I Used To Be On Welfare

Fat people should never get welfare. Obviously they have enough to eat.

Maybe that's what you say to yourself to justify stealing food from families on welfare?
No because my cousin can always give me some of those food stamps that he cashes half price in his shop.
that's awesome.

Thanks for admitting you, and your cousin, are felons.
Are you a lawyer, and would you get me out of jail again for a small fee? I guess I could pay you in food stamps. Deal? * joke *
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Flipper wants to validated as a parasite.

it is the people who feed off the poor who are the real parasites.
That would be you.

And surprise...before too long, the feds are going to cut your foodstamps too. See the downside to putting EVERYBODY on foodstamps means there isn't enough to go around. That means all the loser men like you who refuse to work and spend their lives freeloading off the government and off the women stupid enough to house you are going to have to participate in a work program, get a job, or get the fuck off foodstamps.

Have fun with that, you worthless ABAWD puke.

Do you get paid to be a worthless pile of shit? Or is it a service you provide for free. Which is no doubt helped along by your innate greed. But for the sake of society, sharing is a necessity. That is, unless you prefer anarchy. Which may work for cockaroach societies. Even if it does involve eating cockaroach children at times. But it wouldn't work in structured societies like can be found amongst ants, bees and termites.

Just so you know, I would have LOVED it if the government had put me to work. Like people LOVED being put to work building the Boulder Dam back in the great depression. But in our dog eat dog capitalist system, doing such a thing could make some employers desperate for workers. No doubt employers much prefer things as they are now. Where there are hordes of unemployed who will work for just about whatever pittance employers may care to pay.
McFlip-Dip sounds like a good candidate to join the Occupy Wall Street loons.

That is, if he isn't already a member. ...... :cuckoo:

Oh. And having 1% of the population own 99% of the wealth "isn't" looney?
Fat people should never get welfare. Obviously they have enough to eat.

Maybe that's what you say to yourself to justify stealing food from families on welfare?
No because my cousin can always give me some of those food stamps that he cashes half price in his shop.
that's awesome.

Thanks for admitting you, and your cousin, are felons.
Are you a lawyer, and would you get me out of jail again for a small fee? I guess I could pay you in food stamps. Deal?
No, I'm not a lawyer. But you can pay me anyway. Not in foodstamps, though. I have a paypal account...I will private message you the particulars. Go ahead and dump your drug money in there.
Flipper wants to validated as a parasite.

it is the people who feed off the poor who are the real parasites.
That would be you.

And surprise...before too long, the feds are going to cut your foodstamps too. See the downside to putting EVERYBODY on foodstamps means there isn't enough to go around. That means all the loser men like you who refuse to work and spend their lives freeloading off the government and off the women stupid enough to house you are going to have to participate in a work program, get a job, or get the fuck off foodstamps.

Have fun with that, you worthless ABAWD puke.

Do you get paid to be a worthless pile of shit? Or is it a service you provide for free. Which is no doubt helped along by your innate greed. But for the sake of society, sharing is a necessity. That is, unless you prefer anarchy. Which may work for cockaroach societies. Even if it does involve eating cockaroach children at times. But it wouldn't work in structured societies like can be found amongst ants, bees and termites.

Just so you know, I would have LOVED it if the government had put me to work. Like people LOVED being put to work building the Boulder Dam back in the great depression. But in our dog eat dog capitalist system, doing such a thing could make some employers desperate for workers. No doubt employers much prefer things as they are now. Where there are hordes of unemployed who will work for just about whatever pittance employers may care to pay.

Loser. Stop mooching off of women who are on welfare, loser. Get a job, or just kill yourself and do the world a favor.
Fat people should never get welfare. Obviously they have enough to eat.

Maybe that's what you say to yourself to justify stealing food from families on welfare?
No because my cousin can always give me some of those food stamps that he cashes half price in his shop.
that's awesome.

Thanks for admitting you, and your cousin, are felons.
Are you a lawyer, and would you get me out of jail again for a small fee? I guess I could pay you in food stamps. Deal?
No, I'm not a lawyer. But you can pay me anyway. Not in foodstamps, though. I have a paypal account...I will private message you the particulars. Go ahead and dump your drug money in there.
so, what can you do for me? Maybe can you run a few errands then? * joke *.
You don't need to move anywhere to be poor. As for you "suni man," I take it you're a muslim. Things are probably better in this country than the country you or your parents came from. But you would have to be high to think that any American wants your filthy muslim kind here. So you being here makes you a parasite.
Try again nitwit......my parents were born in Missouri and Iowa. ....... :cool:
Maybe that's what you say to yourself to justify stealing food from families on welfare?
No because my cousin can always give me some of those food stamps that he cashes half price in his shop.
that's awesome.

