I think the Dems are desperately looking for new VP before they force Biden out

The D's will be pressured to nominate another black chick if they knock off Harris.

Yeah --- good point. Because Biden made such a big fuss about nobody except a black female being good enough (!) and now it turns out she's no good at all: embarrassing to their whole point of view.

The strange and abnormal perseveration problem Harris has with not being able to get off certain words and repeating them over and over in her speeches -- I'm thinking a traumatic brain injury in the past. And not being able to keep ANY aides --- I honestly do think Harris is in worse shape than Biden is, though he's 79 now.
I've said many times that I think Biden will resign sometime early next year and Harris will become the prez. She will nominate somebody to be the VP but at that point it becomes a political calculation by the GOP whether they want to fight that nominee or not. Not sure it'll matter cuz that tie-breaking vote won't matter much when the GOP controls the Senate. Maybe the repubs will have some justification for not supporting the new VP nominee, but that's really an argument for next year.

A lot of people (incl. Himself here at home) thought that Biden would be gone within the first half year. None of that kind of speculation happened. So I doubt your scenario.

If Harris became prez because of death of the current president, she'd get whatever VP she wanted, IMO, and would presumably pick someone other than a black for ticket balance going into the 2024 elections. If she listens to advice, although we know she usually doesn't.
I like it. Secretary of State? No, probably too important. UN Ambassador! Totally pointless, but they get lots of press coverage. Perfect.
And a country where she can do the least amount of damage. How about Nauru, population 10,000?
If Harris became prez because of death of the current president, she'd get whatever VP she wanted

You do understand that if Harris becomes the prez before January that she no longer has the tie-breaking vote in the Senate? And whoever Harris would nominate to be her new VP would have to be confirmed in the Senate by a majority vote? Which the democrats will not have, the best they could do would be 50-50 and that doesn't cut it. Unless a RINO votes to confirm a democrat VP, in which case the GOP would still be a Senate minority I don't think that's going to happen.

So - what makes you think Harris can get anybody she wants to be the VP? Sure, she can nominate whoever she wants, but confimring that person to become the new VP is whole 'nother thing.
I think there are only 2 possibilities as far as Biden leaving office is concerned, before his 4 years are up:

1. He resigns, citing health reasons or becomes incapacitated due to a stroke or heart attack, etc. The democrats do not want to use the 25th Amendment on one of their own, they'll say he resigned to avoid the political fallout of replacing him.

2. He dies.

The democrats are not going to 25th the guy nor are they going to remove him from office via impeachment. If/when the GOP wins the House in November, it is highly likely they'll impeach Biden, lord knows there's sufficient cause. More than the democrats had against Trump and they impeached him twice. But the Senate impeachment trial requires a 2/3 majority vote to remove him from office and that just ain't going to happen.

I don't think you understand the 25th Amendment. The party in power is always the one responsible for invoking the 25th Amendment. It does NOT remove him from office, but makes the VP the "Acting President".
So it’s true….she was originally from Iran.
No, she was born in Iran. She did not grow up there. Never attended school there.

I was originally born in a Catholic hospital. That doesn't make me Catholic, does it?

My son was born in South Carolina but we moved to Alabama when he was a few weeks old. If you were to ask where he is from, he will say Florida because that is where he spent the most of his childhood.
I don't think you understand the 25th Amendment. The party in power is always the one responsible for invoking the 25th Amendment. It does NOT remove him from office, but makes the VP the "Acting President".

You are mistaken, of course the 25th Amendment can remove the president under Section 4 if he refuses to resign and it is believed he is incapacitated. And of course it is the party in power that invokes the 25th, I have no idea where you're coming from here. But if there is a dispute the Congress will decide the issue, all of which the democrats definitely do not want to occur. They would be forced to vote against their own president, assuming the GOP does not have the sufficient 2/3 majority vote to remove.

25th Amendment​

The 25th Amendment, proposed by Congress and ratified by the states in the aftermath of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation. The Watergate scandal of the 1970s saw the application of these procedures, first when Gerald Ford replaced Spiro Agnew as vice president, then when he replaced Richard Nixon as president, and then when Nelson Rockefeller filled the resulting vacancy to become the vice president.
Section 4.
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
You do understand that if Harris becomes the prez before January that she no longer has the tie-breaking vote in the Senate? And whoever Harris would nominate to be her new VP would have to be confirmed in the Senate by a majority vote? Which the democrats will not have, the best they could do would be 50-50 and that doesn't cut it. Unless a RINO votes to confirm a democrat VP, in which case the GOP would still be a Senate minority I don't think that's going to happen.

So - what makes you think Harris can get anybody she wants to be the VP? Sure, she can nominate whoever she wants, but confimring that person to become the new VP is whole 'nother thing.
Yes, I do understand that, and was replying to your interesting idea. I agree that's the mechanics, but I don't think that's how it works, that Republicans would block just anyone and everyone. They kind of have to allow a prez a VP, and so they'll give in with good grace, if she nominates someone even reasonably acceptable. I would expect all that to be negotiated in private, in advance, so everyone comes up looking good. If she tries to nominate someone truly awful, that would be worked out in negotiations with the Senate leadership, IMO.

