I used to be a Liberal

“Any fourth grade history student knows socialism has failed in every country, at every time in history,” said Putin. “President Obama and his fellow Democrats are either idiots or deliberately trying to destroy their own economy.”

Putin: Obama ?Idiot? For Adopting Socialism | PA Pundits - International

Obama: We can do socialism better

... and right below both these fake quotes, on the same page, it says:

"Read More Satire at Scooter’s Report"


I've told you about this like seven times now. This link was in the first time:
Charleston GOP Head Falls for Putin Hoax

Guess for some it takes a while to sink in.


I linked to the site you fucking moron. I guess Liberals have no sense of humor

And the site did you in. Read more carefully next time.
Federal income taxes at this point are a Reaganist propaganda scheme lol. Federal payroll taxes are now more than them, and paid mainly by the nonrich, not to mention the much higher now state and local taxes and fees to make up for lower fed income taxes, AGAIN falling mainly on the nonrich.

But the brainwashed functional morons STILL bring up the same BS...Perfect chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP, who are KILLING you duh..

"1. WORKERS past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):1950 = 101%1960 = 105%1970 = 105%1980 = 105% – Reagan1990 = 100%2000 = 96%2007 = 92%A 13% drop since 1980A 13% drop since 19802.

THE TOP 10% GET A LARGER SHARE.Share of National Income going to Top 10%:1950 = 35%1960 = 34%1970 = 34%1980 = 34% – Reagan1990 = 40%2000 = 47%2007 = 50%

TO MAKE UP FOR THE LOSS.Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95% An increase of 16% since Reagan.

3. WORKERS COMPENSATED FOR THE LOSS OF INCOME BY SPENDING THEIR SAVINGS.The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.1950 = 6.0%1960 = 7.0%1970 = 8.5%1980 = 10.0% – Reagan1982 = 11.2% – Peak1990 = 7.0%2000 = 2.0%2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)A 5.6 times increase.

6. AND THE AMERICAN DREAM IS GONE.The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:1945 = 12%1958 = 6%1990 = 3%2000 = 2%A 10% Decrease.Links:1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Researc...s/No7Nov04.pdf1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez | The White House3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/imag...ving_thumb.gif3 = http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb/...&LastYear=20104 = http://www.prudentbear.com/index.php...or-debt-of-gdp4 = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--June 6, 20135/6 = Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider "

OP- So TAXES took you by surprise, and you base your politics on myopic greed? I'm shocked. Perfect chump of the greedy idiot GOP, who, btw, are killing you lol...
I get that women want the choice of what to do with their body, but I can't help thinking that the baby should have a choice as well.

Amen! There is another body involved. Much more involved.

Don't look at the other person involved. The one paying the ultimate price. Can't have that!

Women should be making their choice about their body before the sex act, not after. Half of all abortions are because the woman chose not to use birth control.

Abortion is their birth control.

So, you're saying that contraception is only effective 50% of the time? Do you have a link for this (not named Todd Akin)?
And in all the years you've been working, not a single one of your conservative heroes have ever done anything to relieve you of your oppressive tax burden now have they.

You mean besides the Reagan tax cuts, right?

Bed wetters like dipshit "Mr Clean" also never take into account that conservatives DON'T HAVE TO BE HELPED to support our "heroes".

We believe in self determination and self reliance. We hold the "rugged individual" in esteem, and hold the sniveling bed wetter with his hand out in contempt.

Our "heroes" don't have to do anything for us. All we ask them to do is stop the fascist pigs that "Mr Clean" elects from doing shit to us.

Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.
... and right below both these fake quotes, on the same page, it says:

"Read More Satire at Scooter’s Report"


I've told you about this like seven times now. This link was in the first time:
Charleston GOP Head Falls for Putin Hoax

Guess for some it takes a while to sink in.


I linked to the site you fucking moron. I guess Liberals have no sense of humor

And the site did you in. Read more carefully next time.


Un huh

Sure it did.
Revolutionary era conservatives were cowering or leaving the country, fool. And macho loudmouths are always the biggest cowards in war.
Last edited:
I grew up in the South at least part of the way and was fairly conservative in my views. I've actually gotten more liberal as I've gotten older.

Conservatives just seem mean. The part of Obamacare that would allow your child to stay on your insurance until they are 26. It would cost nobody but the policy holder a dime. Conservatives? Hate it. Why? You'd have to ask them.

