I Think That We Should Change The No Discussing Moderation Actions On The Public Board Rule

Well have you ever seen it done without a complaining attitude? I mean if people want to whine then why shouldn't they have the right to? That'll just give us the right to point and laugh at them. It's entertainment in my eyes. 😁
FWIW, I agree with you. What’s that saying that the liberal rag WaPo uses? “Democracy dies in darkness.”

That applies not only to the political arena where, for example, the Democrats conspired to keep Hunter’s laptop in the darkness and have people vote in ignorance, but in other areas as well: In this forum, a biased mod with contempt for a specific poster is free not only to lie about what she has said but if the poster responds in such a way that the biased mod cannot refute - the biased mod can simply delete that post.

it is bad enough that a mod can target and silence a specific poster, but then that her actions cannot be discussed in the open - but have to be kept “in darkness” - makes the debate fake and manipulated.

We should be able to discuss mod actions, especially when they reveal bigotry against a specific poster.
Specific Moderator actions should not be discussed on the open board

But Moderator policies that led to that action should be fair game
How about this as “fair game”:

is it appropriate that a mod can delete your post without explanation? She doesn’t like it….so poof!
I do see it.

When people troll newly posted threads with off-topic posts, and then whine about getting dinged for it, I prefer that their whining be as public as possible.

When we see such a whiner start an entire thread to cry about how wronged he feels, it is a good demonstration of how much credence we should give his few on-topic posts.
The "on topic" bit is selectively and capriciously enforced.

You either have rules that matter, or none of the rules really matter.

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