I Used To Be On Welfare

That is until Michigan Governor Engler ended welfare for single men. Which made many a slumlord unhappy. I and over 80,000 other people were thrown out on the street. I wonder how many of them committed some crime that was a cost to society. And if they were thrown into prison, then the story gets a little more interesting. If I remember right, on welfare I got about $3100.00 a year. To keep a person in prison for a year cost about $25,000.00. On one website, it said that NY pays something around $165,000.00 a year to keep a single person in prison. That's FUCKED!!! The reason most of them were in prison was probably because poverty caused them to commit crimes of some sort. It would probably be cheaper to give all poor males $20,000.00 a year to not commit criminal acts.

That was almost 25 years ago when he started doing that....what did you do between then and now to support yourself?
That is until Michigan Governor Engler ended welfare for single men. Which made many a slumlord unhappy. I and over 80,000 other people were thrown out on the street. I wonder how many of them committed some crime that was a cost to society. And if they were thrown into prison, then the story gets a little more interesting. If I remember right, on welfare I got about $3100.00 a year. To keep a person in prison for a year cost about $25,000.00. On one website, it said that NY pays something around $165,000.00 a year to keep a single person in prison. That's FUCKED!!! The reason most of them were in prison was probably because poverty caused them to commit crimes of some sort. It would probably be cheaper to give all poor males $20,000.00 a year to not commit criminal acts.

Are you retarded or handicapped? there is no excuse for a single male to be on welfare unless he is.

I can tell you're a loserterian asshole that believes everyone should just die if they can't find work. This is why the republican party needs to be flushed down the crapper of history.

The democrats aren't any better. They just extend their compassion to illegal mexicans. Along with sending jobs to places like China. Which leaves the poor in this country in basically the same "just die" boat. One of the things I like about Trump is that so many republicans are against him. That alone makes him a far better choice than Bill Clinton's piece of ass.
That is until Michigan Governor Engler ended welfare for single men. Which made many a slumlord unhappy. I and over 80,000 other people were thrown out on the street. I wonder how many of them committed some crime that was a cost to society. And if they were thrown into prison, then the story gets a little more interesting. If I remember right, on welfare I got about $3100.00 a year. To keep a person in prison for a year cost about $25,000.00. On one website, it said that NY pays something around $165,000.00 a year to keep a single person in prison. That's FUCKED!!! The reason most of them were in prison was probably because poverty caused them to commit crimes of some sort. It would probably be cheaper to give all poor males $20,000.00 a year to not commit criminal acts.

Are you retarded or handicapped? there is no excuse for a single male to be on welfare unless he is.

I can tell you're a loserterian asshole that believes everyone should just die if they can't find work. This is why the republican party needs to be flushed down the crapper of history.

I am a person that has been working for 36 years now working jobs that only have hispanics working them now. A single male on welfare means that motherfucker is a lazy fuck and drain on society

How about eating shit. Even today there are many discouraged workers who have simply given up on looking for work. And that you would do a job that only a mexican does these days shows how worthless you are.
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That is until Michigan Governor Engler ended welfare for single men. Which made many a slumlord unhappy. I and over 80,000 other people were thrown out on the street. I wonder how many of them committed some crime that was a cost to society. And if they were thrown into prison, then the story gets a little more interesting. If I remember right, on welfare I got about $3100.00 a year. To keep a person in prison for a year cost about $25,000.00. On one website, it said that NY pays something around $165,000.00 a year to keep a single person in prison. That's FUCKED!!! The reason most of them were in prison was probably because poverty caused them to commit crimes of some sort. It would probably be cheaper to give all poor males $20,000.00 a year to not commit criminal acts.

Or, you know, you could get a job
That is until Michigan Governor Engler ended welfare for single men. Which made many a slumlord unhappy. I and over 80,000 other people were thrown out on the street. I wonder how many of them committed some crime that was a cost to society. And if they were thrown into prison, then the story gets a little more interesting. If I remember right, on welfare I got about $3100.00 a year. To keep a person in prison for a year cost about $25,000.00. On one website, it said that NY pays something around $165,000.00 a year to keep a single person in prison. That's FUCKED!!! The reason most of them were in prison was probably because poverty caused them to commit crimes of some sort. It would probably be cheaper to give all poor males $20,000.00 a year to not commit criminal acts.

Are you retarded or handicapped? there is no excuse for a single male to be on welfare unless he is.

