I Think The Rest Of The World Hates Obama More Than We Do


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I remember when Obama was first elected he tried to tell everyone that the would end the hatred everyone supposedly had for this country because of Bush. I think they hate us even more, because of Obama.


Why the World Hates Obama
August 31, 2012 By Daniel Greenfield

It’s a good thing that Obama isn’t running on his foreign policy record, because it’s every bit as bad as his economic record. The Obama 2012 website only lists National Security as an issue. That is already a backhanded admission that the only thing he can run on is Bin Laden.

No U.S. president since John F. Kennedy has come to office with more global goodwill than Mr. Obama; no U.S. president since Jimmy Carter has been so widely rebuked.

So writes Bret Stephens and lists some of the highlights of the rolling disaster.

His failed personal effort to bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago. His failed personal effort to negotiate a climate-change deal at Copenhagen in 2009. His failed efforts to strike a nuclear deal with Iran that year and this year. His failed effort to improve America’s public standing in the Muslim world with the now-forgotten Cairo speech. His failed reset with Russia. His failed effort to strong-arm Israel into a permanent settlement freeze. His failed (if half-hearted) effort to maintain a residual U.S. military force in Iraq. His failed efforts to cut deals with the Taliban and reach out to North Korea. His failed effort to win over China and Russia for even a symbolic U.N. condemnation of Syria’s Bashar Assad. His failed efforts to intercede in Europe’s economic crisis. (“Herr Obama should above all deal with the reduction of the American deficit” was the free advice German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble offered this year.)

In June, the Pew Research Center released one of its periodic surveys of global opinion. It found that since 2009, favorable attitudes toward the U.S. had slipped nearly everywhere in the world except Russia and, go figure, Japan. George W. Bush was more popular in Egypt in the last year of his presidency than Mr. Obama is today.

The big glaring problem with Obama’s approach is that he has gone in assuming that his anti-colonial resentments, so aptly documented by Dinesh D’Souza, will give him something in common with Ahmadinejad, Chavez and Putin. This was his mistake.

Obama’s hostility to American power may make the Swedish Nobel committee love him, but it only earns him contempt from enemies and allies. Like most of the left, Obama is unable to distinguish between realpolitik and ideology. He is unable to understand that being on the left does not mean he has something in common with Islamists and Communists. It means he is their useful idiot.

Strong nations or nations wishing to be strong don’t respect appeasement from their enemies, they despise it. Americans may see Obama as a foreigner, but foreigners see him as an American. Americans may see him as a Muslim, but Muslims see him as an apostate. Obama’s soft power has won him no respect, because the countries whose respect he wants to win with soft power, despise soft power.

Obama’s global failure is emblematic of the foreign policy failures of the left. The American left sees the world in terms of American politics. They think that the reason that other countries hate us is because we are on the right, rather than on the left. But other countries see us in terms of their politics. They don’t react to what we do, they react to what they want.

Our soft power has fed their perceptions of their own strength. The more that Obama appeases Iran, the stronger Iran thinks it is and the more likely it is to get into a conflict with the United States because of that false perception of strength.


Barack Obama greatly expanded the secret war that George W. Bush began. In the fall of 2009, Obama approved a “long list” of new CIA paramilitary operation proposals, as well as CIA requests for more armed drones, more spies, and larger targeting areas in Pakistan. “The CIA gets what it wants,” said the president, approving the CIA requests, and conveying what [writer Mark] Mazzetti thinks was his first-term attitude toward the Agency. The Department of Defense also got most of what it wanted. Obama approved an initiative by General David Petraeus to expand “military spying activities throughout the Muslim world,” and gave special operations forces “even broader authorities to run spying missions across the globe” than they possessed under the Bush administration.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAlcnuh5l1E]Likes Obama/Hates Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Even Dogs hate Obama

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVlw9jZSMJ0]Smartest dog in the world will not accept treats from Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Why the World Hates Obama | FrontPage Magazine

We elected Obama! Why does the world still hate the USA?
Oh yes, America hates President Obama so much that we elected him President twice by a majority of votes.

