I Thought Saddam Hussein Had No Chemical Weapons?

ISIL seizes Saddam's chemical weapons plant - Worldnews.com

Reportedly the ISIS has seized control of Saddam Hussein's best chemical weapons plant and it STILL has stockpiles of Sarin, VX, and mustard gas.

What happened what we've been hearing about for 12 years about "Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq".

Now, you can say "oh they're old" (20 years plus).

Who gives a damn. Lots of old weapons still work fine. The U.S. was using bombs built in WW2 during the Vietnam War.

The U.S. was firing 16 inch gun rounds from the Iowa class battleship forty years later in Desert Storm.

At any rate, supposedly, Iraq had NO WMDs which means NO CHEMICAL WEAPONS. And in fact supposedly had NO ABILITY to build them.

Lots of people owe Bush/Cheney a big apology.

No they don't.

Chemical weapons don't really last a long time.

If they did, they would have been used against the US.

And again, when the Iraqi government fell.

The insurgency found the weapons..and they were unusable. They did take the shells and made IEDs.

But that's about it.
I think America should invade.
Oh, they tried that and fucked up.
I wonder why liberals are still stating their opinions, you know after making excuses for Obama for six years, your opinion doesn't mean anything. Your outrage means nothing. Your views are a total failure. Your nothing but a pawn for Obama's failed policies.
He didn't have any till he bought them from his neighbors and he used them on his own people. Which may be debatable. But they were in his country. So who was next we may never know except for what is happening now on those hallowed Islamic grounds.
From Dayton's link: "We do not believe that the complex contains CW materials of military value and it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to safely move the materials."

No one will believe any such claim by any neo-con about finding WMDs as described by the Bushies except from the Bush or Obama folks.
Yes Saddam was a kindly old grandpa who cut up the family members of his enemies. So sweet.

thousands of lives and trillions of dollars are worth sarin gas getting into the hands of islamist terrorists?

Brilliant move neo-kahns.

Dump a bunch of Sarin into the NYC subway system (where one million people travel daily) and then ask yourself that.

That scenario wasn't a possibility under Saddam, now it is a reality. We can thank jugears bush for getting rid of the Saddam, a strongman who kept extremists in check, and President Nobel Peace Prize for arming these ISIS nuts.

Both administrations are totally incompetent when it comes to national security matters. Which is why we need a right wing military coup to oust these incompetents and traitors.
Oh we knew he had Chemical Weapons because we sold him the equipment to make them and we approved Germany to send him the precursor chemicals to make them. The claim by the Bush administration was that he had already reconstituted the facilities and was actively producing and stockpiling new ones.
I don't get it.

1) People say the chemicals in those bunkers are degraded and useless.

2) They also say that it would be too dangerous for ISIS soldiers to even go in those bunkers.

3) How can the chemicals be both "degraded & useless" AND "too dangerous to handle" at the same time?
I don't get it.

1) People say the chemicals in those bunkers are degraded and useless.

2) They also say that it would be too dangerous for ISIS soldiers to even go in those bunkers.

3) How can the chemicals be both "degraded & useless" AND "too dangerous to handle" at the same time?

If you dont get it, you never will.
These fit the definition of WMDs. A lot more than the claims about the U.S. shipping Anthrax samples to Iraq in the 1980s

The substances might well have been, at one point in time. As containment and DELIVERY systems are part of any weapon, the substances no longer were such, long before 2003.

It doesn't matter. He wasn't supposed to have them. None.

Incorrect. It was a hard fact that Saddam HAD WMD's. We know this because he USED them against his own people.

Then he was supposed to destroy them in accordance with a treaty. AFAIK, not only was this site known about during the Iraq war, it was discounted as a possible location for chemical weapons because it was decommissioned AND inspected. The inspections found that the facility was not only completely decommissioned but it was also done to the point that it could not reopen.

IOW, since 2003, this facility did not have and STILL does not have chemical weapons.
C'mon, it's obvious all those Kurds faked their deaths by chemical weapons. It was all part of the master plan.

You do know who gave Iraq the tech to make those weapons, right?

Yes, and how easier chemical weapons are to make than nukes. One cannot destroy knowledge already shared. Ronnie R. preferred Saddam to the imaginary "commies" he kept fighting.
C'mon, it's obvious all those Kurds faked their deaths by chemical weapons. It was all part of the master plan.

You do know who gave Iraq the tech to make those weapons, right?

Yes, and how easier chemical weapons are to make than nukes. One cannot destroy knowledge already shared. Ronnie R. preferred Saddam to the imaginary "commies" he kept fighting.

I don't know that RR was concerned about commies in Iraq but there are far more insidious players there to worry about.
You people do know that the WMD's that the inspectors had secured were not the ones Bush lied us into Iraq about, right?

What? So you are saying that Bush's WMD concerns had no merit because he focused on the wrong WMDs? Woo. :D
You do know who gave Iraq the tech to make those weapons, right?

Yes, and how easier chemical weapons are to make than nukes. One cannot destroy knowledge already shared. Ronnie R. preferred Saddam to the imaginary "commies" he kept fighting.

I don't know that RR was concerned about commies in Iraq but there are far more insidious players there to worry about.

We reached the point of no return with Islamic fanatics far too late; The Monica Show used up valuable time. Next, Bush won the lawsuit, and, nada, until 9/11/01. After that, it was The Hunt For The Man Who Threatened Poppy. Saudi financed al Qaeda got a pass, lived on......

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