Thanks for admitting you, and your cousin, are felons.
Are you a lawyer, and would you get me out of jail again for a small fee? I guess I could pay you in food stamps. Deal?
No, I'm not a lawyer. But you can pay me anyway. Not in foodstamps, though. I have a paypal account...I will private message you the particulars. Go ahead and dump your drug money in there.
so, what can you do for me? Maybe can you run a few errands then? * joke *.

Send me the money and we'll talk, felon.
You don't need to move anywhere to be poor. As for you "suni man," I take it you're a muslim. Things are probably better in this country than the country you or your parents came from. But you would have to be high to think that any American wants your filthy muslim kind here. So you being here makes you a parasite.
Try again nitwit......my parents were born in Missouri and Iowa. ....... :cool:
So, are you a sleeper cell then?
You don't need to move anywhere to be poor. As for you "suni man," I take it you're a muslim. Things are probably better in this country than the country you or your parents came from. But you would have to be high to think that any American wants your filthy muslim kind here. So you being here makes you a parasite.
Try again nitwit......my parents were born in Missouri and Iowa. ....... :cool:

I don't think you're a parasite, Sunni.

I remain hopeful that you will be saved and be my brother in Christ before you pass from this world!
McFlip-Dip sounds like a good candidate to join the Occupy Wall Street loons.

That is, if he isn't already a member. ...... :cuckoo:

Oh. And having 1% of the population own 99% of the wealth "isn't" looney?

Is that your excuse for mooching off women on welfare and taking food from the mouths of their children?

Take a close look at my avatar and experience the full meaning of it. I have never "mooched" off women. Also, back in the day, I was kicked off welfare. But I still got food stamps. So even if I had mooched off women, and there were plenty who would have liked me to have, I wouldn't have been taking food out of the mouths of children.
No because my cousin can always give me some of those food stamps that he cashes half price in his shop.
that's awesome.

Thanks for admitting you, and your cousin, are felons.
Are you a lawyer, and would you get me out of jail again for a small fee? I guess I could pay you in food stamps. Deal?
No, I'm not a lawyer. But you can pay me anyway. Not in foodstamps, though. I have a paypal account...I will private message you the particulars. Go ahead and dump your drug money in there.
so, what can you do for me? Maybe can you run a few errands then? * joke *.

Send me the money and we'll talk, felon.
I can only do it if my parole officer gets his brother ready.
McFlip-Dip sounds like a good candidate to join the Occupy Wall Street loons.

That is, if he isn't already a member. ...... :cuckoo:

Oh. And having 1% of the population own 99% of the wealth "isn't" looney?

Is that your excuse for mooching off women on welfare and taking food from the mouths of their children?

Take a close look at my avatar and experience the full meaning of it. I have never "mooched" off women. Also, back in the day, I was kicked off welfare. But I still got food stamps. So even if I had mooched off women, and there were plenty who would have liked me to have, I wouldn't have been taking food out of the mouths of children.
Don't worry, koshergirl is only waiting for her next shipment, which is why she is so bitchy today. * joke *
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You don't need to move anywhere to be poor. As for you "suni man," I take it you're a muslim. Things are probably better in this country than the country you or your parents came from. But you would have to be high to think that any American wants your filthy muslim kind here. So you being here makes you a parasite.
Try again nitwit......my parents were born in Missouri and Iowa. ....... :cool:

You are the one with the username, "suni man." That sounds pretty muslim to me. Also, if your parents are muslim too, are they second generation worthless muslim immigrants? Is it your grandparents who shouldn't have come here to begin with? Or are you one of those rare christian traitors who converted to islam. If so, I bet ISIS has a one way job for you.
That is until Michigan Governor Engler ended welfare for single men. Which made many a slumlord unhappy. I and over 80,000 other people were thrown out on the street. I wonder how many of them committed some crime that was a cost to society. And if they were thrown into prison, then the story gets a little more interesting. If I remember right, on welfare I got about $3100.00 a year. To keep a person in prison for a year cost about $25,000.00. On one website, it said that NY pays something around $165,000.00 a year to keep a single person in prison. That's FUCKED!!! The reason most of them were in prison was probably because poverty caused them to commit crimes of some sort. It would probably be cheaper to give all poor males $20,000.00 a year to not commit criminal acts.

Are you retarded or handicapped? there is no excuse for a single male to be on welfare unless he is.

Totally agreed with doc dog. $3100 a year is less than $9 per day. You can't live on that anyway. You could dig through dumpsters and make more off the scrap metal you find and at least feel good about yourself.

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