I used to be a Liberal


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
I grew up in the Bronx, went to public schools, started at Queens College, was taught McCarthy started a "Red Scare" and that FDR was a God, or maybe more powerful than a God because he was a "Progressive". I learned that government was pure and holy and the only organization worth supporting.

When I finally graduated, I got my first job as an accountant in the Commodity Department of E.F. Hutton. I made, well I forget, but it wasn't nothing. The work was not fun for me (this was before personal computers). I had to reconcile the accounts of the Arabs who were working with the Hunt Brothers to try to corner the silver market. They would move funds from their stock account to their commodity account and every night I had to make sure the transfers balanced.

I got my first paycheck 2 weeks later and I was shocked when I saw that I netted about 2/3 of my gross pay.

I don't remember the government doing 1/3 of the work and I paid the fare for 6 train I took to work so I did help to build that.

I remember that day well, the day I received my first paycheck because that was the day I rejected Liberalism.
And what day did you reject the idea of avoiding personal embarrassment by screening the fake quotes out of your signature?

And what does any part of the OP have to do with being a Liberal?

Miss your coffee this morning?
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And what day did you reject the idea of avoiding personal embarrassment by screening the fake quotes out of your signature?

And what does any part of the OP have to do with being a Liberal?

Miss your coffee this morning?

Putin is to the right of Obama both economically and on basic human freedoms.
And what day did you reject the idea of avoiding personal embarrassment by screening the fake quotes out of your signature?

What we have here kids is a prime example of argumentum ad hominem , commonly known as "this poster is incapable of formulating a rational rebuttal to the OPs premise".
And what day did you reject the idea of avoiding personal embarrassment by screening the fake quotes out of your signature?

And what does any part of the OP have to do with being a Liberal?

Miss your coffee this morning?

Putin is to the right of Obama both economically and on basic human freedoms.

No doubt. But he never uttered the quote in your sig.
And what day did you reject the idea of avoiding personal embarrassment by screening the fake quotes out of your signature?

What we have here kids is a prime example of argumentum ad hominem , commonly known as "this poster is incapable of formulating a rational rebuttal to the OPs premise".

No, that's not what ad hominem means. "You're a moron" (<< THAT's what it means)
And what day did you reject the idea of avoiding personal embarrassment by screening the fake quotes out of your signature?

What we have here kids is a prime example of argumentum ad hominem , commonly known as "this poster is incapable of formulating a rational rebuttal to the OPs premise".

No, that's not what ad hominem means.

Yes of course, I'll never understand those fools that think ad hominem means attacking the person instead rebutting the argument. :rolleyes:

"You're a moron" (<< THAT's what it means)
That's the spirit, when someone points out your reliance on ad hominem argument the correct response is to up the dosage.
You didn't get your first paycheck until you became an accountant? wow.
What we have here kids is a prime example of argumentum ad hominem , commonly known as "this poster is incapable of formulating a rational rebuttal to the OPs premise".

No, that's not what ad hominem means.

Yes of course, I'll never understand those fools that think ad hominem means attacking the person instead rebutting the argument. :rolleyes:

"You're a moron" (<< THAT's what it means)
That's the spirit, when someone points out your reliance on ad hominem argument the correct response is to up the dosage.

and that IS what it means. You could look it up.

"Frank, you've got a bogus quote in your signature" is a statement of fact.
"Frank, you're a moron" would be ad hominem.
Grok the difference.
No, that's not what ad hominem means.

Yes of course, I'll never understand those fools that think ad hominem means attacking the person instead rebutting the argument. :rolleyes:

"You're a moron" (<< THAT's what it means)
That's the spirit, when someone points out your reliance on ad hominem argument the correct response is to up the dosage.

and that IS what it means. You could look it up.

"Frank, you've got a bogus quote in your signature" is a statement of fact.
"Frank, you're a moron" would be ad hominem.
Grok the difference.

I don't need to look it up since I already know exactly what it means and that it specifically applies to your response to whit:

Frank: "I used to be a liberal, blah blah here are my reasons for changing my mind"
You: "Frank when did decide to stop being dishonest?"

