I wouldn't!
The person grabbed has to make that decision. Do they file charges? She seemed to be unaware of his tendencies. What about the other women? Many supported Bill Clinton despite his sexual abuse history

None of the Ugly Al Franken accusers filed any charges.

I don't care what Ugly Al does.....I am more concerned with the general "witch hunt" atmosphere we have today.
Lots of skeletons in many closets.
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from office those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

It's more than one woman is your problem. There have been several women who have come forward, Franken is NOT denying any of it, so you can color him gone.

There is a political reason for this. Women see Democrats resigning or leaving office, while Donald Trump is still sitting in the Oval office who has a much longer history of assaulting women than Franken does. IOW Democrats are telling Franken to step down--and then they'll point their fingers at Republicans to do the same, and they will campaign on it.

So if Franken resigns he is basically helping the DNC in the midterm elections in 2018. Women are the largest voting block in this country, and they will vote for the party that eliminates the sexual assaulters and harrasser's in their party, while Republicans don't. That's what they're going for.

Women are not a voting bloc. Unless you're trying to say they all think the same? They are a voting demographic.
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from office those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

It's more than one woman is your problem. There have been several women who have come forward, Franken is NOT denying any of it, so you can color him gone.

There is a political reason for this. Women see Democrats resigning or leaving office, while Donald Trump is still sitting in the Oval office who has a much longer history of assaulting women than Franken does. IOW Democrats are telling Franken to step down--and then they'll point their fingers at Republicans to do the same, and they will campaign on it.

So if Franken resigns he is basically helping the DNC in the midterm elections in 2018. Women are the largest voting block in this country, and they will vote for the party that eliminates the sexual assaulters and harrasser's in their party, while Republicans don't. That's what they're going for.

Women are not a voting bloc. Unless you're trying to say they all think the same? They are a voting demographic.

Yes they are a voting block and they are the largest voting block in this country today--and they're coming for you in 2018. They have one thing in common--there isn't a woman alive that hasn't experienced some type of unwanted sexual comments made toward her and they're sick and tired of it.


The woman's march the day after Trump was inugurated Washington D.C. This was going on in every state. For more pictures go to this link. They were in the millions.
Woman's march pictures

Democrats are smart enough to figure this out, and are asking Franken to resign immediately so they hold the high ground with women, while Republicans are down in the "sewer" with Donald Trump and Roy Moore.


It's not rocket science, just politics 101
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from office those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

It's more than one woman is your problem. There have been several women who have come forward, Franken is NOT denying any of it, so you can color him gone.

There is a political reason for this. Women see Democrats resigning or leaving office, while Donald Trump is still sitting in the Oval office who has a much longer history of assaulting women than Franken does. IOW Democrats are telling Franken to step down--and then they'll point their fingers at Republicans to do the same, and they will campaign on it.

So if Franken resigns he is basically helping the DNC in the midterm elections in 2018. Women are the largest voting block in this country, and they will vote for the party that eliminates the sexual assaulters and harrasser's in their party, while Republicans don't. That's what they're going for.

Women are not a voting bloc. Unless you're trying to say they all think the same? They are a voting demographic.

Yes they are a voting block and they are the largest voting block in this country today--and they're coming for you in 2018. They have one thing in common--there isn't a woman alive that hasn't experienced some type of unwanted sexual comments made toward her and they're sick and tired of it.


The woman's march the day after Trump was inugurated Washington D.C. This was going on in every state. For more pictures go to this link. They were in the millions.
Woman's march pictures

Democrats are smart enough to figure this out, and are asking Franken to resign immediately so they hold the high ground with women, while Republicans are down in the "sewer" with Donald Trump and Roy Moore.


It's not rocket science, just politics 101

You're an ignorant and sexist fool. Not much more to it.
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from off those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

No, they want to sacrifice him because they believe it will give them the moral high ground and force the Republicans to vote Jones over Moore. What we don't hear enough of from the press is that unlike Franken, Moore denies the allegations, and there is no evidence to support them.

the supposed "moral high ground " they stamped on themselves

is long LONG gone

I just don't care. Like, not at all. Just like I don't care about the Alabama election. 90% of the politicians in DC are human excrement anyways.

I keep trying to get you guys to support term limits but y'all are too stupid to get it.
Don Quixote tilting at windmills? Lots of folks on this board support term limits, but consider:

What if you bought a Mercedes and had to trade it in after 10,000 miles even though it was running great?

Who you going to hire to repair your house? A person right out of trade school or someone with experience?

In both situation who gets to decide now concerning term limits? The voters.
I wasn't there so I don't know. does it rise to the level of a crime?

I don't think so. Plus the photo doesn't show him actually touching her tits...it is through several layers of clothing and its unclear of he is even touching...