Gay Marriage. One conservative poster here says it's not about hate or fear, it's about the Bible as the basis to oppose same sex marriage.


I asked about why the conservatives do not so zealously seek to enforce all parts of the bible such as selling daughters into slavery, burning people at the stake, putting those who touch the pigskin to death because it makes them unclean.

No answer so it leads me to believe it's all about fear, or hate and probably both.

Taxes; Just this week we had a big discussion on a local district in Texas spending $60 million on a football stadium when, obviously, there are far better uses for that money (the entire bond issued they floated was $119 million--over half went to the Stadium that will sit vacant for most of it's life). Somehow, conservatives found every excuse in the world to endorse the waste even citing how sports makes you more sympathetic to homosexuals (I'm telling you, you can't make this shit up). http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/306533-liberals-are-ruining-sports-6.html#post7643580
If I were to propose $0.60 increase for food stamps or AFDC, you would hear no end to the outrage.

I could cite examples forever--just from this board.

Anyway, conservatives just seem mean, spiteful, and frankly dumb on the whole. Not everyone...let me state that. But when it's 90 degrees at 10 PM and you're thinking "Hey, this is normal" when it used to only very rarely get that hot if ever, you're probably not too bright.

So when I started thinking for myself, I decided I didn't want to be part of that group. It lead to a lot of lunches where I was the only one at the table and some of my "friends" are no longer in my life although we have met on common ground in a few cases.

It was stated earlier in this thread:

And in all the years you've been working, not a single one of your conservative heroes have ever done anything to relieve you of your oppressive tax burden now have they.

There didn't seem to be a lot of citations about conservatives who have done much in the theater although I'm sure you can find politicians of both parties that have found ways to reduce taxes on a small scale.

I think both parties are totally out to lunch fiscally. We've developed...no, WE'VE LET our elected officials in Washington and in many State houses develop a "ruling class" that is almost without any real check on their gluttony and ability to spend enormous amounts of money without any real result being seen on the streets.

So I base my ideology on social issues. Gay marriage does nothing to injure, obscure, change, infringe, cloud, or tamper with any relationship I may have going forward. A woman's right to reproductive choice is a no-brainer. The only thing that has ever changed the world is education and it's unthinkable that we have people who think that there are too many Americans in College. Funding for education should be a civil right. I am for voter registration where a picture ID is your voter registration card and I am for securing our border with Army troops. I'm for a doctrine that leans toward occupying--not just conquering--but occupying the next 3rd world shit-hole our fighting men and women are sent to in the name of liberating a native people. At worst they won't be as bad off as they were before we got there. At best, we have an outpost. What, we lost 6,000 soldiers in Iraq and their government is maybe a borderline ally--THIS WEEK.

But the idea that somehow conservatives don't waste money is funny. You're paying your congressman now; she/he is probably not thinking about you; never has and likely never will.
Why does it seem that some people are blaming the Liberals for tax policy when I can't even recall a conservative President abolishing it or even changing it to a large degree?
And in all the years you've been working, not a single one of your conservative heroes have ever done anything to relieve you of your oppressive tax burden now have they.

You mean besides the Reagan tax cuts, right?

How does the above rectify with this below?

"Tax revenues are up 59 percent since 1980. Because of our economic growth? No. During Carter's four years, we had growth of 37.2 percent; Reagan's five years have given us 30.7 percent. The new revenues are due to four giant Republican tax increases since 1981."
I grew up in the South at least part of the way and was fairly conservative in my views. I've actually gotten more liberal as I've gotten older.

Conservatives just seem mean. The part of Obamacare that would allow your child to stay on your insurance until they are 26. It would cost nobody but the policy holder a dime. Conservatives? Hate it. Why? You'd have to ask them.

Gay Marriage. One conservative poster here says it's not about hate or fear, it's about the Bible as the basis to oppose same sex marriage.


I asked about why the conservatives do not so zealously seek to enforce all parts of the bible such as selling daughters into slavery, burning people at the stake, putting those who touch the pigskin to death because it makes them unclean.

No answer so it leads me to believe it's all about fear, or hate and probably both.