...distinctions without differences abound. :rolleyes:
Yes of course, I'll never understand those fools that think ad hominem means attacking the person instead rebutting the argument. :rolleyes:

That's the spirit, when someone points out your reliance on ad hominem argument the correct response is to up the dosage.

and that IS what it means. You could look it up.

"Frank, you've got a bogus quote in your signature" is a statement of fact.
"Frank, you're a moron" would be ad hominem.
Grok the difference.

I don't need to look it up since I already know exactly what it means and that it specifically applies to your response to whit:

Frank: "I used to be a liberal, blah blah here are my reasons for changing my mind"
You: "Frank when did decide to stop being dishonest?"

...distinctions without differences abound. :rolleyes:

-- and that's a prime example of revisionism, because that's not what I wrote; it's what you inferred. Therein lieth the difference between declaring a fault in one's adversary, and allowing them to draw their own conclusion.

And considering your shaky knowledge of fallacies, I'd be circumspect about using ad hominem conclusions like "dishonest". I don't know why Frank uses a bogus quote in his sig. Do you?

By the way it's "wit", not "whit".
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I grew up in the Bronx, went to public schools, started at Queens College, was taught McCarthy started a "Red Scare" and that FDR was a God, or maybe more powerful than a God because he was a "Progressive". I learned that government was pure and holy and the only organization worth supporting.

When I finally graduated, I got my first job as an accountant in the Commodity Department of E.F. Hutton. I made, well I forget, but it wasn't nothing. The work was not fun for me (this was before personal computers). I had to reconcile the accounts of the Arabs who were working with the Hunt Brothers to try to corner the silver market. They would move funds from their stock account to their commodity account and every night I had to make sure the transfers balanced.

I got my first paycheck 2 weeks later and I was shocked when I saw that I netted about 2/3 of my gross pay.

I don't remember the government doing 1/3 of the work and I paid the fare for 6 train I took to work so I did help to build that.

I remember that day well, the day I received my first paycheck because that was the day I rejected Liberalism.

I had a similar story. Liberalism was pushed on me throughout school, I mainly supported liberal causes in college it was uncool not too and usually I supposed whatever cause the girl I was banging (or trying to bang supported). I went to school in AZ, I remember this Hispanic girl I was dating brought me to an amnesty rally. At the time I drank the cool-aid, but now I look back I can't believe I was that stupid. I saw a ton of Che shirts, Mexican flags waving, the speakers talked about the racist United States of America (if it's so racist then why are you coming here) and that they needed to take back the country that was stolen from them. I remember a class I thought was going to be fun was the a class on Colonialism, taught by a RADICAL Indian. He started the class saying he wasn't American and would boot anyone out of the class that called him a Native America. He said he had American citizenship, but rejected the country founded on the evils of man! His class was about all the colonialism by whites on everyone brown, black, yellow and green. He stated our role in WWII against Japan was based solely on out jingoist desires in the Pacific. A real nutjob asshole. But I drank the cool-aid of white guilt! He ignored that Japan was an imperial empire at the time. He ignored the Arab caliphate (Crusades). He ignored imperialism of the past if the colonialist weren't white. Again I drank the cool-aid and wrote a horrendous piece of white guilt thesis on American conquest of the US. I ignored so many facts and went on white guilt self-hatred and got an A in the course.

But I digress. I graduated in Dec 2001 (few months after 9/11). When I got out of college, got engaged, found a job in the mortgage industry (keep in mind it was a bad bad job market after 9/11) and managed to save enough to put money down on a home and was able to move into the place 3 months before my marriage. I started to see the lies of the left. Taxes were outrageous, from property to income to gas to utility to everything. I started to see it wasn't the white man who caused the issues of crime and poor education inner cities. I started to see that late term abortion was ton more evil than good. I started to see that socialism and big government was inferior in every way to the free market. I started to see that liberalism wasn't the way.

