"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

ACTUALLY, the deficit looks to be about 700-800 billion this year- ANOTHER fact you Pub dupes don't get....even WITH your phony crises...

You're fucking kidding me right? It's ONLY 800 billion (government estimate sure to be adjusted up by a few hundred billion)...

Are your check books actually this far fucking off you can't recognize borrowing versus making money?

Do you even understand what a deficit is?
YUP, IT'S THE BRAINWASHED OBSESSION OF BRAINWASHED PUB DUPES, who don't mind W doubling the debt in ''good times'' while raping them, but go nuts when OBAMA'S DEFICIT IS 90 PER CENT AVERTING A SECOND PUB GREAT WORLD DEPRESSION and helping the victims- 400 billion a year still. Thanks for ruining the recovery four 4 years straight, dingbat.
YUP, IT'S THE BRAINWASHED OBSESSION OF BRAINWASHED PUB DUPES, who don't mind W doubling the debt in ''good times'' while raping them, but go nuts when OBAMA'S DEFICIT IS 90 PER CENT AVERTING A SECOND PUB GREAT WORLD DEPRESSION and helping the victims- 400 billion a year still. Thanks for ruining the recovery four 4 years straight, dingbat.

How fucking drunk are you right now? You don't even make rudimentary sense here. There is nothing in your post that is actually fact or even comprehensible.
You really don't understand how it works, do you? A single mother of two whose only job is being a waitress will either fall into Medicaid or if she earns enough, she'll get a huge tax credit that will pay for almost all of her health insurance. Yes, it's more welfare, but it makes certain the hospitals and doctors actually get paid, and it will help keep costs down.

How does that help her if she has start suddenly paying another sizable up front and wait for the end of the tax year to come in order to receive it? That's my main problem with it; a mandatory expense that people who may be struggling have to pay. What is the "domino effect" going to be? Will they stop paying other bills in order to pay this mandatory bill? What will this do to the already struggling economy?

That's one point the thick-headed around here have been purposefully avoiding.

A Premium is a monthly expense. A monthly expense that had never been figured into anyone's budget. Living paycheck to paycheck can't withstand this hit.
So what now? Do they quit and draw UEC for 2 years and get free healthcare?
Hello, Cloward-Piven

A Tax Credit happens once a year.
True they MAY get a huge EIC tax refund but that still doesn't erase those monthly expenses. And, besides, how many are going to use that tax refund to set aside for the coming year's premiums and NOT go buy the newest iPhone or LCD TV?

Massive deductible? Forget about it.
They'll never afford it..

So can anyone explain the good points of the POS legislation?

Bumped for any dembulbs that would care to address it
What do you mean I have to sign up and PAY for health insurance?
That ain't what was told to us."

Almost exactly, word-for-word, what was railed at me when I had to hand out the Dept. of Labor's information sheet to our employees today!!


One of them even went straight to the phone to tell somebody, "Did you know it was the law that we have to have health coverage or pay a fine?!"


That, dear friends, is how shit like this happens

well, thats what happens to your employees who watch fox noise and friends not to mention rush limpballs ... you don't get the truth...
Have any of the leftist commies on this board ever answered the question on what is wrong with the Republican proposal to delay the individual mandate for 1 year like Obama did for his cronies? You know, the 1% ones he got them to hate during election time?

Let those that want to sign up do so, others, give a year with big business to let things sort out.

Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

Now those same people will be going to a Doctor for a common cold. And they will have a fit when they find there is a co-pay or they haven't met the huge deductible in the policy.

We will be paying for it through higher health insurance premiums and Federal taxes to pay for 30 million people that will get a health insurance policy FREE.

We will also have to pay for thousands of new IRS agents that will monitor our income and enforce the ACA. And, who do you think pays the salary for the thousands of government employees running the health exchanges in 50 states? That would be those that work and pay taxes.


Yup. This thing is gonna break the bank.

The only winners will be those subsidized by we the taxpayer. Wonder what happens when the money runs out??
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Have any of the leftist commies on this board ever answered the question on what is wrong with the Republican proposal to delay the individual mandate for 1 year like Obama did for his cronies? You know, the 1% ones he got them to hate during election time?

Let those that want to sign up do so, others, give a year with big business to let things sort out.


Our questions, I'm guessing, require a basic grasp of logic of which our left-leaning friends are sadly lacking
Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

Now those same people will be going to a Doctor for a common cold. And they will have a fit when they find there is a co-pay or they haven't met the huge deductible in the policy.

We will be paying for it through higher health insurance premiums and Federal taxes to pay for 30 million people that will get a health insurance policy FREE.

We will also have to pay for thousands of new IRS agents that will monitor our income and enforce the ACA. And, who do you think pays the salary for the thousands of government employees running the health exchanges in 50 states? That would be those that work and pay taxes.


Yup. This thing is gonna break the bank.

The only winners will be those subsidized by we the taxpayer. Wonder what happens when the money runs out??

The printing press fire up. The money will never run out, it'll just be worthless like in Zimbabwe or the Weimar Republic.

Sucks if you were being responsible and saving money, but hey, leeches vote too.

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