I Thought Only Muslim Were Violent?

Er..... prove it. It's so easy to make simple statements, but proving things is another thing.
Is the person in possession of drugs? Does a bloodtest indicate drugs in the system?

Either is proof.

I didn't ask for that proof, jeez.
What proof were you looking for?

That killing off the drugged is the only way to deal with them.
Nothing else works. Rehab doesn't work. Promises don't work.

I didn't tell you to make simple statements. I know you can do this, I know 5 year olds can do this. I asked you TO PROVE IT. How does it take three posts and counting and still you've not proven a single thing?
Let us know when someone drives a car bomb into the store, m'kay?
How about setting off a bomb in an Olympic Village? Does that count?
No. The bomb in Olympic village was not because some one called Jesus a pos.

The deluded really believe that driving a car into a crowd of people or bombing Olympic village is the same as not baking a cake.
I'm just pointing out that Christians don't have clean hands.
I thought only Muslims were violent when their religion is desecrated?

Just another Right-Wing lie.

People Are Angry About this Sex Shop’s ‘Nativity’ Dildos


“A man with his wife ordered me to remove the offending scene and said that if I didn’t he would remove it himself,” Valdivielso wrote on Facebook. The shop was then vandalized, and people started to boycott his store.

He removed the post. In its place, he put a poster with a poll, asking customers and people passing by the store if he should bring back the painted dildos, and 78% said yes. He said that the scene would be brought back.

Who told you only Muslims were violent? They're not even the most violent in the last 100 years. In terms of the volume of violence, the Marxists are number 1 with a fuckin bullet.

Who's house!?

Karl's house!
Is the person in possession of drugs? Does a bloodtest indicate drugs in the system?

Either is proof.

I didn't ask for that proof, jeez.
What proof were you looking for?

That killing off the drugged is the only way to deal with them.
Nothing else works. Rehab doesn't work. Promises don't work.

I didn't tell you to make simple statements. I know you can do this, I know 5 year olds can do this. I asked you TO PROVE IT. How does it take three posts and counting and still you've not proven a single thing?
Prove that killing them off is the best way of dealing with them? It's self evident. Dead druggies no longer use. What is self evident needs no further proof.
I didn't ask for that proof, jeez.
What proof were you looking for?

That killing off the drugged is the only way to deal with them.
Nothing else works. Rehab doesn't work. Promises don't work.

I didn't tell you to make simple statements. I know you can do this, I know 5 year olds can do this. I asked you TO PROVE IT. How does it take three posts and counting and still you've not proven a single thing?
Prove that killing them off is the best way of dealing with them? It's self evident. Dead druggies no longer use. What is self evident needs no further proof.

No, it isn't self evidence, shown clearly by the fact that you can't provide evidence.
I thought only Muslims were violent when their religion is desecrated?

Just another Right-Wing lie.

People Are Angry About this Sex Shop’s ‘Nativity’ Dildos


“A man with his wife ordered me to remove the offending scene and said that if I didn’t he would remove it himself,” Valdivielso wrote on Facebook. The shop was then vandalized, and people started to boycott his store.

He removed the post. In its place, he put a poster with a poll, asking customers and people passing by the store if he should bring back the painted dildos, and 78% said yes. He said that the scene would be brought back.

Who told you only Muslims were violent? They're not even the most violent in the last 100 years. In terms of the volume of violence, the Marxists are number 1 with a fuckin bullet.

Who's house!?

Karl's house!

I'm sure the US outstrips them.
You kidding? You do that to muslims, put dildo on muhamad cartoon, and you'll be death and there will be more death in middle east and US will be branded.

I think the christian is in the wrong. But to compare them to muslims is like equating vandalism with murder, actual murder.

I like freedom of speech. If can I choose between this kind of freedom of speech and freedom to hire prostitute, or smoke weed, I'd choose the latter.
What proof were you looking for?

That killing off the drugged is the only way to deal with them.
Nothing else works. Rehab doesn't work. Promises don't work.

I didn't tell you to make simple statements. I know you can do this, I know 5 year olds can do this. I asked you TO PROVE IT. How does it take three posts and counting and still you've not proven a single thing?
Prove that killing them off is the best way of dealing with them? It's self evident. Dead druggies no longer use. What is self evident needs no further proof.

No, it isn't self evidence, shown clearly by the fact that you can't provide evidence.
Evidence of what? Dead druggies no longer use. That's it.
I thought only Muslims were violent when their religion is desecrated?

Just another Right-Wing lie.

People Are Angry About this Sex Shop’s ‘Nativity’ Dildos


“A man with his wife ordered me to remove the offending scene and said that if I didn’t he would remove it himself,” Valdivielso wrote on Facebook. The shop was then vandalized, and people started to boycott his store.

He removed the post. In its place, he put a poster with a poll, asking customers and people passing by the store if he should bring back the painted dildos, and 78% said yes. He said that the scene would be brought back.

Oh gee.... this little alt-Left turdoid found a Christian threatening violence and now he's painted Christians with a broad brush. Of course he'd be the one whining about Moslems being painted with the same broad brush but then the alt-Left are known to be hypocrites.
I suppose white nationalists/supremacists never use violence; noone's ever heard of that.

They're slackers compared to muzzies.
I'm just pointing out that Christians don't have clean hands.

The difference is the Christians don't have a doctrinal mandate. Moslems do and that comes straight from Allah.

This is why there's so much Moslem terrorism. They're on a mission from GOD
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That killing off the drugged is the only way to deal with them.
Nothing else works. Rehab doesn't work. Promises don't work.

I didn't tell you to make simple statements. I know you can do this, I know 5 year olds can do this. I asked you TO PROVE IT. How does it take three posts and counting and still you've not proven a single thing?
Prove that killing them off is the best way of dealing with them? It's self evident. Dead druggies no longer use. What is self evident needs no further proof.

No, it isn't self evidence, shown clearly by the fact that you can't provide evidence.
Evidence of what? Dead druggies no longer use. That's it.

This conversation is like ripping your eyes out with small pieces of paper, exceedingly painful. I see you're not willing to back up any of the bullshit you're coming out with, so, I'm out. Bye.

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