I think the Dems are desperately looking for new VP before they force Biden out

They want to return this Country to what it was when Eisenhauer was POTUS.

They think Leave It To Beaver was real.

Actually, you have it half ass backwards.

Libs love the Eisenhower era,because that was the peak of Big Labor, as well as being the era when they didn't have to kiss the asses of the Black Poverty Pimps.
"if you like your plan you can keep it" lie or truth?
"I never had sexual relations with that woman, MIss Lewinsky" lie or truth?
"I never had any dealings with my son's businesses" lie or truth?

I could go on for several pages, but maybe you get it. Dems lie constantly and you just roll over and smile as they rob your foolish ass.

Oh, so since the Dems lied that means you can also?

Or, are you saying you are Dem since you lie as much as they do?
Oh, so since the Dems lied that means you can also?

Or, are you saying you are Dem since you lie as much as they do?
There's a ton about politics that I don't understand, but near the top of the list is how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

My guess is that it's one of the reasons they're so damn angry all the time. Each sees the other in their own behaviors.
There's a ton about politics that I don't understand, but near the top of the list is how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.

My guess is that it's one of the reasons they're so damn angry all the time. Each sees the other in their own behaviors.
We can't all be as perfect as you are, Vichy Mac.
They know that if Harris, who is totally inept and only in that position due to affirmative action, were to become president, her total incompetence would be on display daily, and she would run the risk of being 25th once the Republicans have Congress, thus ensuring #3 - who would then be a Republican SOH - would become president.

So I believe they will offer some high-level post to Harris, who can save face by saying she thinks she can play a more substantial role there, and then replace her with the person they think can beat Trump in 2024. Look for this to happen after the midterms.

No link - just my opinion.

Not disagreeing Democrats would love to replace Harris then dump Biden, but Biden isn't going to do it. He really believes he's doing a great job. He's delusional
Lisa, if you want to know who is the power behind the figurehead, look no further than Susan Rice. She is the one calling the shots.
I was going to suggest her as well. What about Valerie Jarrett? She is originally from Iran and hates America.

The basic problem - and it’s a big one - is that we have people at the top intentionally trying to destroy this country.
Not disagreeing Democrats would love to replace Harris then dump Biden, but Biden isn't going to do it. He really believes he's doing a great job. He's delusional
Then they’ll 25th him. They have enough now.
McConnell hates Trump with a passion. And he'll do anything he can behind the scenes to get rid of that vile jerkoff once & for all.

90% of GOP Senators & House members hate Trump's guts but they don't have the balls to admit it because Trump is a psychopath.

Wise up.

That's a lot of projection. TDS is a debilitating disease, get help. And you're a racist
They know that if Harris, who is totally inept and only in that position due to affirmative action, were to become president, her total incompetence would be on display daily, and she would run the risk of being 25th once the Republicans have Congress, thus ensuring #3 - who would then be a Republican SOH - would become president.

So I believe they will offer some high-level post to Harris, who can save face by saying she thinks she can play a more substantial role there, and then replace her with the person they think can beat Trump in 2024. Look for this to happen after the midterms.

No link - just my opinion.
Kamala's not going anywhere, Lisa! The Laughing Hyena is one step from being President of the United States with just a doddering old man standing in her way. She's already tried to run for President and was roundly dismissed by the voters. They like her even less than Hillary and she knows it! Her only chance at getting what she wants...is if Joe Biden kicks the bucket. Just my opinion...
Then they’ll 25th him. They have enough now.

I can't see any indication that Democrats would so openly turn on him. Again, I don't disagree with the scenario from all sides, except Biden. And again there are no signs Democrats are going to openly revolt against their own leader. Biden is an idiot. He's a nasty little man who loves the power even more when he makes arbitrary and moronic decisions just because he can
...affirmative action...

No link - just my opinion.
Racists are still in a tizzy over Obama, elected twice and completing his two terms with nearly 60% approval. The same element has become even more virulent. I doubt if they would impact the choice of a Democratic nominee, though

It's wide open in both Parties. Harris would have as difficult time winning the nomination as would Pence.
They know that if Harris, who is totally inept and only in that position due to affirmative action, were to become president, her total incompetence would be on display daily, and she would run the risk of being 25th once the Republicans have Congress, thus ensuring #3 - who would then be a Republican SOH - would become president.

So I believe they will offer some high-level post to Harris, who can save face by saying she thinks she can play a more substantial role there, and then replace her with the person they think can beat Trump in 2024. Look for this to happen after the midterms.

No link - just my opinion.
You got it backwards. They're desperately looking for a candidate to replace Biden who can make the campaign about the 2018 issues PLUS abortion. IF they find one, some bank will give Harris a job worth millions.
I was going to suggest her as well. What about Valerie Jarrett? She is originally from Iran and hates America.

The basic problem - and it’s a big one - is that we have people at the top intentionally trying to destroy this country.

How many times is this lie going to be repeated? She was born in Iran to American parents during the Shah's reign. She left when she was 5 years old.
Kamala's not going anywhere, Lisa! The Laughing Hyena is one step from being President of the United States with just a doddering old man standing in her way. She's already tried to run for President and was roundly dismissed by the voters. They like her even less than Hillary and she knows it! Her only chance at getting what she wants...is if Joe Biden kicks the bucket. Just my opinion...
Still snivelling over the Trump loss, loser? Guess what? Biden beats Trump in every poll, except those run by Trump's asslickers over at Fox & Newsmax.

And btw, Harris beats DeSantis in every poll also.

Now cry some more.
I think there are only 2 possibilities as far as Biden leaving office is concerned, before his 4 years are up:

1. He resigns, citing health reasons or becomes incapacitated due to a stroke or heart attack, etc. The democrats do not want to use the 25th Amendment on one of their own, they'll say he resigned to avoid the political fallout of replacing him.

2. He dies.

The democrats are not going to 25th the guy nor are they going to remove him from office via impeachment. If/when the GOP wins the House in November, it is highly likely they'll impeach Biden, lord knows there's sufficient cause. More than the democrats had against Trump and they impeached him twice. But the Senate impeachment trial requires a 2/3 majority vote to remove him from office and that just ain't going to happen.
They know that if Harris, who is totally inept and only in that position due to affirmative action, were to become president, her total incompetence would be on display daily, and she would run the risk of being 25th once the Republicans have Congress, thus ensuring #3 - who would then be a Republican SOH - would become president.

So I believe they will offer some high-level post to Harris, who can save face by saying she thinks she can play a more substantial role there, and then replace her with the person they think can beat Trump in 2024. Look for this to happen after the midterms.

No link - just my opinion.
I like it. Secretary of State? No, probably too important. UN Ambassador! Totally pointless, but they get lots of press coverage. Perfect.

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