PS- I think Franken is a jackass and I disagree with his politics.
So you go around pretending to grab sleeping woman's tits? Is that a real excuse if you are 21 or older? No.
I agree, it is in bad taste. But is it a crime?

Would you quit your job if it was as joke, and you were a fucking comedian at the time??

I know I wouldn't!
The person grabbed has to make that decision. Do they file charges? She seemed to be unaware of his tendencies. What about the other women? Many supported Bill Clinton despite his sexual abuse history

None of the Ugly Al Franken accusers filed any charges.

I don't care what Ugly Al does.....I am more concerned with the general "witch hunt" atmosphere we have today.
Lots of skeletons in many closets.
If Franken resigns today, he deserves credit for doing so. Though I must admit I can't stand the asshole.

I don't recall anyone in Bubba's or Big Ear's administration ever resigning, even though the corruption was rampant.
BTW he is not in congress he is in the Senate and on two committees of importance within the Senate and everyone on those committees say he has worked really hard since he has been there...

But I personally have no idea why they are asking him to resign for forcing kisses on to adult women..... I can not tell you how many men have tried to kiss me, that should not have even thought for a nano second of trying to.....

Because that is the world your side of the aisle has created, while forgetting that for all things there is a price.

If this issue becomes excessively troublesome, you may well see a drop in female hires in business.
BTW he is not in congress he is in the Senate and on two committees of importance within the Senate and everyone on those committees say he has worked really hard since he has been there...

But I personally have no idea why they are asking him to resign for forcing kisses on to adult women..... I can not tell you how many men have tried to kiss me, that should not have even thought for a nano second of trying to.....

Because that is the world your side of the aisle has created, while forgetting that for all things there is a price.

If this issue becomes excessively troublesome, you may well see a drop in female hires in business.
It is strange how the left has acted over these many recent sexual abuse cases, when you consider how they protected Bill Clinton and even ruthlessly attacked his accusers.
I just don't care. Like, not at all. Just like I don't care about the Alabama election. 90% of the politicians in DC are human excrement anyways.

I keep trying to get you guys to support term limits but y'all are too stupid to get it.
Don Quixote tilting at windmills? Lots of folks on this board support term limits, but consider:

What if you bought a Mercedes and had to trade it in after 10,000 miles even though it was running great?

Who you going to hire to repair your house? A person right out of trade school or someone with experience?

In both situation who gets to decide now concerning term limits? The voters.
the people will decide how long the term limit is going to be by voting

them in or out
I just don't care. Like, not at all. Just like I don't care about the Alabama election. 90% of the politicians in DC are human excrement anyways.

I keep trying to get you guys to support term limits but y'all are too stupid to get it.
Don Quixote tilting at windmills? Lots of folks on this board support term limits, but consider:

What if you bought a Mercedes and had to trade it in after 10,000 miles even though it was running great?

Who you going to hire to repair your house? A person right out of trade school or someone with experience?

In both situation who gets to decide now concerning term limits? The voters.
the people will decide how long the term limit is going to be by voting

them in or out

I can see the value in term limits, but in the end your statement is correct. It validates the statement "People get the government they deserve."
I just don't care. Like, not at all. Just like I don't care about the Alabama election. 90% of the politicians in DC are human excrement anyways.

I keep trying to get you guys to support term limits but y'all are too stupid to get it.
Don Quixote tilting at windmills? Lots of folks on this board support term limits, but consider:

What if you bought a Mercedes and had to trade it in after 10,000 miles even though it was running great?

Who you going to hire to repair your house? A person right out of trade school or someone with experience?

In both situation who gets to decide now concerning term limits? The voters.
the people will decide how long the term limit is going to be by voting

them in or out

I can see the value in term limits, but in the end your statement is correct. It validates the statement "People get the government they deserve."

the more we drift away from the voting process established in the constitution

the worse government we will end up with

if anything the 17th amendment should be repealed

for example
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from office those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

He was photographed grabbing the tits of a sleeping female soldier! He is a worthless POS.

He is not really denying the charges (nor truly admitting to it).

The only reasons they want him to step down is that the Dems can try to use the moral high ground to steal AL, when they know they won’t lose Liberal MN

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I agree 100%

If putting your arm around someone as you take a photo is sexual assault then 90% of men and 40% of women are fucked.

Since when is taking a picture of grabbing someone's chest "putting your arm around someone"?
STOP LYING Avatar....he DID NOT grab her breasts, he pretended to grab her breasts for a picture..... for goodness sake....how hard is it for people to actually tell the truth around here....?

And yes, I saw the picture, he is NOT grabbing her breasts, but he is pretending like he is.....(you can see he is not actually touching her) which is bad, but not as bad as actually molesting her.....

Please be HONEST!

I am. I saw the picture. His hand is clearly on her chest. Not pretending to grab it.

I'm astounded how you guys are able to lie about this with it being so clear.

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