See most American kids have blinders on. They grow up being taken care of (as they should) and liberalism seems like the way. Once they move on and have to take care of them, liberalism loses it's luster.
I grew up in the Bronx, went to public schools, started at Queens College, was taught McCarthy started a "Red Scare" and that FDR was a God, or maybe more powerful than a God because he was a "Progressive". I learned that government was pure and holy and the only organization worth supporting.

When I finally graduated, I got my first job as an accountant in the Commodity Department of E.F. Hutton. I made, well I forget, but it wasn't nothing. The work was not fun for me (this was before personal computers). I had to reconcile the accounts of the Arabs who were working with the Hunt Brothers to try to corner the silver market. They would move funds from their stock account to their commodity account and every night I had to make sure the transfers balanced.

I got my first paycheck 2 weeks later and I was shocked when I saw that I netted about 2/3 of my gross pay.

I don't remember the government doing 1/3 of the work and I paid the fare for 6 train I took to work so I did help to build that.

I remember that day well, the day I received my first paycheck because that was the day I rejected Liberalism.

I had a similar story. Liberalism was pushed on me throughout school, I mainly supported liberal causes in college it was uncool not too and usually I supposed whatever cause the girl I was banging (or trying to bang supported). I went to school in AZ, I remember this Hispanic girl I was dating brought me to an amnesty rally. At the time I drank the cool-aid, but now I look back I can't believe I was that stupid. I saw a ton of Che shirts, Mexican flags waving, the speakers talked about the racist United States of America (if it's so racist then why are you coming here) and that they needed to take back the country that was stolen from them. I remember a class I thought was going to be fun was the a class on Colonialism, taught by a RADICAL Indian. He started the class saying he wasn't American and would boot anyone out of the class that called him a Native America. He said he had American citizenship, but rejected the country founded on the evils of man! His class was about all the colonialism by whites on everyone brown, black, yellow and green. He stated our role in WWII against Japan was based solely on out jingoist desires in the Pacific. A real nutjob asshole. But I drank the cool-aid of white guilt! He ignored that Japan was an imperial empire at the time. He ignored the Arab caliphate (Crusades). He ignored imperialism of the past if the colonialist weren't white. Again I drank the cool-aid and wrote a horrendous piece of white guilt thesis on American conquest of the US. I ignored so many facts and went on white guilt self-hatred and got an A in the course.

But I digress. I graduated in Dec 2001 (few months after 9/11). When I got out of college, got engaged, found a job in the mortgage industry (keep in mind it was a bad bad job market after 9/11) and managed to save enough to put money down on a home and was able to move into the place 3 months before my marriage. I started to see the lies of the left. Taxes were outrageous, from property to income to gas to utility to everything. I started to see it wasn't the white man who caused the issues of crime and poor education inner cities. I started to see that late term abortion was ton more evil than good. I started to see that socialism and big government was inferior in every way to the free market. I started to see that liberalism wasn't the way.

See most American kids have blinders on. They grow up being taken care of (as they should) and liberalism seems like the way. Once they move on and have to take care of them, liberalism loses it's luster.

Apparently English lessons lost their luster too...

None of that has anything to do with Liberalism, except for abortion-- the idea of leaving women the choice of what to do with their own body. Other than that, you're talking about leftism.
And what day did you reject the idea of avoiding personal embarrassment by screening the fake quotes out of your signature?

And what does any part of the OP have to do with being a Liberal?

Miss your coffee this morning?

Putin is to the right of Obama both economically and on basic human freedoms.

no, he is not
they are, basically, the same - grew up on THE SAME ideology
And in all the years you've been working, not a single one of your conservative heroes have ever done anything to relieve you of your oppressive tax burden now have they.
I grew up in the Bronx, went to public schools, started at Queens College, was taught McCarthy started a "Red Scare" and that FDR was a God, or maybe more powerful than a God because he was a "Progressive". I learned that government was pure and holy and the only organization worth supporting.

When I finally graduated, I got my first job as an accountant in the Commodity Department of E.F. Hutton. I made, well I forget, but it wasn't nothing. The work was not fun for me (this was before personal computers). I had to reconcile the accounts of the Arabs who were working with the Hunt Brothers to try to corner the silver market. They would move funds from their stock account to their commodity account and every night I had to make sure the transfers balanced.

