I Thought Saddam Hussein Had No Chemical Weapons?

I don't get it.

1) People say the chemicals in those bunkers are degraded and useless.

2) They also say that it would be too dangerous for ISIS soldiers to even go in those bunkers.

3) How can the chemicals be both "degraded & useless" AND "too dangerous to handle" at the same time?

Degraded and useless for military matters does not mean that stupid people should get in there and handle it, yeah?
I don't get it.

1) People say the chemicals in those bunkers are degraded and useless.

2) They also say that it would be too dangerous for ISIS soldiers to even go in those bunkers.

3) How can the chemicals be both "degraded & useless" AND "too dangerous to handle" at the same time?

Degraded and useless for military matters does not mean that stupid people should get in there and handle it, yeah?

Hes the type you sale the land in Chernobyl to at a discount.
ISIL seizes Saddam's chemical weapons plant - Worldnews.com

Reportedly the ISIS has seized control of Saddam Hussein's best chemical weapons plant and it STILL has stockpiles of Sarin, VX, and mustard gas.

What happened what we've been hearing about for 12 years about "Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq".

Now, you can say "oh they're old" (20 years plus).

Who gives a damn. Lots of old weapons still work fine. The U.S. was using bombs built in WW2 during the Vietnam War.

The U.S. was firing 16 inch gun rounds from the Iowa class battleship forty years later in Desert Storm.

At any rate, supposedly, Iraq had NO WMDs which means NO CHEMICAL WEAPONS. And in fact supposedly had NO ABILITY to build them.

Lots of people owe Bush/Cheney a big apology.

No they don't.

Chemical weapons don't really last a long time.

If they did, they would have been used against the US.

And again, when the Iraqi government fell.

The insurgency found the weapons..and they were unusable. They did take the shells and made IEDs.

But that's about it.
You are right !! Also a nice group of guys like Saddam and his sons would never ever have started reproduction of chems after we told him to stop .:doubt:
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ISIL seizes Saddam's chemical weapons plant - Worldnews.com

Reportedly the ISIS has seized control of Saddam Hussein's best chemical weapons plant and it STILL has stockpiles of Sarin, VX, and mustard gas.

What happened what we've been hearing about for 12 years about "Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq".

Now, you can say "oh they're old" (20 years plus).

Who gives a damn. Lots of old weapons still work fine. The U.S. was using bombs built in WW2 during the Vietnam War.

The U.S. was firing 16 inch gun rounds from the Iowa class battleship forty years later in Desert Storm.

At any rate, supposedly, Iraq had NO WMDs which means NO CHEMICAL WEAPONS. And in fact supposedly had NO ABILITY to build them.

Lots of people owe Bush/Cheney a big apology.

No they don't.

Chemical weapons don't really last a long time.

If they did, they would have been used against the US.

And again, when the Iraqi government fell.

The insurgency found the weapons..and they were unusable. They did take the shells and made IEDs.

But that's about it.
You are right !! Also a nice group of guys like Saddam and his sons would never ever have started reproduction of chems after we told him to stop .:doubt:

And Yidnar would never think that his opinion is fact, yeah?
No they don't.

Chemical weapons don't really last a long time.

If they did, they would have been used against the US.

And again, when the Iraqi government fell.

The insurgency found the weapons..and they were unusable. They did take the shells and made IEDs.

But that's about it.
You are right !! Also a nice group of guys like Saddam and his sons would never ever have started reproduction of chems after we told him to stop .:doubt:

And Yidnar would never think that his opinion is fact, yeah?
leave it to a left wing faggot like you to trust a maniac like Saddam .:doubt:
I don't get it.

1) People say the chemicals in those bunkers are degraded and useless.

2) They also say that it would be too dangerous for ISIS soldiers to even go in those bunkers.

3) How can the chemicals be both "degraded & useless" AND "too dangerous to handle" at the same time?

Degraded and useless for military matters does not mean that stupid people should get in there and handle it, yeah?

Disagree. I think those stupid peeps should go in there and handle it. :D
You are right !! Also a nice group of guys like Saddam and his sons would never ever have started reproduction of chems after we told him to stop .:doubt:

And Yidnar would never think that his opinion is fact, yeah?
leave it to a left wing faggot like you to trust a maniac like Saddam .:doubt:

Saddam went from best friend to enemy the minute he threatened Poppy. Reagan's kids supported him against Iran, he bought WMDs from the USA.
And Yidnar would never think that his opinion is fact, yeah?
leave it to a left wing faggot like you to trust a maniac like Saddam .:doubt:

Saddam went from best friend to enemy the minute he threatened Poppy. Reagan's kids supported him against Iran, he bought WMDs from the USA.

Once again, Saddam Hussein(Iraq) did NOT buy WMDs from the U.S.A.

How hard is that to understand?

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I don't get it.

1) People say the chemicals in those bunkers are degraded and useless.

2) They also say that it would be too dangerous for ISIS soldiers to even go in those bunkers.

3) How can the chemicals be both "degraded & useless" AND "too dangerous to handle" at the same time?

Because degraded means unstable. And useless as a weapon does not mean ineffective. Just because it can't kill everyone in a mile radius doesn't mean it won't kill everyone in the room.

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