Taxes; Just this week we had a big discussion on a local district in Texas spending $60 million on a football stadium when, obviously, there are far better uses for that money (the entire bond issued they floated was $119 million--over half went to the Stadium that will sit vacant for most of it's life). Somehow, conservatives found every excuse in the world to endorse the waste even citing how sports makes you more sympathetic to homosexuals (I'm telling you, you can't make this shit up). http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/306533-liberals-are-ruining-sports-6.html#post7643580
If I were to propose $0.60 increase for food stamps or AFDC, you would hear no end to the outrage.

I could cite examples forever--just from this board.

Anyway, conservatives just seem mean, spiteful, and frankly dumb on the whole. Not everyone...let me state that. But when it's 90 degrees at 10 PM and you're thinking "Hey, this is normal" when it used to only very rarely get that hot if ever, you're probably not too bright.

So when I started thinking for myself, I decided I didn't want to be part of that group. It lead to a lot of lunches where I was the only one at the table and some of my "friends" are no longer in my life although we have met on common ground in a few cases.

It was stated earlier in this thread:

And in all the years you've been working, not a single one of your conservative heroes have ever done anything to relieve you of your oppressive tax burden now have they.

There didn't seem to be a lot of citations about conservatives who have done much in the theater although I'm sure you can find politicians of both parties that have found ways to reduce taxes on a small scale.

I think both parties are totally out to lunch fiscally. We've developed...no, WE'VE LET our elected officials in Washington and in many State houses develop a "ruling class" that is almost without any real check on their gluttony and ability to spend enormous amounts of money without any real result being seen on the streets.

So I base my ideology on social issues. Gay marriage does nothing to injure, obscure, change, infringe, cloud, or tamper with any relationship I may have going forward. A woman's right to reproductive choice is a no-brainer. The only thing that has ever changed the world is education and it's unthinkable that we have people who think that there are too many Americans in College. Funding for education should be a civil right. I am for voter registration where a picture ID is your voter registration card and I am for securing our border with Army troops. I'm for a doctrine that leans toward occupying--not just conquering--but occupying the next 3rd world shit-hole our fighting men and women are sent to in the name of liberating a native people. At worst they won't be as bad off as they were before we got there. At best, we have an outpost. What, we lost 6,000 soldiers in Iraq and their government is maybe a borderline ally--THIS WEEK.

But the idea that somehow conservatives don't waste money is funny. You're paying your congressman now; she/he is probably not thinking about you; never has and likely never will.

That screed just isn't worth responding to.
And in all the years you've been working, not a single one of your conservative heroes have ever done anything to relieve you of your oppressive tax burden now have they.

You mean besides the Reagan tax cuts, right?

How does the above rectify with this below?

"Tax revenues are up 59 percent since 1980. Because of our economic growth? No. During Carter's four years, we had growth of 37.2 percent; Reagan's five years have given us 30.7 percent. The new revenues are due to four giant Republican tax increases since 1981."

Reagan inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression, yet when he left, inflation was crushed along with the USSR, unemployment was down, interest rates plummeted and the economy averaged 3.2% annual growth
I grew up in the Bronx, went to public schools, started at Queens College, was taught McCarthy started a "Red Scare" and that FDR was a God, or maybe more powerful than a God because he was a "Progressive". I learned that government was pure and holy and the only organization worth supporting.

When I finally graduated, I got my first job as an accountant in the Commodity Department of E.F. Hutton. I made, well I forget, but it wasn't nothing. The work was not fun for me (this was before personal computers). I had to reconcile the accounts of the Arabs who were working with the Hunt Brothers to try to corner the silver market. They would move funds from their stock account to their commodity account and every night I had to make sure the transfers balanced.

I got my first paycheck 2 weeks later and I was shocked when I saw that I netted about 2/3 of my gross pay.

I don't remember the government doing 1/3 of the work and I paid the fare for 6 train I took to work so I did help to build that.

I remember that day well, the day I received my first paycheck because that was the day I rejected Liberalism.

As the saying goes, "A conservative is a liberal who just got mugged."

There are more ways than one of being mugged, or robbed. As you found out with that first paycheck.
What can I say. I left because they became progressives.

If someone wants to battle me over the two decades of the 60's and 70's by all means jump in.
Who here on the lib side remembers Angie Davis? Or all her fabulous speeches? Or how the man that brought about Kwanza was the gang banger that literally took out the Black Panthers?

I was beyond a liberal. I know those days well. Anyone that personally wants to challenge me on this can.

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