And, in 2016, when we look back on the debacle that our President inherited, and how, in spite of efforts of the GOP to put us back into the Second Great Republican Depression, we pulled out of it, and once again have prosperity in this nation, another Democrat will be elected President, very possibly with a Democratic Senate and a Democratic House. Then we will have full Universal Single Payer Health Care, and see a resurgance of economics in this nation as we get back on a progressive agenda to once again become first in Research and Development in all fields.
Oh yes, America hates President Obama so much that we elected him President twice by a majority of votes.

And, in 2016, when we look back on the debacle that our President inherited, and how, in spite of efforts of the GOP to put us back into the Second Great Republican Depression, we pulled out of it, and once again have prosperity in this nation, another Democrat will be elected President, very possibly with a Democratic Senate and a Democratic House. Then we will have full Universal Single Payer Health Care, and see a resurgance of economics in this nation as we get back on a progressive agenda to once again become first in Research and Development in all fields.

Don't hold your breath.
Oh yes, America hates President Obama so much that we elected him President twice by a majority of votes.

And, in 2016, when we look back on the debacle that our President inherited, and how, in spite of efforts of the GOP to put us back into the Second Great Republican Depression, we pulled out of it, and once again have prosperity in this nation, another Democrat will be elected President, very possibly with a Democratic Senate and a Democratic House. Then we will have full Universal Single Payer Health Care, and see a resurgence of economics in this nation as we get back on a progressive agenda to once again become first in Research and Development in all fields.

You can't be serious. Obama inherited a debacle, and made an even bigger one out of it. Your partisanship is detrimental to our country, Old Rocks. I've noticed quite a number of liberals on this board going batshit crazy tonight, one got sent on vacation already. Do you guys have ESP or something? Nah, you guys are like old school Christmas lights, when one goes they all go.

If I didn't know better, I'd say you plagiarized that off a liberal propaganda site.
The rest of the world envies America and they treat Obama like the petty community activist he is at heart.
Oh yes, America hates President Obama so much that we elected him President twice by a majority of votes.

And, in 2016, when we look back on the debacle that our President inherited, and how, in spite of efforts of the GOP to put us back into the Second Great Republican Depression, we pulled out of it, and once again have prosperity in this nation, another Democrat will be elected President, very possibly with a Democratic Senate and a Democratic House. Then we will have full Universal Single Payer Health Care, and see a resurgance of economics in this nation as we get back on a progressive agenda to once again become first in Research and Development in all fields.

Da fuq?! You're trying to be funny right?
Oh yes, America hates President Obama so much that we elected him President twice by a majority of votes.

And, in 2016, when we look back on the debacle that our President inherited, and how, in spite of efforts of the GOP to put us back into the Second Great Republican Depression, we pulled out of it, and once again have prosperity in this nation, another Democrat will be elected President, very possibly with a Democratic Senate and a Democratic House. Then we will have full Universal Single Payer Health Care, and see a resurgance of economics in this nation as we get back on a progressive agenda to once again become first in Research and Development in all fields.

Da fuq?! You're trying to be funny right?

No, he's having a psychotic episode, which is brought on when his brain is exposed to reality.
Oh yes, America hates President Obama so much that we elected him President twice by a majority of votes.

And, in 2016, when we look back on the debacle that our President inherited, and how, in spite of efforts of the GOP to put us back into the Second Great Republican Depression, we pulled out of it, and once again have prosperity in this nation, another Democrat will be elected President, very possibly with a Democratic Senate and a Democratic House. Then we will have full Universal Single Payer Health Care, and see a resurgance of economics in this nation as we get back on a progressive agenda to once again become first in Research and Development in all fields.

Da fuq?! You're trying to be funny right?

No, he's having a psychotic episode, which is brought on when his brain is exposed to reality.

His brain has been exposed to crack. Reality is way the hell out there for him.
It would be hard for me to imagine anyone on this planet hating that maggot more than I do. I'd spit in his face if I could.
Egypt depicts obama as satan. The depiction is spreading throughout the middle east where they recognize that his support for jihadists and terrorists is unwavering.
Obviously Pub dupes have no clue what's going on in the world. Obama is the most popular leader in the world. The dupes get the worst propaganda in our history as their news and politics, a disgrace.

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