Remember that Nixon lost Agnew and they quickly agreed to Ford as the next VP. It IS true that (like Ford) the Dems have to assume that the new VP would run for prez, but they can't reasonably hold up everyone.
You are mistaken, of course the 25th Amendment can remove the president under Section 4 if he refuses to resign and it is believed he is incapacitated. And of course it is the party in power that invokes the 25th
I suppose I assumed that but it is a good point to keep in mind. Obviously the party OUT of the White House is DYING to remove the prez and that's why they've had 73 or so attempts to remove Trump by impeachment and also all these Soviet show trial "hearings." So it has to be the White House party, the cabinet specifically, that remove the ailing prez. There was a clear and vivid illustration of that (and the maneuvering involved) in the movie with Harrison Ford, Air Force One. We know well that the party of the Administration won't admit there is a problem basically till hell freezes over --- remember Wilson and his stroke. So I'm not expecting anyone to try it on Biden.
Yes, I do understand that, and was replying to your interesting idea. I agree that's the mechanics, but I don't think that's how it works, that Republicans would block just anyone and everyone. They kind of have to allow a prez a VP, and so they'll give in with good grace, if she nominates someone even reasonably acceptable. I would expect all that to be negotiated in private, in advance, so everyone comes up looking good. If she tries to nominate someone truly awful, that would be worked out in negotiations with the Senate leadership, IMO.

Remember that Nixon lost Agnew and they quickly agreed to Ford as the next VP. It IS true that (like Ford) the Dems have to assume that the new VP would run for prez, but they can't reasonably hold up everyone.

Two things: I would say that the chances for Harris to nominate somebody who is reasonably acceptable to the GOP is somewhat remote. And the GOP is not going to allow a democrat VP to be the tie-breaking vote, so a lot depends on the November election. If the repubs regain the majority, then that tie-breaking vote doesn't mean much. But it is also not impossible that a RINO will cross the aisle and vote with the democrats for their new VP. But what if the Senate remains in a 50-50 tie? Then that tie-breaking vote becomes super important, not just for legislation but also supreme court justice confirmations. What if Clarence Thomas passes away soon? Does the GOP want the democrats to put in a 4th liberal progressive? That trumps the optics of obstructing he democrats from getting their new VP IMHO.

Re Nixon and Ford, it was obviously a different time and atmosphere then, and I do not know what the party breakdown was in Congress. But it's different when the prez is a repub but the dems have total control over both chambers of Congress. Do you want to allow the dems to control the Senate when they also have their person in the WH? That's a huge difference.
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They know that if Harris, who is totally inept and only in that position due to affirmative action, were to become president, her total incompetence would be on display daily, and she would run the risk of being 25th once the Republicans have Congress, thus ensuring #3 - who would then be a Republican SOH - would become president.

So I believe they will offer some high-level post to Harris, who can save face by saying she thinks she can play a more substantial role there, and then replace her with the person they think can beat Trump in 2024. Look for this to happen after the midterms.

No link - just my opinion.
Actually, if something happens to Biden, Kamala Harris is President as soon as somebody finds a bible.
Actually, if something happens to Biden, Kamala Harris is President as soon as somebody finds a bible.
The point is I believe they will get rid of Harris by offering her another nothing role, but with high exposure, before Biden is so far gone that he is forced to resign “for health reasons.”
The point is I believe they will get rid of Harris by offering her another nothing role, but with high exposure, before Biden is so far gone that he is forced to resign “for health reasons.”
You think they're going to wipe out the woman who was confirmed to be the VPOTUS? If Biden dies while she is Vice President, get used to saying "Madam President..." when speaking to her.
You think they're going to wipe out the woman who was confirmed to be the VPOTUS? If Biden dies while she is Vice President, get used to saying "Madam President..." when speaking to her.
They can’t risk having a total imbecile in as president when she was selected due to skin color and gender. It would show, on a daily basis, why the Democrats’ identity politics nonsense is so damaging.

I predict that the cackling one will never be president, or, if she is, it will be for a few months until she’s 25th.
Tell us how totally not racist you are, Lisa, that never gets old.

If Biden choses not to run for a second term due to his age, then Harris will be a contender... but more likely the Democrats will go with a proven governor like Newsom or Pritzker.
oh my Newsom? hahah
it is also not impossible that a RINO will cross the aisle and vote with the democrats for their new VP. But what if the Senate remains in a 50-50 tie? Then that tie-breaking vote becomes super important, not just for legislation but also supreme court justice confirmations. What if Clarence Thomas passes away soon? Does the GOP want the democrats to put in a 4th liberal progressive?
Huh! You do make an all-too-good point about the issue of supreme court justice confirmations. Things happen!

Well. All we really need here is to gain two or three Senate seats, and I'm thinking we have a real good chance for that in November. Then the GOP can let the Dems have whatever totally unlikely and unintelligent Dem they want, black, green, or whatever unlikely color or sexual practices they can dream up as somehow "representative." We can still block USSC appointments, I hope.

But I don't think the Dems will let Harris get the presidency unless they really can't help it (death or serious illness). Every third headline these days points out that Harris is LESS popular than Biden, and that's saying something.
Actually, if something happens to Biden, Kamala Harris is President as soon as somebody finds a bible.
Sure. That's her job, after all, what she's there for.

But we're really talking about negotiated replacement strategies, and the Dems would be very silly to replace Biden with someone substantially LESS popular.

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