"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

There's a 6k cap on annual patient spending, dingbat. Typical loudmouth Pub dupe. CLUELESS.

what and idiot leftard hater dupe. If you have a bill worth hundreds of thousands of dollars you have to pay over 10 years, it is much better, isn't it?
and how could there be a 6K cap if the mere deductible is 12K :lol:
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so frankie dupie, how is one going to pay 13K deductible if one is earning 45,001$ per year?
what are you, an insurance bureaucrat lol....what makes you think your balance carries over to the next year....Jeebus you're FOS- Can't take yes for an answer...just like your liar bought off heroes lol...
what are you, an insurance bureaucrat lol....what makes you think your balance carries over to the next year....Jeebus you're FOS- Can't take yes for an answer...just like your liar bought off heroes lol...

if one spends 2 weeks in the hospital, one has a bill to pay.

Answer the simple question - HOW is somebody earning 45,001$ per year going to pay 13K in deductible for 2 weeks of hospital stay after a ruptured appendix and peritonitis with septic shock ( which means EXPENSIVE ICU stay and antibiotics and life support and many other very expensive goodies)? Plus at least 10% of the whole bill left after that 13K?

On top of monthly premium of at least 500$?

or you, propaganda dupe, were not informed on this and how to lie?

and of course your balance from the previous year is rolling to another - until you pay - your leftard brainwashers did not instruct you on that?

oh, poor hater dupie frankie, left all alone without talking points :lol:
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YOU'RE AN IGNORANT A-HOLE. you said a woman with 2 kids at 45k- she'sO n free Medicaid or gets a 90 per cent subsidy. And there's no such thing as a 13k deductible when there's a 6k annual spending cap, MORON.
it is YOU who are ignorant fucktard. I was not talking about any woman with 2 kids, I was asking you how the single person earning 45,001$ per year is going to pay his deductible of 13K plus a 10% hospital co-pay for a 2 weeks stay in the hospital after a ruptured appendix with complications?

You, lying leftard idiot, do not have an answer from your masters, because the answer is a DISASTER - this person is not going to be able to pay shit - it is a bankruptcy for somebody earning 45,001$ per year.

Do you even know, moron, why I place that 1$ at the end, or your puppeteers did not tell you that yet?

go at least to one exchange and check yourself, idiot, what deductibles are, so you don't look this fucking retarded.
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idiot, you are unable to provide any links to shit you are posting here.

to expect you are able to check the exchange pool and options yourself is way too much for a retarded wingnut suckling the government tit :lmao:

ask you puppeteers tomorrow about the 13 K deductible and how is it going to be explained to a single guy earning 45,001$ that he is going to go bankrupt over 2 weeks stay in the hospital after emergency surgery
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until you get the answers - you can shovel your talking point lies up your ass, hater dupe.
Before obiecare my deductable never exceeded 2k per year. Now it's 5k. Go sell your bullshit somewhere else.

plus you have to pay 10-30% AFTER the deductible as well.

Sounds like a lot of you are used to having insurance that comes with a $500 deductible and then pays 100% after that. That is the reason insurance policies cost $6000 per year. I've always had a private policy because I'm self-employed, and I've never had a deductible under $2500 per year per family member. My max out of pocket has normally been $5000 for each member of my family. After my deductible, they pay 80%. Some doctors visits are covered with a copay as are prescriptions. That's a normal policy to me, and I pay about $600 per month for myself an my two boys. Every year I have about $1000 to $2000 in out of pocket medical expenses on top of the insurance.

I find it hilarious how so many of you complain about the cost of insurance but then complain if your plan doesn't cover 100% of all your medical bills. This attitude came about because too many people get their insurance through their employer and they have no fucking idea how much it really costs.

I and you used to have a choice. We could pay more up front in premiums for less on our deductable and more for doctor visits but that is gone now. You WILL pay what obie has decided you will pay and you have no choice in the matter. The doctor you may eventually get to see has his rate set by obie. Welcome to socialized medicine.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz You're so ignorant you don't even know the spending cap has been delayed a year...LOL

The spending cap has been delayed? You mean the federal deficit isn't going to add another one trillion this year? Do you have any clue as to what you are talking about here?
plus you have to pay 10-30% AFTER the deductible as well.

Sounds like a lot of you are used to having insurance that comes with a $500 deductible and then pays 100% after that. That is the reason insurance policies cost $6000 per year. I've always had a private policy because I'm self-employed, and I've never had a deductible under $2500 per year per family member. My max out of pocket has normally been $5000 for each member of my family. After my deductible, they pay 80%. Some doctors visits are covered with a copay as are prescriptions. That's a normal policy to me, and I pay about $600 per month for myself an my two boys. Every year I have about $1000 to $2000 in out of pocket medical expenses on top of the insurance.

I find it hilarious how so many of you complain about the cost of insurance but then complain if your plan doesn't cover 100% of all your medical bills. This attitude came about because too many people get their insurance through their employer and they have no fucking idea how much it really costs.

I and you used to have a choice. We could pay more up front in premiums for less on our deductable and more for doctor visits but that is gone now. You WILL pay what obie has decided you will pay and you have no choice in the matter. The doctor you may eventually get to see has his rate set by obie. Welcome to socialized medicine.

ACTUALLY, there is now transparent competition online between insurers, one of the main reasons health care will be much cheaper in the future than with our present Pubscam of a system, hater dupe...
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz You're so ignorant you don't even know the spending cap has been delayed a year...LOL

The spending cap has been delayed? You mean the federal deficit isn't going to add another one trillion this year? Do you have any clue as to what you are talking about here?

yes, no, and yes- unlike you chumps of the greedy rich and their infotainment propaganda lol...
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz You're so ignorant you don't even know the spending cap has been delayed a year...LOL

The spending cap has been delayed? You mean the federal deficit isn't going to add another one trillion this year? Do you have any clue as to what you are talking about here?

yes, no, and yes- unlike you chumps of the greedy rich and their infotainment propaganda lol...

So we aren't going into a fight over raising the debt limit because we aren't going to be borrowing another trillion this year to keep the government running. That should make a budget pretty much passable by everyone. Let's go with that. No increase in the debt and no more spending beyond our means.

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