You haven't a fucking clue. What do you do when there is no work. Well when I was about 8 years old, I used to ride my bike for miles most days going around to various bars to shine shoes. In later years, I went to Indaina on a couple of occasions to find work. I did the same thing in Texas. I went to Virginia and unfortunately joined the navy. On another occasion I went to Florida to find work. Where I got hit by a car and was nearly killed. I also got the added bonus of being thouroughly and decisively fucked by the insurance company of the person who caused the accident. When big money is involved, they can come up with some pretty creative reasons to deny coverage.

there is plenty of work for those that will actually do it.

Yeah. If you don't mind sucking dick. But I'll pass on that. Though feel free to do so if you want to. Back in the day, I couldn't even get a job at McDonalds in my home town. Because I didn't have a certificate that showed that I belonged to the capitalist party. And there were many many other people who did have such a certificate. Though at one point, there was a job that I could have applied for that I didn't. They wanted somebody with experience in welding, sheetmetal fabrication, pipefitting, etc. Basically the things I was trained to do as a hull technician in the navy. But they were only offering minimum wage. And not being interested in being a slave, I didn't apply. Now if they had offered a tiny bit better salary, at least for a while, I would have applied.
That is until Michigan Governor Engler ended welfare for single men. Which made many a slumlord unhappy. I and over 80,000 other people were thrown out on the street. I wonder how many of them committed some crime that was a cost to society. And if they were thrown into prison, then the story gets a little more interesting. If I remember right, on welfare I got about $3100.00 a year. To keep a person in prison for a year cost about $25,000.00. On one website, it said that NY pays something around $165,000.00 a year to keep a single person in prison. That's FUCKED!!! The reason most of them were in prison was probably because poverty caused them to commit crimes of some sort. It would probably be cheaper to give all poor males $20,000.00 a year to not commit criminal acts.

That was almost 25 years ago when he started doing that....what did you do between then and now to support yourself?

Maybe more of my life story may be of interest to you. But I have no interest in telling it.
That is until Michigan Governor Engler ended welfare for single men. Which made many a slumlord unhappy. I and over 80,000 other people were thrown out on the street. I wonder how many of them committed some crime that was a cost to society. And if they were thrown into prison, then the story gets a little more interesting. If I remember right, on welfare I got about $3100.00 a year. To keep a person in prison for a year cost about $25,000.00. On one website, it said that NY pays something around $165,000.00 a year to keep a single person in prison. That's FUCKED!!! The reason most of them were in prison was probably because poverty caused them to commit crimes of some sort. It would probably be cheaper to give all poor males $20,000.00 a year to not commit criminal acts.

Are you retarded or handicapped? there is no excuse for a single male to be on welfare unless he is.

Unemployment for nonexistant jobs doesn't happen.

Get a job, loser.
Flipper wants to validated as a parasite.

it is the people who feed off the poor who are the real parasites.
That would be you.

And surprise...before too long, the feds are going to cut your foodstamps too. See the downside to putting EVERYBODY on foodstamps means there isn't enough to go around. That means all the loser men like you who refuse to work and spend their lives freeloading off the government and off the women stupid enough to house you are going to have to participate in a work program, get a job, or get the fuck off foodstamps.

Have fun with that, you worthless ABAWD puke.
Yes, the prison sector is ruled by corruption and prison management insiders make a lot of money by setting up prison service companies and insider contractor deals. This has now grown to the level that the old socialist equation of giving bums a little money to keep them normal is now history. Liberals say that people are "funneled" into the prison system. The USA is 5 % of the world's populations, but has 25 % of all the world's prisoners. The Soviet Union has never dreamt of such high achievement.
McFlip-Dip sounds like a good candidate to join the Occupy Wall Street loons.

That is, if he isn't already a member. ...... :cuckoo:
He's probably holed up in some pathetic woman's house right now, eating food that she gets for her kids, using the computer that was provided to her kids for school, enjoying the roof that she is provided so she can have a place for her kids.

Fucking loser.
McFlip-Dip sounds like a good candidate to join the Occupy Wall Street loons.

That is, if he isn't already a member. ...... :cuckoo:
He's probably holed up in some pathetic woman's house right now, eating food that she gets for her kids, using the computer that was provided to her kids for school, enjoying the roof that she is provided so she can have a place for her kids.

Fucking loser.
Yes. Women have that legislative guarantee. But why do they have to get fat with it?
McFlip-Dip should move to Vermont so he could live with his like minded jobless Bernie commies. ........ :cool:

You don't need to move anywhere to be poor. As for you "suni man," I take it you're a muslim. Things are probably better in this country than the country you or your parents came from. But you would have to be high to think that any American wants your filthy muslim kind here. So you being here makes you a parasite.

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