I got my first paycheck 2 weeks later and I was shocked when I saw that I netted about 2/3 of my gross pay.

I don't remember the government doing 1/3 of the work and I paid the fare for 6 train I took to work so I did help to build that.

I remember that day well, the day I received my first paycheck because that was the day I rejected Liberalism.

When I retired I was paying enough tax to support a family of 6 under the current poverty guidelines. I am a widow, I never got any assistance, I put myself and my children through school, I never got the federal tuition tax credit because by working two jobs, I made too much money. If I had been a couple working one job per person and making twice as much I would have gotten it. It wasn't much longer before I was into the 6 figure bracket with one job, but I thought I would meet my demise during those years. It was incredibly hard. I didn't get knocked up in high school. I didn't get divorced. But I got punished by the government for being a single mother working to support my family.
I grew up in the Bronx, went to public schools, started at Queens College, was taught McCarthy started a "Red Scare" and that FDR was a God, or maybe more powerful than a God because he was a "Progressive". I learned that government was pure and holy and the only organization worth supporting.

When I finally graduated, I got my first job as an accountant in the Commodity Department of E.F. Hutton. I made, well I forget, but it wasn't nothing. The work was not fun for me (this was before personal computers). I had to reconcile the accounts of the Arabs who were working with the Hunt Brothers to try to corner the silver market. They would move funds from their stock account to their commodity account and every night I had to make sure the transfers balanced.

I got my first paycheck 2 weeks later and I was shocked when I saw that I netted about 2/3 of my gross pay.

I don't remember the government doing 1/3 of the work and I paid the fare for 6 train I took to work so I did help to build that.

I remember that day well, the day I received my first paycheck because that was the day I rejected Liberalism.

I had a similar story. Liberalism was pushed on me throughout school, I mainly supported liberal causes in college it was uncool not too and usually I supposed whatever cause the girl I was banging (or trying to bang supported). I went to school in AZ, I remember this Hispanic girl I was dating brought me to an amnesty rally. At the time I drank the cool-aid, but now I look back I can't believe I was that stupid. I saw a ton of Che shirts, Mexican flags waving, the speakers talked about the racist United States of America (if it's so racist then why are you coming here) and that they needed to take back the country that was stolen from them. I remember a class I thought was going to be fun was the a class on Colonialism, taught by a RADICAL Indian. He started the class saying he wasn't American and would boot anyone out of the class that called him a Native America. He said he had American citizenship, but rejected the country founded on the evils of man! His class was about all the colonialism by whites on everyone brown, black, yellow and green. He stated our role in WWII against Japan was based solely on out jingoist desires in the Pacific. A real nutjob asshole. But I drank the cool-aid of white guilt! He ignored that Japan was an imperial empire at the time. He ignored the Arab caliphate (Crusades). He ignored imperialism of the past if the colonialist weren't white. Again I drank the cool-aid and wrote a horrendous piece of white guilt thesis on American conquest of the US. I ignored so many facts and went on white guilt self-hatred and got an A in the course.

But I digress. I graduated in Dec 2001 (few months after 9/11). When I got out of college, got engaged, found a job in the mortgage industry (keep in mind it was a bad bad job market after 9/11) and managed to save enough to put money down on a home and was able to move into the place 3 months before my marriage. I started to see the lies of the left. Taxes were outrageous, from property to income to gas to utility to everything. I started to see it wasn't the white man who caused the issues of crime and poor education inner cities. I started to see that late term abortion was ton more evil than good. I started to see that socialism and big government was inferior in every way to the free market. I started to see that liberalism wasn't the way.

See most American kids have blinders on. They grow up being taken care of (as they should) and liberalism seems like the way. Once they move on and have to take care of them, liberalism loses it's luster.

Apparently English lessons lost their luster too...

None of that has anything to do with Liberalism, except for abortion-- the idea of leaving women the choice of what to do with their own body. Other than that, you're talking about leftism.

When a lib has lost the argument they critique you grammar and spelling. Man, that was fast!

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